Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Thoughts and Links

This gaggle of tainted turd just cured my constipation.

It’s a rainy, chilly Friday here in Los Angeles. David Lynch hasn’t done the weather reports lately, so instead, you’ll get it from your humble narrator.

My butt heads to San Francisco on Wednesday for five days.

Five days of hipsterbag mocking and late night S.F. art hottie hitting upons. Good times will be had. Tasty chocolate Hostess Cupcakes will be consumed.
And the lamb lies down on Broadway.

Here’s your links:

Your humble narrator isn’t just on Twitter, I’m all Twitpicin now too.

One of the Miami douches we feature in season #2 of Is She Really Going Out With Him? takes to YouTube to attempt to preemptively blunt the show’s revelations that he’s a scrotewad. Keep diggin’, King Scrotecles.

He’s Just a Regular Everyday Normal Guy. His sexual performances are average.

As we always knew, the scale of the entire universe is defined by Ubiquitous Red Cup. (click PLAY then scale to find the URC).

In Oregon, they like their beavers orange.

I know we’re not there yet, but how’s about a sneak peak of some Orange Guidette Ass Pear?

Ed Hardy continues to dump steaming loads on our culture.

Christina Hendricks goes Librarian Boobie Hottie Suckle Thigh.

A little retro ‘baggery: The late, great Andy Kaufman turns into “Latka the Playboy” on Taxi.

I don’t know what Foresquare is, but it has a douche problem.

American Apparel earns permanent nottadouche status for running a global ass pear contest.

Okay. After that last link, it’s probably anti-climaxtic. But you’ve had a tough week mocking choad and hott lusting. Here you go… you’ve earned it:

Self Peartrait.

Go forth. Go forth and spread the gospel of hottie/douchey mock. For life is short. And soon you’ll have a kid.

# posted by douchebag1

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