Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mohawk Guy Plays With His Goose

It is not your peepee, Hawkman. Stop playing with it.

And I see you too, bashful Maura Tierney brunette with your bloody mary and your minimal sexual partner history.

Your career as a pastry chef at the Radisson is very promising. So I support your need to let loose tonight. But if you makeout with Hawkman, I’m gonna delete all the Grey’s Anatomy off your TiVo.

And then what will you do when eating ice-cream at 11pm?

# posted by douchebag1
2:00 pm April, 6 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Unbeknownst to the crowd the rabid tribble was about to chew all of their faces off. Go tribble go!

2:01 pm April, 6 Mr. Bagoo said...

After a blessed time spent breathing fresh, crisp air, and being away from the blessing/curse that is internet connectivity … I am pleased to see the new frame around the toxic picture that is today’s douche culture.

And please kill the Hawkman.

2:10 pm April, 6 clam fist said...

The blurred lighting gives the impression that they are in some kind of douche vortex.

2:20 pm April, 6 Crucial Head said...

Marcia’s found that her recent hand replacement with a Krull Glaive had its advantages whenever an awkward moment of silence threatened to sour the mood.

2:24 pm April, 6 Pirata said...

Brunet at back is a porn star, for real.

2:47 pm April, 6 Ed Hardouche said...

Black bow, black bow, accentuating pure hair. Please remember that you have jagged sharp teeth before you come up for air.

3:17 pm April, 6 End the Haberdouchery said...

Awesome look, chica in the back. I’ve never seen anyone pull off Amy Winehouse makeup and a tiara before.

3:23 pm April, 6 scrotum pole said...

The patrons gathered around the monitor to view the video taken during Hawkman’s colonoscopy.

Blondie let out a laugh when they got to the part where the long lost butt-plug came into view.

3:25 pm April, 6 Medusa Oblongata said...

Holy shit, the one on the right is…..is…..


3:29 pm April, 6 scrotum pole said...

@ Pirata 2:24

Boy, was I ever wrong.

With that crown adorning her head, I figured she was the Princess of Malta.

3:36 pm April, 6 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

“OK now go back there where that guy is peeing in the horse. I want to get a shot of you drinking his urine out of its asshole.”

3:38 pm April, 6 Mr. White said...

I loves me some Maura Tierney, especially NewsRadio-era Tierney. I just wanted to throw that out there.

3:42 pm April, 6 Soy Bomb said...

I wonder how far Hawkman’s head would travel if a fully-in-his-prime-‘roided up Barry Bonds took a healthy hack at it? Or would skin, bone, muscle and sinew still keep it partially and hilariously sort-of-attached to his still quivering remains?


Sigh. I’m resigned to the fact that I probably won’t find out until the day I meet my maker.

3:52 pm April, 6 El Caganer said...

She looks like my teller at the bank.

3:54 pm April, 6 El Caganer said...

^the chick in the black tank top.

I always wanted to use her night deposit.

4:24 pm April, 6 superkaratemonkeydeathcar said...

@Mr. White, 3:38:I also crazily am, falls in love with Maura Tierney and her execution fully sex appeal mix and the impolite word strangely. She’ Great s! What and is famous is Tierney’ Bar; s

4:24 pm April, 6 Douchie Howser M.D. said...

The $30K millionaires will soon, in droves, begin being diagnosed with Drowning in Overpriced Useless Crap from Hedonistic Egotism Syndrome (known more commonly as DOUCHE Syndrome).

When it happens, and DOUCHE Syndrome sufferers are forced to face the fact that repaying their massive, Las Vegas VIP-room related debt will require wealth acquired from lines of work generally requiring tattoos on less than 90% of one’s body, my newly minted medical profession will be flourish:


5:11 pm April, 6 Vin Douchal said...


Can anyone explain how to sign in and get to the forums to post , please?

7:05 pm April, 6 DarkSock said...

As the astounded patrons looked on Stackhouse clenched the 2010 Berlin scatmunch with one final gulp.

7:09 pm April, 6 Whoop-di-douche said...

I do not understand why twerps with blond mohawks like to edge that over-grown lawn of theirs with brown trim ordered from the Plow and Hearth catalogue…but they do.

7:15 pm April, 6 doucheywallnuts said...

C’mon, this is a still photo from the set of Roger Corman’s or George Romero’s latest zombie movie, isn’t it?

8:30 pm April, 6 Maxim Kovalenko said...

I wonder what the hell they’re all looking at, ’cause it sure isn’t the camera. Did one of their fellow bags collapse in an Axe/Grey Goose induced coma on the floor?

10:36 pm April, 6 Baleen said...

Douche in the back looks like the Lobster Boy all grown up. Either that or his mom smoked crack while she was pregnant.

11:42 pm April, 6 Steve L. said...

will Hawkman play with his goose if (when) his goose is cooked?

… sorry.

6:49 am April, 7 Deltus said...

Taking away her Grey’s would be a very harsh lesson, db1. However, it might be what’s required to learn her.

10:38 am April, 7 cartago said...

the brunette girl on the back is a porn star her name is Britney Stevens , her sister is a porn star too (Whitney) they do incest movies too :S

11:13 am April, 7 GCA said...

The blond is telling Maura “On my count of three, RUN!!!”

1:46 pm April, 7 Horrid Crap said...

classic commentary

that one was on point

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