Thursday, April 1, 2010
Ramon is Nottadouche
Normally we’d tag Ramon as an autobag for the hair gel alone, not to mention the Ed Hardy scrote-shorts.
But other factors are at play.
No tatts.
No douche-face.
No obnoxious hang gestures as he rubs up on the sweet, unBleethed innocent hott, Kristen.
I’m giving Ramon a nottadouche and a go in peace. He just isn’t that douchey.
Heh heh…..must be another "site malfunction" in the text…..
April Fools!!
trying to think of something clever to say, but all i can think of is….nice rack!
Nice DB1. Got me.
Tough call, boss. The orange tan, Ed Hardy, jerz blowout, and Vegas poolside petri dish indicate otherwise. This scrote is definitely on the wrong path. I'm a little less lenient. I say stage 1.
Oh, and sideboob…mmm.
Fuck! I fell hook, line, and sinker!
We've seen this guy before, on the National Geographic channel.
This chick's body is bangin' but she looks like she got hit with the same skillet that bashed in this dork's face
The "unBleethed" comment was the giveaway….
You got me!
I was about to go off on dude's ridiculous double tank tops. WTF!
"UnBleethed innocent hott"…
Yeah, you got me!
While Kristen is most certainly hott, at least from the neck down- she is nott unBleethed nor innocent.
And let's face it, that lack of innocence is one of the things that we like about her.
She is a Texas Longhorns fan, obviously.
And Ramon is an April fool.
I was mentally composing my stern rebuke of DB1, when I came to 'slipper slope' and hair gel.
It was then I knew. Like in Cool Hand Luke: "I'm shakin', Boss, I'm shakin'. I got my mind right, too!"
ps Baleen, maybe you better stay on the porch…
I forgot it was April Fools Day and just assumed Ramon had pics of DB1 in compromising positions.
I'll bet her tooter looks like a racoon's infected eye socket.
I'll bet his ass looks like a Japanese flag.
ps Douch-ble, mock not your fellow baghunters, even those who tender the porch meat. Cockk.
Boss, you had me until "unbleethed innocent hott." That's about when I shat myself.
No really, no joke–I did, in fact, shit myself. All this low-grade office coffee brings on wicked incontinence, yo.
PS. If you chop off this bleeth's head (and something tells me she wouldn't miss it, really) she strongly resembles Carly Hott from the HOH. Or so I remember.. damn site update has all the HOH links dead. What if I need to fwap today?
Baleen, I thought about the 'etiquette' of commenting directly about you before I posted.
You know what the rules are? There are no rules.
Get some!
I just shit myself laughing at you shitting yourself…and thanks DB1 your post is my first April fool's of the day.
Now I feel like this guy 🙁
And as for the "sweet, unBleethed innocent hott, Kristen"…
I first looked at this photo on my phone, so I scrolled over to look at the douchebag.
I didn't realize how fuckin' funny that description was.
But she haunted me. Much as Dr. No haunted James Bond…
"innocent" was a dead give away… haven't I seen this broad on redtube servicing 4 mulemen?…. um, er, that is if I were to frequent such a site… I'm just sayin'
She has those eyes that reveal her soul is in fact missing. No one cares, because of that smokin hott bod and booobies.
even in a white linen muu muu that body would be xxxx
ofcourse there would also be a 10' python feeding into her body cavity from below the hem
On a related note, in 2011 Hollywood will bless us with a movie version of "21 Jump Street", the vehicle that introduced patient zero of the virus.
Who is douchey enough to play Officer Dennis Booker?
Will extras have an open casting at the Hard Rock pool?
I understand that its April fools day, but that hott could get me to dress a lot worse. Good job Raymond. This is what Vegas is about, beeatches.
She should be in vampire porn.
even though it is april fools, ramon may deserve to get off with just a warning. he looks too foreign to know any better
Rebecca is sniffing a finger full of Ramen's poo… hence the distorted facial expression
Don't stare directly into the Succubus' eyes!
Las Vegas is a fools' gold paradise.
Ultra waxed eye-brows? C'mon. Nottadouche? Was that forgiveness given in the spirit of Easter. I know Jesus supposedly died for our sins but don't you have to ask to be forgiven? Something tells me this guys isn't asking.
April Fool or not, she is SMOKING and he is tainting her with his hand. What a disheartening picture…
Clam Fist @9:08 wrote:
"She should be in vampire porn."
I totally agree. Vampire lesbian porn.
Her eyes look like two pissholes in the snow.
Which is working for me, to be honest.
This dude is clearly hiding something. The shorts, double tank and wind tunnel tester hair geloop don't fool me. He's secretly denying young Svetlana here, the knowledge of his ass tattoo of Felix the cat blowing bong hits into the 'tunnel', whilst you hand out nottadouches like their forehead moles.
@ Creatch 8:35
I even got the perfect mental image. Oh, how I wish there was some kind of device that could photograph these pictures in my mind and put them on paper. I'd either be world-famous for my work, or immediately incarcerated.
Good lord, who puts on that kind of makeup to go swimming?!?! Oh, that's right, no one goes swimming anymore. They wade in knee-deep raw sewage, drinking seven dollar dixie cups of watered-down well liquor and taking self-portraits at arms' length with their camera phones. My mistake
I suspect this dude was totally normal when he woke up this morning. Then he rubbed up against her and then *POOF* insta-douche. Love Kills Slowly, but Bleeth is quick and probably painful.
April fools; you got me!
'Cause I was thinking, "unBleethed??!?, She looks like the night-shift fluffer for the Mighty Ducks Gangbang on Ice."
Ahahahaha! I was storming in here to lay the "WTF?!" down! Got me.
Good try, db1, but I wasn't falling for it. I will say, though, that it's refreshing to see no tatts. She's halfway to a duckface, though.
I can actually see her urethra peeking out of those low-cuts; like the areola of her pants.
He has the blowout version of Devo hair.
She does get an automatic free pass to the Hall of Hott, though, despite kissy-lips Bleething. I think they lend you paper bags at the Mandalay, but not sure….
-Grey Douche
Sculpted eyebrows = autodouche
She's one smokin' hot bod with a terducken face.
He's roadkill, USDA approved and stamped.
What's with all the UCCs lately? Have the URCs been replaced? Why? Is it the economy? Bring back the URCs!
Oh… and he looks like the Ricky Ricardo version of a Keebler Elf. She has Black Widow written all over her.
ASR= Arm shave reveal. A new low…
Yeah, FU DB1, that's as April Fools as you can get. He's just as much nottadouche as the cancer cells in the middle of a cyst are not actually cancer cells… he's just so immersed in douchey cancer that he thinks it's all normal.
I would do 7 years in a Libyan prison for raping her, she's hot
I spent 5 minutes trying to justify this in my mind before I realized the date.
Nice butterface.
Bronson Pinchot's sex change turned out goooooooooood.
hey, at least DB1 didn't say that HCwDB 2.0 will be up and running today.
i don't know how i'd get past jumping off a roof if i was let down like that.
also, it actually wouldn't take me that many beers to mistake Kristen for an unbleethed innocent hott.
and that is enough non-food for thought for me today.
i was literally keystrokes away from denouncing the code of the db1 until i opened the comments thread.
When did a Chinaman meet Jersey Shore?