Friday Haiku
Hail Hail Xenu! King,
Of Science of Scrotology,
Tom Cruise worships you.
Fizzgig does not like
Skeksis groping his Kira,
Xenu cracks crystal.
— Jean Claude Van Douche
Sadness fell like a,
Mist of melancholy rain,
As Jenny touched Sludge.
— “Lesbian Thermos” Ernie Tubesock
Carmen Electra
Did Xenu steal your implants
To widen his gut?
— J-Pompous
Beach Troll’s brother Ted
has a double-toned hair-do
done by the Hair God.
— Hot Buttered Poopcorn
Who’s responsible
For dipping Ron Jeremy
In a vat of Nair?
— DarkSock
HŌØ!!! Ørãñgė Mmëat Mán?!?/
ŠNÅp iñtö ā THÏÇK JÏM!!)!! HHAÆrPH!!!$!!
— ŁLâMMAh:,/