Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ask DB1: Is Pink Autoscrote?


I have been a solid follower of the site from the Great White North and approve wholeheartedly of your seemingly futile attempt to eradicate the douche or at the very least eradicate the hott’s association with scrote.

I must extend a query related to the pink shirt on a dude. For years now I have railed against this practice based solely on the traditional belief that it is a color reserved for the fairer sex.

I personally believe it to be on the same level as so many other douche qualities. Like super-quaffed hair or excessive jewelry and anything else that is basically taking a traditional female approach to garments and grooming and wrongly applying to the male realm.


Bilbo Baggins


As with cars and tatts, I refuse to condemn an entire color to the realm of auto-scrote. I also think it’s reductive to claim that color should be determined by socially imposed gender binaries. If we buy into society’s determinant that “pink=girl” and “blue=boy,” are we not letting the very dictates of culture determine what we wear in the same way Ed Hardy overcharges for feces stained t-shirts?

That being said, Pinky McShave here makes a strong argument as he and his “boyz” mug Tiny Dancer on the dance floor.

I turn it over to you. What say you? Are pink clothes on a guy automatically scrotey? Or should we refrain from the douchal condemnation of an entire color on the wavelength spectrum?

# posted by douchebag1

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