Thursday, April 1, 2010
Karen's Ear Wax Problem
This new douche run Ear Cleaning Business is really taking off.
First Cindy.
Now Karen.
Thursday, April 1, 2010The Abs of Boe
Looks like the Barely Legal Giggle Hotties of Kappa Kappa Woo have found the Face of Boe’s abs, missing for four billion years.
Yeah, that’s right, fellow ‘bag hunters.
Doctor Who references.
Thursday, April 1, 2010Miami Bohunks
Still hitting on delightful gnaw shoulders like Maria here.
Still multiplying like rabbits.
Thursday, April 1, 2010Ask DB1: Whither the Pucker?
After three years of browsing your virtual playground of douche-nozzles, one overwhelmingly perplexing question remains: why do bag and bleeth alike pucker their lips when posing for what will soon become yet another passing memory in the Hall of Scrote?
Most sincerely,
It is a psychoanalytic response to the presentation of the collective gaze in the form of the signifier of the technological.
In other words, when confronted with the alienation of the digital image capture of the self, the body must contort to become virtual spectacle.
Without contortion, the body cannot exist in the medium of the new representations.
And also, these morons think the chicks dig it.
Thursday, April 1, 2010Ramon is Nottadouche
Normally we’d tag Ramon as an autobag for the hair gel alone, not to mention the Ed Hardy scrote-shorts.
But other factors are at play.
No tatts.
No douche-face.
No obnoxious hang gestures as he rubs up on the sweet, unBleethed innocent hott, Kristen.
I’m giving Ramon a nottadouche and a go in peace. He just isn’t that douchey.