HCwDB of the Week: Gunny
With a four pic run of taint (2, 3 and 4), The Gun Show and assorted Party Hotts took down a strong contender in Cornbread the Destroyer to take the prize.
MoeDouche: This is an easy one. Gunny FTW! This DB makes my blood boil every time I see his pictures. For his mocking pose’, his 1-finger salute, and his toy gun is just so over the top that I am in disbelief that such a DB really walks among his own kind. He tops it off with two hotties on each arm. GRRRR! Yeah, Gunny you deserve the win, you POS.
Anonymous: Gunny FTW. His group home needs to quit taking field trips to the club.
Douche Bigalow: Gunny- He’s Dom Deluise’s long dead penis.
Double O Douche: Gunny FTW because he shows us that even tards can be bags and tarded bags can score hotchicks hence no matter what your problem is you can pull ass just by being a douche..Thank you gunn
Douchemockracy: Gunny FTW. That belt just screams: “Look at me ye mighty and despair, for I AM DOUCHE”.
Indiana Choad and the Temple of Douche: Gotta go with Gunny. Cornbread and Teddy are standardbred douches, but the toy gun belt buckle takes gunny over the top.
Dr. Howie Feltersnatch: It is my professional opinion that Gunny exudes the highest level of the Grieco strain.
Chris in ‘Baghdad: Lots of choadwankery going on in this weekly, but I choose Gunny. His prematurely receding hairline fauxhawk, and low double digit IQ leer, put him just a nose ahead of the pack for me.
Morgan: Gunny all the way. The hottie/douchie ratio in Gunny 2 is downright criminal.
Et Tu Douche?: The love gun belt is a calculated fashion statement that back fires (no pun intended) that says I’m an idiot look at me and my self esteem issues with my lack of manhood.
Anonymous: Gunny looks like the offspring of Howdy Doody and Ed Grimley. Maybe it’s wrong to select a mentally challenged person for HCWDBOTW, but then again, maybe it’s a sign of progress. Gunny FTW
Colussus of Choads: I would like to vote for Gunny. Simply because he looks like a f@cking dickhead. Thanks.
Well evicerated all-around, team, but I must say that Gunny’s ladies are not getting their due. Sure they’re not model-hott, but each and every one offers merit. Still, nice to see everyone bringing the a-game mock. Good work.
Coming in a solid and close second was Cornbread the Destroyer and his Persian Princess:
Don’t ‘bag me, bro: Cornbread. He does believe he is God’s gift to douchebaggery, and he is correct in that assumption. Well played, Corbread. Well played.
Captain Bringdown: From this vile and putrid concoction of testosterone, scrambled DNA, and silicone, the ultimate tipping point becomes “Hott least likely to OD on the contents of my medicine cabinet,” and that sends my vote to: Cornbread the Destroyer.
Erin: Cornbread bread wins, because a denim hat without denim pants, a denim shirt and denim vest is a huge faux pas.
Jean Claude Van Douche: Cornbread the Destroyer procures the win and by win I mean he gloms the magic crystal from Teddy Tatt’s massive watch, he rescues Princess Jehnna from her wierd balding uncle Gunny, and to celebrate he motorboats not the royal boobs, but instead plays ‘sit and spin’ with his magic horn.
And even Teddy Tatt, with his wine drinking tips, found support:
Hot Buttered Poopcorn: Teddy Tatt seems to have an unfinished sketch of a cartoon monster on his chest though. The cartoon scrawlings of what I assume he thinks is ‘bad-ass’ coupled with the pink shrouded boobs on his hott tell me that TT deserves this win. While he wins, we all lose.
Trisha: But Teddy…he has no idea that he is the scum of the earth and single-handedly responsible for the destruction of the world. The glass of white zin is the proof. Plus, his arm candy is the candiest. Teddy, ftw. Dammit…
Seargent Scrote Stain: Teddy thinks he is “classy.” Teddy thinks he has a “beautiful” baby momma. And Teddy probably even thinks he’s a good person. There’s only one problem Teddy, we know that you are in fact a giant twat. You are not classy, you are redneck knucle tatt uber scrote. Your baby momma has the clap, and despite your thoughts otherwise, you are a parasite leeched to the balls of modern society.
The Douche Slayer: I’m voting for Teddy Tatt & Maggie because you have to be a serious scrote to sport wine that probably tastes like raspberry grapefruit that’s been rotting in your fridge for the past four years.
Props for the always appreciated The Thing reference, M.D.
But the everpresent Anonymous takes us home, explaining why Gunny is a worthy winner (loser):
Gunny wins easily. While some may not like to consider multiple picks from the same douche when making their choice, I disagree. You see, Gunny is a douche no matter where he goes. In between Crazy Eyes and Tiny Blonde – check, he’s a douche. Being a douche while pointing at large fun bags – check. Giving “the shocker” while standing in between two hotts who have extensive experience with the aforementioned shocker – a-douche-a-rooni. Looking like a f@cking retard while standing next to a pleasant looking brunette – douche-tastic! Oh yeah, and that belt makes me want to cry.
Damn straight, Anon, well said. Chalk up Gunny and the Party Girls as the final slot in the Monthly on Monday. And it will be a tough fight to earn that slot in the HCwDB of the Year at the Douchie Awards in December.