Ask DB1: Why So Few Red Hotts?
Being the faithful reader that I am, I’ve noticed that there are very VERY few redheaded hotts that show up in the HCwDB scrotiverse.
Do douchebags inherently fear redheads? is there something in the scarlet hottness that works as a natural douchebag repellent?
Are redheads simply immune to the Bleethification factor that so commonly infects blondes, and my favorite – brunettes?
Help us DB1, you’re our only hope.
Scarlett Bro’hansen
You are correct, Scarlett B, and the answer has to do with the competition of spectacle. The Red Hott inherently stands out from a crowd of the boobie hottie woo-hotties, and therefore competes with the douchescrote’s need to peacock.
Inversion of the gaze requires the male spectacle to seek female generi-hotts so as not to shatter the construct. And by construct, I mean I would whipcream her kneecaps then cry softly to sleep in the pantry.