Tuesday, June 8, 2010

High School Sucks

The only way to win is not to play, kids.

# posted by douchebag1
1:28 pm June, 8 Red Headed Woman said...

I weep for the future.

1:29 pm June, 8 Pablo Sinatra said...

Now, sweetheart, here’s your hall pass. Take him to the Special Ed classroom, and then come right back!

1:29 pm June, 8 I R A Darth Aggie said...

Hey, they have to have replacements for Jerz Shore.

1:33 pm June, 8 Crucial Head said...

If you enlarge the reflection in his bukkaki goggles, you can see they’re watching a 52 year old fat, bald, and grotesquely overweight man jacking himself off on Chat Roulette.

1:35 pm June, 8 Crucial Head said...

I should also add that by the looks of the scrotling’s face and the position of his arms, the hott is simply a referee in this dual to climax.

1:40 pm June, 8 Turdacious said...

both open mouth breathers, nuff said

1:42 pm June, 8 mr.reeve said...

I know the battle the non-douche youngsters have to fight is a long and hard one but when your parents let you douche then there is no hope. His father should have his balls removed and his mother’s vag stitched closed.

1:49 pm June, 8 Condouchious say... said...

Ladies and Gentleman, the future of captains of industry! (Fish gutting and low budget porn to be exact)

1:58 pm June, 8 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

They look almost as intelligent as the monkeys around the obelisk waiting for the bone to hit them on the head.

1:59 pm June, 8 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Douche is so stoopid that he thinks he can catch the guy’s jizz on his tongue from Chat Roulette.

2:00 pm June, 8 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

She look like she’s just discovered why there is that hole in his keyboard drawer.

2:03 pm June, 8 Troy Tempest said...

By the look on her face, a half muted “Duh….” would demonstrate the full range of her intellect.

2:06 pm June, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I see this hoody everywhere with little sluts. A Legion of fatherless new douchies waiting for a generational Caesar, a new Greico if you will, to keep the douche and bleeth nation strong. Kill it while it is young and weak. Kill it with Dr.Bunsens club monkeys who should be full grown by now.

2:12 pm June, 8 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

At first, Miley didn’t want to participate in Dylan “Albino Boy” Weiss’ Make-A-Wish dream until she heard that it involved pearl necklaces and fish tacos.

2:15 pm June, 8 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Miley: “Oh, so that’s what it’s supposed to look like.”

2:18 pm June, 8 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Dylan wonders how “I peed in a horse once” can have About 11,100,000 results (0.44 seconds) and where he can get in on this action.

2:18 pm June, 8 Da Da Dooooschey said...

Is it wrong that I would possibly contemplate spending time behind bars to slowly slide my tiny manhood betwixt her tween cans? It’s only a crime if someone tells on you, right? right?

2:35 pm June, 8 JeanClaudeVanDouche said...

By the look on her face…Paul’s newly found self-urethral penetration technique seems to have gone slightly awry.

2:35 pm June, 8 JeanClaudeVanDouche said...

By the look on her face…finding out that he is your cousin, well, it never stopped me before.

2:36 pm June, 8 JeanClaudeVanDouche said...

By the look on her face…FLYTEETH’s return has yet to BITCHSLAPPE this fuccen douche, and bring balance to the TARMAL in her bedroom.

2:39 pm June, 8 JeanClaudeVanDouche said...

By the look on her face…Pedobear just gave him a good fisting.

2:48 pm June, 8 MILLS said...

from the looks of things vanessa, the cheerleading slut who managed the feat of sucking off half of the football team in half time interval had tired of corey, the dirtbike riding teenage dirtbag and his attempts to lick his own image on webcam

2:53 pm June, 8 Baleen said...

I would pay to see Betty White kick him in the nads.

2:57 pm June, 8 Vin Douchal said...

This is Veg Armstrong’s “before” photo.

“Before” he liked getting cockks up his ass so much he figured he’d bulk up to attract the cockks of stronger “pitchers”

2:59 pm June, 8 Vin Douchal said...

Ew ^ Gross

3:18 pm June, 8 massengill said...

Since when did high schools add “Stripping” to their curriculum?

Granted, it’s a more practical life skill than wood shop.

3:24 pm June, 8 Turdacious said...

Boywonder: “These 3D glasses are awesome, i can almost taste it”

The smarter half ” You mean touch it!”

3:27 pm June, 8 massengill said...

Coincidentally, after high school he will be a bar back at “The Wood Shop.”

3:47 pm June, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Inglourious Classturds.

4:02 pm June, 8 DarkSock said...

Two very different reactions to viewing “Goatse” for the first time…

4:04 pm June, 8 massengill said...

Dude reminds me of this choad from down under:

4:04 pm June, 8 massengill said...

that did not work.

This choad.

4:09 pm June, 8 Baleen said...

I bet this bagling has tons of soiled kleenex, paper towels, and gym socks littered around his bedroom. I weep for Lupe the house maid who has to clean up that shit every week.

4:30 pm June, 8 Just Sayin said...

We’ll be paying for her kids for the next 25 years.

4:49 pm June, 8 Victor von Douche said...

He looks like he fell out of an 80’s music video, if the 80’s are coming back then i’m going to move to the woods and stockpile weapons.

5:46 pm June, 8 Wedgie said...

New ad for Mensa.

6:49 pm June, 8 Whoop-di-douche said...

He’s probably just a rat-fink twink, and she an underage blink.

Set a li’l mouse trap for the two o’ them and let them go when they’re legal cheese.

7:13 pm June, 8 MC 900 Foot Douchebag said...

If this kid is what passes for “cool” in the schools these days I’m gonna go all Columbine one day soon.





What? Too soon?

8:15 pm June, 8 Guid is Good said...

It’s hard to see who is the loser here. I think the kid in the stupid hat might “win”. I can think of at least two “professions” the skank might excel at (if giving $5 handjobs in a carpark is a profession).

8:21 pm June, 8 Douchble Helix said...

All I know is, I wish I was gettin’ some of what she looks like she wants to be givin’.

8:56 pm June, 8 Douche Bauer said...

Joran Jr. is practicing his technique before meeting his Peruvian cell mate.

9:45 pm June, 8 Stephanie said...

neither one of them could find their ass let alone wipe it.

10:09 pm June, 8 just 18 i hope said...


just 18 boobiesssssssssssssssssss


and a mouth just beggin for…………..

6:18 am June, 9 Dicy said...

Future (perhaps current) STD carriers of America. They probly keep a z pack on them at all times. Its totally for strep throat though, right?

6:54 am June, 9 Deltus said...

Not enough brainpower there to solve an easy sudoku puzzle.

7:50 am June, 9 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Rachel was horrified to see her her mother in Vivid Video’s newest release”Two Mules in Sister Sarah”. Bobby always thought her mom was a MILF.

7:54 am June, 9 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Did anybody else ever get videos from Health Class in high school showing the proper way to munch a rug? I must have when to a REALLY shitty high school. Hey Bobby, you need more practice. She’s right behind you.

7:55 am June, 9 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

^^ @ myself

The fuccen stuttering typist strikes again.

7:56 am June, 9 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

@ myself

When??????? Try went dipshit.


Step 1: drink coffee


10:25 pm June, 9 Steve L. said...

if you look at enough HCwDB pics, you might come to the conclusion that life sucks.

but high school sucks even if there is no HCwDB.

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