Thursday, September 3, 2009

    Ask DB1: What about a “Regional Leniency Rule”?

    Hey DB1,

    When I was in university a year back, one of my floor-mates in my residence was a guy from Argentina.

    He was a decent guy to talk to, and seemed generally non-douchey.

    However, some recent photos of him surfaced since he returned back home in Buenos Aries after he graduated. Now, he’s become more douchey, about a stage 3 clubdouche (he has major douche aura – his scarf baggery enrages me to the point of shoving an acorn up a monkey’s butt). The problem that I have, DB1, is that Buenos Aries is a very sexy city, so naturally a lot of Euro/Non-North American bags who party there acclimatize to that environment.

    Is there such thing as a regional leniency rule? I realize that New Jersey is unforgivable, but can those who live in exotic foreign cities be an exception? I know the guy was a decent fellow, yet his image repulses me. Does a douche’s image outweigh his genuine personality?

    – Musicman


    No. There is no regional leniency granted, but there is cultural variance that must be accounted for. However we must not confuse variance with forgiveness.

    Identifying douchal permutation, especially in a place like Buenos Aires, requires us to recalibrate our signifiers, but to still tag “douche” where we find it. Your friend is loaf choad.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, September 3, 2009

    Ask DB1: What about a "Regional Leniency Rule"?

    Hey DB1,

    When I was in university a year back, one of my floor-mates in my residence was a guy from Argentina.

    He was a decent guy to talk to, and seemed generally non-douchey.

    However, some recent photos of him surfaced since he returned back home in Buenos Aries after he graduated. Now, he’s become more douchey, about a stage 3 clubdouche (he has major douche aura – his scarf baggery enrages me to the point of shoving an acorn up a monkey’s butt). The problem that I have, DB1, is that Buenos Aries is a very sexy city, so naturally a lot of Euro/Non-North American bags who party there acclimatize to that environment.

    Is there such thing as a regional leniency rule? I realize that New Jersey is unforgivable, but can those who live in exotic foreign cities be an exception? I know the guy was a decent fellow, yet his image repulses me. Does a douche’s image outweigh his genuine personality?

    – Musicman


    No. There is no regional leniency granted, but there is cultural variance that must be accounted for. However we must not confuse variance with forgiveness.

    Identifying douchal permutation, especially in a place like Buenos Aires, requires us to recalibrate our signifiers, but to still tag “douche” where we find it. Your friend is loaf choad.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, September 3, 2009

    Corey’s Jerz Tag


    I’m a huge fan of the site and thought maybe you’d put this photo up! I was chilling along the Jersey shore with some friends and this dbag somehow found his way into our group. I was not pleased…apparently he was hooking up with one of my friends without me knowing.

    Keep up the great work! And let me know if you can put up the pic…that douche is definitely worthy grrr… lol ok talk to you later!
    – Corey


    Nice tag Corey, albeit a brief and vague email as to the circumstnaces of the vent. As to this douche you’ve tagged, I thought he was pretty funny in Failure to Launch.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, September 3, 2009

    Corey's Jerz Tag


    I’m a huge fan of the site and thought maybe you’d put this photo up! I was chilling along the Jersey shore with some friends and this dbag somehow found his way into our group. I was not pleased…apparently he was hooking up with one of my friends without me knowing.

    Keep up the great work! And let me know if you can put up the pic…that douche is definitely worthy grrr… lol ok talk to you later!
    – Corey


    Nice tag Corey, albeit a brief and vague email as to the circumstnaces of the vent. As to this douche you’ve tagged, I thought he was pretty funny in Failure to Launch.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, September 3, 2009

    Anthony Peedis

    That’s right Blue Balled Chili Pooper.

    Under the bling I found, well, more bling. And stupid hand gesture.

    As to the little doe eyed and frail-hott Dina, I would tuck you into bed while shouting obscenities in Gaelic and dressed as a French dock worker. Then I would slowly massage your toes. With melted Altoids. And brill cream.

    And a small Guatemalan assistant named Pedro. To help with the cleanup.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, September 3, 2009

    The Beach Troll ‘Bag


    I woke up this morning feeling pretty good.

    First I dusted the ash from the veranda. Then I fed the tree frogs, watered the azaleas and salted the snails.

    I drove into town and picked up some trail mix for this afternoon’s spelunking adventure in the caves of Androzani.

    But then I see this.

    Beach Troll Poo rubbing up on a ice-cream cherry sundae lollipop snozzberry delight.

    And a rule comes to me that is as obvious as the Zoroastrian is devoted:

    If you blowdry up your hair to go to the freaking beach, you’re a douche. End of discussion.

    Now I’m gettin’ a coffee.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, September 3, 2009

    The Beach Troll 'Bag


    I woke up this morning feeling pretty good.

    First I dusted the ash from the veranda. Then I fed the tree frogs, watered the azaleas and salted the snails.

    I drove into town and picked up some trail mix for this afternoon’s spelunking adventure in the caves of Androzani.

    But then I see this.

    Beach Troll Poo rubbing up on a ice-cream cherry sundae lollipop snozzberry delight.

    And a rule comes to me that is as obvious as the Zoroastrian is devoted:

    If you blowdry up your hair to go to the freaking beach, you’re a douche. End of discussion.

    Now I’m gettin’ a coffee.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, September 2, 2009

    Ask DB1: Why So Few Red Hotts?


    Being the faithful reader that I am, I’ve noticed that there are very VERY few redheaded hotts that show up in the HCwDB scrotiverse.

    Do douchebags inherently fear redheads? is there something in the scarlet hottness that works as a natural douchebag repellent?

    Are redheads simply immune to the Bleethification factor that so commonly infects blondes, and my favorite – brunettes?

    Help us DB1, you’re our only hope.

    Scarlett Bro’hansen


    You are correct, Scarlett B, and the answer has to do with the competition of spectacle. The Red Hott inherently stands out from a crowd of the boobie hottie woo-hotties, and therefore competes with the douchescrote’s need to peacock.

    Inversion of the gaze requires the male spectacle to seek female generi-hotts so as not to shatter the construct. And by construct, I mean I would whipcream her kneecaps then cry softly to sleep in the pantry.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, September 2, 2009

    Reader Mail: The Miami Beach ‘Bag


    I give you the prototypical South Beach douche. Like most South Beach scrotes, he isn’t from South Beach or even South Florida. He regularly pops bottles at the club, preferably a flavored Vodka.

    The sad part is this prime example of the South Beach douche is constantly surrounded by Miami hotties. The world is rotten at its core.

    If Long Island is Mecca, Miami is the equivalent of Dubai. Glitzy, sparkly, and douchey.

    -J. Alfred Prufcock


    But on the bright side, Miami rhymes with “Rye hammy.”

    Mmm… rye hammy. The DB1 is hungry.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, September 2, 2009

    Reader Mail: The Miami Beach 'Bag


    I give you the prototypical South Beach douche. Like most South Beach scrotes, he isn’t from South Beach or even South Florida. He regularly pops bottles at the club, preferably a flavored Vodka.

    The sad part is this prime example of the South Beach douche is constantly surrounded by Miami hotties. The world is rotten at its core.

    If Long Island is Mecca, Miami is the equivalent of Dubai. Glitzy, sparkly, and douchey.

    -J. Alfred Prufcock


    But on the bright side, Miami rhymes with “Rye hammy.”

    Mmm… rye hammy. The DB1 is hungry.

    # posted by douchebag1
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