Friday Haiku
Greasy Rockerbag,
Spins grope wheel on double hotts,
“Left chin pubes on green.”
No reader updates,
DB1 is at airport,
JetBlue wifi fail.
I see a Bleeth girl
Already in position
For peeing in butt
– Mr. White
Saturday updates:
Wholesome flesh pretzel
Salted with Axe and Grey Goose…
Now, not gnawable.
– fidouchiary responsibility
Its twisted Twister
As a Douche gropes his sister
Next pic he kissed her!
— Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt
Douche with stringy hair
Thinks he has hit the jackpot
Taint begs to differ
— Fyodor Dostedouchesky
Doctor Wankenstein
Does what others only think:
*Her* face with *Her* ass
— saulgoode42
Tangled, twisted mess
of grease, sweat, and firm round ass
baking in the sun.
— Bagnonymous
When this bunch gets through,
It will redefine this game.
Henceforth, called Blister.
— scrotum pole
This not the best time
for starting up a new game
of Chutes and Bladders.
— Wheezer
Arms and legs flail.
See-through shorts begin to droop.
Get me a hot dog.
— Claude Douchenburg
Backyard astro turf?
That damn sure ain’t Greg Brady.
Go sick ’em, Tiger!
Hotts hard to make out.
But one thing is for certain –
Mat will need scrubbing.
-Amerigo Vesdouchey
Left hand on crap tat
Right foot on greasy Axe spot
Dignity can’t play
I see a Bleeth girl
Already in position
For peeing in butt
Doggie bag, Trainwreck
All-in-one douche spectacle
Confuses my cockk
Is brunette missing
a leg? Or is this the famed
two-torsoed Jerz bleeth?
A Gordian knot
of douche and possible hotts.
Use a machete.
I’d play right hand blonde,
left hand brunette, and my foot
halfway up his ass.
Wholesome flesh pretzel
Salted with Axe and Grey Goose…
Now, not gnawable.
Its twisted Twister
As a Douche gropes his sister
Next pic he kissed her!
Douche with stringy hair
Thinks he has hit the jackpot
Taint begs to differ
What has six legs and
twice as many diseases?
This hot mess, that’s what.
@ Mr. White, 6:58am:
That’s the rarely-seen
and yet strangely hott “Double-
Headed Centaur Bleeth.”
Pervy Manson-type
Stalks up on playful, young teens
Fun and games end bad.
OK, Where the fuc
Is my Icon?? Had it here…
Now its gone again?
What you mean, Twist her?
I didn’t even kiss her.
Right nut on blister.
It was all fun and
Games until the next twister
Dropped a cow on them.
Doctor Wankenstein
Does what others only think:
*Her* face with *Her* ass
Too bad this centaur
doesn’t have horns to use for
brutal douche goring.
Fresno Olympics:
Twister on Astroturf with
Douchebag referee
Blonde’s left hand on green,
Dead douchebag on astro turf.
Brunette on my face.
Tangled, twisted mess
of grease, sweat, and firm round ass
baking in the sun.
Dave Navarro wants
Only the best in his new
Band, Jane’s Infection
Left leg on red rash
Right hand on genital wart
This game’s kind of gross
Spiiiiiiiiin! Right foot on green.
Spiiiiiin! Left hand on asspear. Spiiiiiiiin!
Douchebag on fire.
Cinderblock wall masks
Summer fun at trailer
Wall needs locks, barb wire
Left foot on green poop
Right hand on tight Bleeth rear end
Photog pukes in shirt
After all the fun,
Sadly, the board will be used,
As a tablecloth.
That would be trailer
PARK! Damn sticky mouse fucced my
poetic license.
Very funny stuff
Mr White 7-2-1
Haiku for the win
Plastic Twister mat,
A foot fungus breedin ground.
Lysol won’t touch it.
When this bunch gets through,
It will redefine this game.
Henceforth, called Blister.
If you’ve never seen
A pile of greasy fail
Take a good look, son
Kid’s birthday party.
Dad showed up drunk with no gift.
It’s all about him.
The game, though boring
Was made more challenging when
Brunette Bleeth farted
Hey, where’s the spin dial?
Maybe using plastic mat
so grease won’t kill ‘turf?
It was the best day
Of his life. Two chicks. Beer. Weed.
And then he sharted.
Left hand on yellow
Tire iron on choad’s head
That’s the way we play
The game of Twister
For the scrotes and bleeths for whom
Checkers is too hard
Grope on left boobie,
squeeze right ass cheek, pull down skirt
and I’m in Heaven
This is what I get
for waking up late today:
a crappy haiku.
Could this be Hades?
Where grass won’t grow and a douche
gets in WAAY too close?
When they devised this,
Hasbro hadn’t envisioned
need for greaseproof mat.
Changed my name to red
With link to my pic, but pic
is not here?? And Why??
Summer fun and drugs
results in these strange symptoms:
spots, hotts, rocker rot.
(I’m not feelin’ it this morning…..)
Artifical turf.
Fake boobs and smiles. Only
The Fail is real.
It’s almost tax day!
Everyone have theirs done yet?
I’m getting gang raped…
Franklin DealorNo
Is the latest casualty
Of WordPress syndrome.
Side game called “Blister”:
Spin the dial, choose affliction,
up pops live pustule.
Those aren’t green dots.
Those are holes where the filthy
has burned through plastic.
This can only lead
To Trouble. And then Yahtzee.
Or maybe U-No.
Red rash to red 3
His Big-Ass boil to blue 4
I’m gonna be sick
Stick to one topic
Yer either being gang raped
Or playing Twister
Wait…same thing apparently.
So Parker Broheims
came up with Fratbag board game:
Paddleball For Men
I suck ass today
I wish it were white ‘kini’s –
I’ll wait for Ass Pear.
Anchor-chin shades douche
Positions for doggy style
Looks like doggy poo
@ Wheezer:
Don’t get yourself down
I thought 7:56
was sick and funny.
Brady Bunch front lawn
here’s a story about a
douchebag twister game
This pic’s from oh-four:
Johnny Damon of Red Sox
goes up the middle.
I would “kick one off”
onto that Astroturf if
blondie held that pose.
This not the best time
for starting up a new game
of Chutes and Bladders.
Lively adult games
prove that there ain’t no cure for
the Summertime Douche
Hotts like Spirograph,
but grease bag instead offered
to play Spirochete.
The game choice came to
Twister or Charades. They chose
To combine with ‘Grease’.
With this Slip ‘n Slide
no water is needed – just
one slimy scrotesack.
Right hand: My johnson
“I think the spinner’s broken!”
Left hand: My johnson
Party Hard, faded.
Andrew W.K. now
Works as Twister ref.
This is what happens
When two people try to mount
Human Sybian.
Sally and Arthur
Just figured out the game read
“Twister,” not “Fist Her.”
Left hand holds red cup,
want hotts to use right hands to
massage my blue balls.
Minka and Jose
Play game trying to remove
The Shroud of Turd-In.
This is not a game
They are linked together with
Ben-Wa Balls and glue.
HA! Got that fuccen
icon! Thanks for tip, Steve L
I’m WordPress Guru?
The doctor’s assist
Kate Gosselin as she shats forth
Her ninth lil’ retard.
Doggie style on grass
Ends in hospital visit.
Grass melted to shins.
No haiku postings
From the peanut gallery.
Will to live is gone…
Congrats Mr. White!
Only haiku managed to
copy through iPhone.
– management
JetBlue? No, JetBlew.
Or JetPoo. Don’t fly unless…..
hott flight attendants?
Thanks, DB1 man.
Today, I rule the fuccen
‘net with bad pee jokes.
Here’s a Celtic Knot
that makes grizzled Irishmen
cry in their Guinness
Best Haikus Ever
Mr. White wins the big prize:
Must join Twister game!
Red spots remind me
of swollen, prolapsed assholes
Blondie shows us hers.
Arms and legs flail.
See-through shorts begin to droop.
Get me a hot dog.
Green nylon grass lawn.
Spinner grabs his camera.
Butter flies not margerine.
This my third Haiku.
Can’t stop thinking bout pink butt.
Scuse me while I pee.
Douchebag imagines
Twisted Sister reunion;
You’re doing it wrong.
Filthy ape entertains two
local whores
wow, just wow
Wait, Scroberto, wait!
Haiku’s are 5,7,5
Yours is just fucced up
The game of “Twister”
Easier than game of “Life”
For dirty douche hive.
Is the green grass real?
Only as real as my love
For this gross trio.
Blonde’s left hand on green
Hott brunette’s left leg on red
Choad on I.E.D.
Dr. Douchie ‘Bag
Enamored of Medusa
Her pee s’butt longs for
when the dial does read
put your hand in blondes buttcrack
I am the winner
rocker has new game
stack broads on lazy suzanne
spin to find wet spot
something about this
pic is twisted. but i can’t
put my hand on it.
i can only see
mutilated suckle thigh.
creepy gruesome shit.