Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I'm Nothing But a Hater
To whomever runs this stupid sight-
You’re nothing but a hater. Just thought you shoud know.
– S.B.
Perhaps, S.B, but if there’s two things I do know, it’s that I love treats, and I ate chew.
I’m not a hater.
I like Hott chicks and I like mocking douchebags.
What’s wrong with that?
Sounds like a reasonable premise to me.
Fuck you, Scumbag.
The treat lover is nottadouche
I hate you too.
S.B. –
Good work with “whomever.” Bad work with “sight.” Go sit on a knife.
– bb
Sparingly with he uses his hate. Off Fuck to him I say.
He uses “whomever” correctly, but spells “site” as “sight”? And ends his first sentence with a “-” instead of a colon? My point is: who the hell taught him to use “whomever” correctly?!
Billy Bob above enjoys lots of treats. Just not the female kind. I believe the blonde on the left has a straw in her MGD. That’s a new one. Looking at this picture makes me remember why I usually stay home and drink and avoid bars.
S.B. is right. We re haters of assholes like him and the rest of the Mel Gibsons of the world. Eat my ass with a spoon S.B.
Cute chicks who drink their bottled beer with a straw have got to be easy. I wanna have a try at her. And her hotter friend.
PS. Hey, SB–you spelled “hatter” wrong. Go buy a dick-tionary.
I am citing S.B for misspelling the simple word “site” as the more complicated and archaic “sight” which also has an entirely different meaning.
Makes a Mad Hatter outta me when folks do that…
Oh, and S.B. “shoud” know better than to misspell “should” as shoud, shouldn’t he?
Maybe…he would if he could and he could if he would.
But he can’t so he won’t.
@Whoop: I didn’t even catch that misspelling of “should”! But that only strengthens my confusion. Who misspells “should”, yet uses “whomever” instead of “whoever” correctly given the context??
how about you go to school and learn to spell instead of trying to pick up chicks at clubs, you fucking cock licker
I’d like to “site” you in with my scope, you tool!
To whomever runs this site;
My guanaco still shivers on moonless nights thanks to the oldbags featured. Just thought you should know.
P.S. – And that one creepy goblin meth guy on the beach with the underage looking girl made my guanaco throw up hair.
To whomever: My bat drops guano on whatever lies in the bottom of the cave.
Not sure what a guanaco has to do with S.B. calling the site full of haters, but may a camelid spit in his eye for doing so.
Carry on the mock.
I chew hate
by ‘treats’ he means ‘choco-log’
A panel of experts has ruled that the correct use of “whomever” in the missive above was purely accidental, as the remainder shows no evidence of schooling beyond grade 5.
he misspelled hatter.
this series of tubes won’t police itself.
Dear S.B. –
(***huge fart sound***)
That’s you. HA HA! FACE!!!
Re. above
Sometimes, it’s important to return to your roots.
I peed in a stupid sight once.
Kids these days… always coming up with new words for “tossing another man’s salad.”
This choad’s mom and sister are sure proud of that new t-shirt he’s wearin’. They saved up all that money from the $0.25 BJ night at the trailer park just so’s he’d have sumthin’ to wear to his job interview at Wal-Mart.
@S.B. (which I’m sure stands for short bus)
Yes, I’m a hater. Yes, you are a fetsering boil on the ass of humanity. Glad we cleared that up. Have a nice day!
Me too.
Keep up the good work,
That’s hattah to you, pal.
tell me something i don’t know, DB.
*waits for SB’s head to explode*
tell me something i don’t know, SB.
He also contracted “you are” properly, so maybe “whomever” wasn’t an accident.
“Whomever” is an object; it is not a pronoun, as is “whoever. Thus, it is not followed by a verb, such as “runs.” Deltus, you are wrong.