Friday Thoughts and Links
So what do we make of the Pincushion Twins?
Working for the Weekend. Tackling Long Island Tramphotts on the beach for a picture.
As I reflect on our culture on this Friday afternoon, my thoughts drift to human sexuality.
So often we deny the influences of our culture, our media, our peers, our music, all plays on telling us who we should want to boink with our winkydinks.
We believe we make choices free of influence, while billions generate on our desire to transform ourselves into the one everyone wants to hiney sniff. We flatter ourselves. While the structure profits off our blinders.
But then I remind myself that God didn’t have to invent alcohol. So I got that going for me. Hey Llama, how about a little something for the effort?
Here’s your Friday Links:
What an asshat!
Celebrity HCwDB of the Week: Micky Rourke and Anonymous Hott Model
Douche Pants? $10,000. Moral bankruptcy of the soul? Priceless.
The original John Hughes short story, Vacation ’58, that became the movie. Genius.
I can think of one blog that definitely should not become a TV show. It’s like reading the castrated carcass of the nutsack of satire.
Burning Man. Creative and liberating artistic expression? Or douches by another name?
Temporary Knuckle Tatts offend on so many levels, the Baby Jesus just punched the Baby Buddha in the nuts.
And of course, because I care, HCwDB Celeb hott Marissa Miller Ass Pear.
Go forth, friends. Go forth and liberate the mind. And get some.