Monday, April 5, 2010
Sal the Spring Break Hipsterdouche Voted
Hipsterbag Sal and his Bleethy ‘Baguette, Jerz Jenny, wanted to take a break from Spring Break partying to drop by and vote in the HCwDB of the Week.
Have you voted yet?
i believe that man peed in a horse once
Rare ass clear cup combined with mime-style pants says more than enough.
I wish I had a pair of shorts made from an air return grill. Or denim shorts. But they died in the 80’s.
Wow, they must have had to look really hard to coordinate the pit tatt and baseball cap. Nice work, children.
Seth Green’s career has dwindled to Jerz Shore cameos?
Is she longing to be a librarian hott, with the glasses hanging from a beaded necklace? Well, m’lady.. a librarian hott you ar not.
db1 i like the new design. sort of. hi everyone. i have missed y’all. anything fun happen round here lately? other than g-love and douchey sauce here i mean.
Good to see you back where you belong. Can you bring Pfah with you?
I have been out of the loop for a few weeks. How’s life as a father?
I would floss with those bikini strings.
Dear DB1,
I’m a big fan of your site, but rarely (actually never) vote in the weekly. Please forgive me. And by “forgive me” I mean, please continue putting pictures of women like this up on your site, in all their finely pixelated glory, so I can continue to….uhm…er…RELAX myself during another hard day at the office.
Merci beaucoup,
@bcs –
hey there. Welcome back. all kinds of crazy bullshit went down. I don’t remember when you went MIA. We had some retarded Xian goober wander in and call us hatters. That was pretty funny, esp. when one of his buds left a note saying he was “a little slow” and was trying to rile up his bible study group into some kind of action here. Obviously that went nowhere. But it was funny while it lasted.
And a few months ago there was Stackhouse stinking the place up. Eeeew – he was gross.
Where ya been?
Jerz Jenny demonstrates that the number of spherical degrees in the area of a Briteliner yellow spherical triangle is equal to the number of degrees in its spherical excess, as outlined in a pinched catenary of purple pearls….which is a lot more interesting than Sal’s taint series of parallel lines.
@ bcs–welcome back! We still speak with great horror and revulsion of your links. You have not been forgotten.
Uh…Mr. Biscotti has two hats like this. Should I be worried? Of course, I have to give him lenience on account of the Euro factor. That, and he doesn’t wear the damn hat to the fucking beach. Or with a shirt that doesn’t have a collar on it, which is NEVER popped, I might add. I have to keep a close watch. While there is leniency for foreigners, I’m careful to keep him within the parameters. No Affliction wear, no Jeebus bling, etc. He’s good about it and I’m glad he takes suggestion. However, seeing stuff like this fills me with dread. I shall remain forever vigilant….
just been consumed with work, moving, a pregnant wife, breaking bad, and chronic masturbation. baby is due a month from now. how do i get an avatar? and by avatar i mean a picture not an over-hyped james cameron movie about a bunch of tree-hugging blue flying monkeys sticking their phallic tales into other beings.
pfah is gone huh? guess that’s good. it’s like shawshank. when morgan freeman talks about that bird and you can’t keep it caged and a part of you wishes it was still here but now you gotta clean up the shit-covered newspaper he left behind. or something like that. i dunno that movie only comes on cable once a week i havent quite memorized it yet.
glad to see at least a few regulars still here. troy, crouche, dark cock. plinky’s mother. oh wait, no that’s a water tower.
@ BCS:
Steve L posted a how-to on getting your picture up in h’yar; go here:
This girl is what spring break is about. Hott, drunk, and nearly naked. When I see this, all is right in the world. I call nottadouche. If he needs a gimmick as simple as a hat, to pick up this hottie, so be it. Party on. Party on , indeed.
Medusa, that sounds like a lot of rationalizing. What’s next? Are you pricing out boobjobs?
The figurine in my avatar pic seeems to be available in Catalonia. I am currently working on an import deal. I will let you know if and when they come in. Those catalonians are a wee bit difficult in the import biz. No wonder their economy is sh*t. Probably more than you wanted to know, but I forgot to reply last night. Other historical figures are made, too.
I should have went on spring break this year, but I just didn’t think the old Camaro would make it. Hotts like this do some freaky stuff for just a little bit of blow.
I appears as though someone placed some chunks of coal in her navel and she crushed it into cubic zirconia body jewelry. She’s also got face like a Cabbage Patch doll with Down Syndrome. Still, I’d like to see how she got them beads. She’s my type of girl. Sorry, but the special girls kinda turn me on. They’re easy to take advantage of, and they give GREAT blow jobs (they’re always drooling).
@ clam fist
Is it an Iroc Z? And do you keep it parked next to another Iroc that’s used as a “parts” car?
And is that “parts” car parked next to van that, although it hasn’t run for over ten years, still sees plenty of use? And is that van parked next to a camper that g- Well, you get the idea.
I wonder what their children would look like…
(no, not really)
and BCS you know damn well you rubbed one out thinking about a 10′ tall blue chick augering your butt with her tail while you doggy-styled her while standing on a kitchen table.
I wish! That would be f*cking sweet. I only have the base model. It’s in primer now, but one of these days I’m gonna fix it up all nice like. No donor cars though, my parents won’t let me keep but one auto at a time. While I live in their basement, I gotta abide by their rules.
Hipsterbag Sal doesn’t know it but Jerz Jenny is “sizing” him up at the moment. She’s makin’ that face because she knows that she has a bigger package than he does. In the next shot, HS is making the same face my 15-year old niece makes when I tell her I’m not going to buy her a car for her 16th birthday.
i don’t know how you celebrate national upsy daisy day around your parts, but thats how we always did it when we were kids.
I can see neon boobs from my house
Tara Reid called – she wants her skankhood back.
She’d be a fun hump. You’d want to boil yourself in bleach afterwards, but you’d have a grand old time during.
@ Merle Baggard 12:17
What the fuck are you talking about? *Stuffs stacks of cosmetic surgery brochures in a drawer and slams it*
Wow. Just wow. That’s some bleethed out hotness if I’ve ever seen it. She should be on the next season of Jersey Shore.
Jeff Goldblum called and really, really wants his hat back.
welcome back BCS. glad my thread (courtesy of DarkSock) helped you out.
wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, i’m positive that you are enjoying better sex than Hipsterbag Sal and bleethy Jenny.
so is Hipsterbag Sal the long lost brother of Arthur Kade?
if so, you gotta up the ante on your game, Sal. you’re hooking up with 1s and 2s and Arthur is rolling in -9s and -10s. that’s right. NEGATIVE NINES and NEGATIVE TENS. you got that?!
So when’s the Jersey Shore “bonus” episode with Tara Reid and Seth Green airing on MptyTV
Seth Green is like, 3 feet tall. So Bleethy Jenny would be what, 2’4″ at the most? A pocket skank?
In my dreams “Jersey Shore” is where they take scrotes like this, bury them up to their necks in the sand, and wait for the crabs and the tide to do their thing. In my nightmares Jenny is buried in the sand up to her neck and I’m kneeling down in front.of her and I don’t have any shorts on and her mouth and the crabs are doing what they do best.
@ clam bake
Your folks have a basement in their house? Lucky son-of-a-bitch. My house doesn’t even have a foundation. It still has wheels.
Isn’t the hott that semi-famous Louisville cheerleader who got her camera stolen?
Testing 1, 2.