Saturday, April 3, 2010

Where’s Waldhipsterbag?

Somewhere in this lineup of five top quality buttgrabby teethsinkery and teddy bear fondle peach pumpkin hottsicles, I’ve carefully hidden a Waldouche Hipsterbag.

Look closely.

Can you find his ironic hipster sunglasses?

# posted by douchebag1
3:19 pm April, 3 Crucial Head said...

Dear peach bikini hott,

I want to unburden my loins within her haunches.

Yours truly,

Crucial Aloysius Head, Sr., Dr., AIA, LEED AP, Esq.

3:19 pm April, 3 Whoop-di-douche said...

Yeah, they match her daisies-don’t-tell headpiece.

And by headpiece I mean ” he gets head, she gives a piece.”

Now, back to the Final Four.

3:20 pm April, 3 Steve L. said...

i found a piano right behind the pool.

hallucinations galore!

3:21 pm April, 3 Crucial Head said...

That would be “within your haunches”.


Forgive me, for I am quite rusty. And very, very lusty for your busty-ness.

Even though I smell musty.

3:56 pm April, 3 Euripidouche said...

pink flower on the right has a turbine in the back of her honda.

only way the last american hipster gets to be at this party is that he is bringing the co.. co.. catalytic converters ..

that’s all right all that output is nothing without a powertrain.

maybe its the recession and all but i have been working the whole extra cushion for the pushin angle…not to an extreme or anything, but just something extra somewhere is what’s been doin it around ere lately.

4:01 pm April, 3 massengill said...

Found him!

4:03 pm April, 3 Just Sayin said...

Yellow yellow,

Kiss a fellow.

4:18 pm April, 3 Baleen said...

Hott on the right has some baby makin hips. Me likey.
That’s plenty of surface area to land my supersonic plasma splatter.

4:30 pm April, 3 Clam fist said...

Where is this place is the question to ask. I want to relocate.

4:47 pm April, 3 wheezer04041966 said...

I must delve deeper into the hotts to see if, and I mean if I can find Waldhipsterbag…..

Don’t hold your breath.

4:48 pm April, 3 wheezer04041966 said...

And hey, my gravatar is in place! Thanks to Steve L’s advice! : )

4:52 pm April, 3 Crucial Head said...


I am not about to type Wheezer3u4-280r81234ur2-87r-r every time I need your sleuthing skills when tracking down past ‘bags n’ bleeth’s.

You need to change your name, holmes.

4:53 pm April, 3 Medusa Oblongata said...

I totally see myself in the middle of a pillow fight with these sweet cupcakes. Only I’m gonna hit the hipsterbag with the special pillow first. It’s full of buckshot.

5:18 pm April, 3 Chad Kroeger said...

Vin Douchal ######################

Thanks for the congratulations and link. I think the old cunt got it that she had a ridiculous facelift and will be too ashamed to attend the Easter festivities tomorrow. My father will be proud.

Rock on. The John Mayer fan above will not be enjoying any of these ladies because they think he is sensitive, and a fedoraturd gayclown.

5:24 pm April, 3 G said...

Waldhipsterbag reminds me of public school gym – he is the last one picked for the games – even the hott flower on the right would rather double team the blond hott rather than pair up with him…maybe he is the DJ, idk…

5:30 pm April, 3 G said...

I almost missed it…is the hott second on the left wearing Waldouche’s SPW?

6:35 pm April, 3 wheezer04041966 said...


Sorry brah – someone else stole “wheezer” so I had to use another form of it. Why not my birfday?

But I’ll still answer to just plain ol’ “wheezer,” though I don’t know if/when my skills will return. I kinda need that Google search thingie and proper access to all the old files and photos and such.

7:23 pm April, 3 clam fist said...

Gravatar test

7:25 pm April, 3 clam fist said...

Steve L, your instructions were spot on. Thanks! I love my angry clam.

7:44 pm April, 3 Troy Tempest said...


Somebody snagged wheezer? Damn. How lame.

re: the pic brings new meaning to the term “Pussy Galore”

8:05 pm April, 3 Jacques Doucheteau said...

In my best attempt to put this as tactfully and eloquently as possible, I would like to have sex with them…

…with my penis.

8:08 pm April, 3 Jacques Doucheteau said...

And then not shower for weeks. Because there’s nothing quite like the rank stench of week old vagina juice, urine, cabbage, and ball sweat.
Don’t ask about the cabbage. I have a very particular fetish which I am unwilling to go into detail about. Don’t judge me!

8:24 pm April, 3 Crucial Head said...


No worries.

In case I don’t get around here tomorrow… Happy Burfday ‘baghunter. 44 is the new 12.

At least according to my sense of humor.



8:30 pm April, 3 End the Haberdouchery said...

My God, It’s glorious. Congrats on the new site DB1.

9:25 pm April, 3 Douchelips said...

AWESOME!!! So excited about the new site. Nice work man, such an upgrade. The one on the left in blue…as a reward.

12:34 am April, 4 Baleen said...

Happy Easter Fuccers!

3:04 am April, 4 Lithi said...

If only there was Hipsterbag hunting season.

6:15 am April, 4 scrotum pole said...

Hipsterdouches just don’t piss me off like the garden variety.

I would never pay good money to see Elton John in concert, but I’d give up a years salary ($12,450.00)
to witness Elton beat this dude down, and take his glasses.

7:43 am April, 4 DarkSock said...

I see Elvis Pisstello shooting a video for his song “My Aim Is Poo”.

7:43 am April, 4 El Caganer said...

Happy Easter.

7:46 am April, 4 El Caganer said...

I haven’t seen this much grade A hotts since my last trip to Lithuania, the world capital of hott chicks.

1:47 pm April, 4 Ed Hardouche said...

I watched this video, well, the first 30 seconds of it, about 3 hours ago. It has taken me that long to wipe up the blood that leaked out of my ears, and to recover from the tequila eyewash I gave myself.

3:21 pm April, 4 fantagor said...

Finally, someone who makes Eddie Deezen look like Jesse Ventura in “Predator”.

4:36 pm April, 4 Ed Hardouche said...

Crap clicked the wrong link. My comment was meant for the douchetube video No Way, lol

7:00 pm April, 4 End the Haberdouchery said...

Holy abs on the girl in dark blue. This must be the sexiest group of triathletes ever, posing with their gatorade bitch. He probably scored the gig like Lloyd and the Hawaiian Tropic girls at the end of Dumb and Dumber.

7:22 am April, 5 Deltus said...

Amongst this incredible collection of extreme hottitude, Peach Bikini Hott stands out. Which is saying something. And that something is, “Huuuuhhh-UUUUUHHHHHNNNNNNN!”

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to change my underwear. And pants. And wipe down this chair.

7:54 am April, 5 I R A Darth Aggie said...

To I dare believe that redheaded peach bikini actually tastes like peaches??

Yes. Yes I will.

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