HCwDB in the News
Your humble narrator is slowing things down for the next few days. Because it’s vaca time for the DB1.
The third week of my show, Is She Really Going Out With Him?, is wrapping up on MTV, with 12 original eps having aired so far. The response has been great, all the craziness and creative battles were worth it. Not everything from HCwDB could carry over, but I have a show I’m really proud of. A show that’s silly and playful, and mocking the douches as they deserve to be mocked.
In other HCwDB news, my book has officially been optioned, and I’m hard at work this summer writing the script. While the show plays with real world couples, the movie version of HCwDB will be the journey of the book. My journey. And will have lots of boobies and Ass Pear.
But this weekend?
This weekend is for sitting back and doing jack-all squat. Scratching myself in inappropriate places. Rubbing my hairy-ass belly. Drinking cheap wines and consuming way too many calories of chemical Hostess goodness.
In other words, it’s just like every other week.