Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reader Mail: The O-Face



I’m friends with the thicker babe on the right, and once I saw this picture, I knew it was worthy of being on your hilarious site! For some reason, I just want to give both girls great, big, 5 minute-long…hugs.

Just hugs. That’s it.

If I ever had a chance to do so, I know I’d hear Joanna Newsome playing in my head while a rosy, hazy filter enveloped my sight. And I pray that these lovely girls didn’t indulge “O-Face” and his persuasive, sans-serifed shirt with ginseng root chain, but I’m (really) afraid they did…

– E.G.


“Ginseng root chain.” I don’t know what that is, but somehow it says it all.

Good tag, E.G., and may you someday get that “hug.”

# posted by douchebag1
11:21 am May, 13 mr.reeve said...

The thick chick on the right has her thumb up O-Face Larry’s brown eye. OOOHHHHH POP!!!!!

11:28 am May, 13 Deltus said...

If that’s the O-face of either of those women (wouldn’t quite call them hotts), then either they’re doing it wrong, or they have a lot more facial control than I or my wife do.

11:41 am May, 13 Adolf Skroatler said...

O – my gawd.


11:45 am May, 13 Bueller said...

You sure the thick chick isn’t a dude? I get the feeling she sounds like James Earl Jones when whispering in your ear that she wants to bang you.

11:48 am May, 13 Fatness said...

Any O-Face involving this pud would only last a second or two, far too short to get a picture of.

11:48 am May, 13 Jacques Doucheteau said...

I think I know how he gets his O-face.

12:02 pm May, 13 curbyourendouchiasm said...

Okay, Jacques, that was just wrong.

O-face looks like some roided out Pauly Shore: wondering how the hell he got in the picture, but he’s gonna ride it all the way to the bottom.

E.G. you ain’t getting your ‘hugs’ (might want to consider a radiation suit or something if you do) if she doesn’t appreciate the humor of this site like you do.

She needs a fuccen intervention, not hugs.

12:20 pm May, 13 Mr. White said...

Is that Snooki? Stay away, E.G. She’s “hugged” half of Da Joisey Shoah.

12:38 pm May, 13 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Chick on the left has that “Holy-shit-Chris-Hanson-is-here-and-he’s-gonna-tell-my-father-what-I’ve-been-doing-at-the-club-tonight” look on her face.

12:58 pm May, 13 Chad Kroeger said...

Hott on the left is on meth and has a crab infestation. Dude has gas and a buzz on. Thick chick would be a wondrous plaything.

Jacques has confirmed my insomnia with his foul link.

12:58 pm May, 13 Steve L. said...

what’s the difference between an O-face and degenerative nerve diseases that causes facial spasms?

this is why O-faces and ginseng root chains don’t mix.

1:05 pm May, 13 Soy Bomb said...

Ah ha ha ha! That T-Shirt he’s so douchily wearing is actually part of a marketing campaign for Three Olives Vodka. We only want to see the “O Face” from cute chicks, bro. You suck.

1:13 pm May, 13 Bagnonymous said...

I would certainly engage in some “lay-down hugging” with the thick chick on the right–she might not be skinny but she looks soft and voluptuous. But I don’t think she’d see my “O-face”, though, on account of me having turned off all the lights first.

1:15 pm May, 13 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

@ Bagnonymous

Would you “O”-face look like this?

. .


1:29 pm May, 13 Deltus said...

Yo, Jacques, a little disclaimer warning would be greatly appreciated, k? You killed my inner child, is all I’m saying.

1:42 pm May, 13 doucheywallnuts said...

I’d like to see Jessica Alba-hott’s O face…the girl on the right is thinking Oreos when she hears the term “O face.” Mmmm, cookies…

2:21 pm May, 13 MC 900 Foot Douchebag said...

I used to say the Government should give me a 6 shot revolver and allow me to ‘cull the herd’ each day, but after seeing this guy I now know that wouldn’t be right.

The G should give me a baseball bat to cull the herd as a revolver would be way too humane for douchebags like this.

Fuck my life.

3:41 pm May, 13 Medusa Oblongata said...

What’s your O Face?


O Lord, please stop me from running this guy down with my car.


O, won’t somebody think of the children?


O, excuse me, I’m going to vomit now.


7:35 pm May, 13 Chris in 'Baghdad said...

“I’m friends with the thicker babe?” Probably not any more you aren’t.

6:28 am May, 14 Tony Ventresca said...

I agree with those that expressed carnal delight about the thick girl. Thick girls need loving too.

8:52 am May, 14 DarkSock said...

A shotgun slug through his skull plate would leave an “O”-face.

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