Monday, May 31, 2010

HCwDB of the Week Tomorrow

I was gonna skip doing an HCwDB of the Week this week, what with it being a short Memorial Day four-day week, but the power of Starblazer (pictured here, out of focus) vs. The Shark compels it.

Get ready.

Tomorrow morning, the hottie/douchey smackdown is on.

# posted by douchebag1
6:30 pm May, 31 Medusa Oblongata said...

The picture is out of focus? I thought it was because I was about to puke and pass out. GET OFF THEM TITTIES, DOUCHEBAG!!!

6:42 pm May, 31 Medusa Oblongata said...

Mr. Biscotti has a question for the panel as he sits beside me, looking on.


“These-a people, they dress-a like dis, dey don’t-a know they are the doosh-bags, ah? Doosh-tarrrded!”


Help an Italian brother out.

6:49 pm May, 31 Bag Margera said...

No Mr. Biscotti, these doosh-bags severed ties to all their friends and family that ever warned or mocked them. After that, there was no on left to listen to reason.

7:25 pm May, 31 Wheezer said...

Shartblazer brought in Smoot????? That douchebag is serious!

7:41 pm May, 31 Deltus said...

She’s Bleeth, but I would be her willing ass slave. If that picture were completely in focus it would melt my monitor. Or cause it to be coated in some unnamed gooey substance. Lordy lordy, look at that ass! I bet she displays one hell of a pear in a thong.

7:55 pm May, 31 Bag A said...

No contest. Shark ’em!

10:01 pm May, 31 DarkSock said...

With each forced lung blast into Christine’s areated areolas, Stan was rewarded with the warm moist amber tones of sturdy anal bassoon notes trumpheting the first few bars of “Rhapsody In Poo”

10:06 pm May, 31 DarkSock said...

Sharkey’s Douching

10:59 pm May, 31 Crucial Head said...

His Real-Doll having reached the bursting point, Calvin exerted one last heave before each glued and stitched seam burst with the unified sound of Mel Gibson’s voice as his tender neck meat absorbs the steely blade of the guillotine in Brave Fart..

11:02 pm May, 31 Crucial Head said...

A Young Bob Dylan prepares his whore-monica for the first rendition of ‘Blowing in the Tit’ before ascending the hallowed steps to the stage at Max Assgur’s Farm.

11:03 pm May, 31 Crucial Head said...

“I’m sooo sorry darling…”


“… but I’m still blowing – I really am.”


“But the penis ain’t growing.”

11:05 pm May, 31 Crucial Head said...

Look, I know we can’t afford heat… but if I cup it thusly, and blow thricely… then you’ll forget my job at Jack N’ The Box can’t afford utilities.

11:08 pm May, 31 Crucial Head said...

Clarence Pendorksworth’s job as an American With Disabilities Act technician knew no bounds when it came to testing their new ‘foot-free’ door egress devise.

11:12 pm May, 31 Crucial Head said...

OJ admired the shot for one last second before abandoning the camera and discarding Nicole and Ron’s rigormortis-beset husks and making for Al Cowling’s Bronco.

11:13 pm May, 31 Crucial Head said...

^^Daaaayyyum. I’ll have no friends in when I wake up in LA tomorrow….

3:04 am June, 1 The Right Honorable Member for, The Very Reverend Mother Her Douchal Serene Highness, Dr, Hortense Sussudio Fuckerfaster said...

if a bag is raised exclusively on inflat-a-dating, there will be complications, and a great deal of confusion, when the time comes to mate with an actual human female.

the patient companion, will not scold the douche straightaway, as this is known to cripple the choad, sometimes permanently, when it comes to mating. she will abide his foreign instincts, as they are not pleasurable, but also not painful. it is at the proper moment, when his tentative explorations and patterned romantic techniques have failed to arouse, or even interest the female, that she can gently instruct him on the finer points of the mating ritual….

in this case our female subject is patiently waiting for the proper moment to inform this douche that blood and viscera females do not have airvalves and cannot be inflated or deflated to his own personal preference…

4:18 am June, 1 my friends call me @$$hole said...

he’s licking the remnants of when i jizzed on Fake-Jessica-Simpson’s perky, blonde, bleethy, probably plastic tits… oh yes, Fake-Jessica-Simpson, you want my little swimmers on your Fake-Tits, Fake-Jessica-Simpson?

the REAL Jessica Simpson is putting a contract out on me as we speak, oh, and also on Fake-Jessica-Simpson, you don’t wanna’ know what i’m doing to the Real Jessica Simpson in my mind right now, it makes what i’m doing to Fake-Jessica-Simpson look like tuesday night in a smalltown…

6:56 am June, 1 DarkSock said...


6:57 am June, 1 DarkSock said...


11:13 am June, 1 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Sharky gorged voraciously at the “All You Can Teat” buffet before he felt the “woosh” of air being released followed by the dribbling of the silicone.

11:36 am June, 1 Bagnonymous said...

It’s not cool to blow snot-rockets into your hooker’s cleavage. Not cool, man–not cool.


What’s that? Oh, you’re doin’ lines of blow of her tits? Yeah, that’s cool man. I’m sorry, keep on keepin’ on.

11:37 am June, 1 Bagnonymous said...


11:37 am June, 1 Bagnonymous said...

Does this work..?

11:42 am June, 1 Bagnonymous said...

Nope–still bolder than the Wretch-a-Sketch’s Sharpie® collection.

11:45 am June, 1 Pömmelhorse Pümmelfister said...


11:46 am June, 1 Teddy Tendergass said...

The font up in this comments mug makes me want to watch The Bold And The Beautiful.

12:07 pm June, 1 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

To boldly go where no other posts have gone before…

9:08 am June, 2 DarkSock said...

The Bold and the Booty-Full

9:08 am June, 2 DarkSock said...

damn; where are the admins where there’s a glitch like this?

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