Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sixteen Seconds of Douchebag Frolic
New rule: Holding the camera sideways while videotaping a scrote renders you autoscrote.
Saturday, July 17, 2010Mindy asks, “Who is the Douche Bag Now?!”
Friday’s Mindy responds to HCwDB in the comments thread:
I dont date douchebags but I have many friends and if you want to call them douchebags without knowing them well I guess that makes you no better and actually a tool. I personally dont care what you post about me but pictures you are posting are of real people whom you know nothing about or what they’ve been through or like in real person or the context of the picture. I guess what I’m saying is that while some of this may be funny it is at the expense of other people who did nothing to you and rather pathetic that you take the time out of your day to creep online and then save pictures of people you do not know and make up stuff about them. Who is the douche bag now?!
Who is the douchebag now?
Actually, today, it’s this guy.
Tomorrow? Probably someone else.
Saturday, July 17, 2010Mindy asks, "Who is the Douche Bag Now?!"
Friday’s Mindy responds to HCwDB in the comments thread:
I dont date douchebags but I have many friends and if you want to call them douchebags without knowing them well I guess that makes you no better and actually a tool. I personally dont care what you post about me but pictures you are posting are of real people whom you know nothing about or what they’ve been through or like in real person or the context of the picture. I guess what I’m saying is that while some of this may be funny it is at the expense of other people who did nothing to you and rather pathetic that you take the time out of your day to creep online and then save pictures of people you do not know and make up stuff about them. Who is the douche bag now?!
Who is the douchebag now?
Actually, today, it’s this guy.
Tomorrow? Probably someone else.
Friday, July 16, 2010Friday Thoughts and Links
Oh those Europeans are a wacky bunch. First The Dreyfus Affair. Now this.
Your humble narrator is pleased with another quality week of mock, and props to all the ‘bag hunters and huntresses who fill the comments threads with daily genius. Your humor and cultural deconstruct bring A-List mock to the world. And what more could Jebus want?
I sit. I scratch my toesies because they itch. I enjoy a tasty Hostess Twinkie and microwave some Trader Joe mini-pizzas. Because I’m healthy like that. And I await more Peyton List on Mad Men later this month. Mmm…. quality T.V. with boobies.
Here’s your links:
The great Skweezy Jibbs releases his first music video: Phat Black Women.
What’s fake tanned, pumped up and ridiculously douchey? Wrestler Darren Young. No R.L.R. forgiveneness for that look, Darren.
Douchebag Exterminator gets his own T.V. Show. And by “exterminator,” I mean the annihilation of culture, quality, taste and intellect.
One of the key corporate sponsors of the douchepocalypse, Axe Bodyspray pollutes a boobie at the World Cup.
Reader Bryan creates a pretty hilarious HCwDB Tapout Logo. Could make for some nice photoshop fun for the designers among us.
Eagle-Eyed reader ‘Bagville noticed that Facebook’s online game Farmville is now talking like Stackhouse. Let me know when Farmville finds some whobag jumpoffs.
Mantyhose. For when you absolutely positively need to have the appearance of tribal tattoos on your legs. And yet another sign of the crisis of modernity.
But you’re not here to laugh at Mantyhouse. Well, yeah, you are. But you’re also here for Pear. No week is complete without your Pear reward. So here you go:
Let it never be said that there is no meaning in this universe again.
Friday, July 16, 2010Captain Mediocre Works the Party
It’s a nice case of truth in advertising that Captain Mediocre didn’t give himself a better superhero name.
A 2.6 from Washington State and vague plans to be an “architect” because he once read a book on Frank Lloyd Wright do not belie his permanent residency on the couch of his best friend Dave.
Mindy is all that is bright and youthful and wholesome and boobie fondle about a spring summer day in Guadalcanal. She makes flowers bloom and small woodland creatures hump tree stumps. For that, I follow her around the supermarket aisles, pretending I’m looking for peanut butter.
EDIT: Pretty sure that’s Mindy again. Or her twin. Twins, Max. Imagine the possibilities.
Friday, July 16, 2010Beau and Mindy: The Shirtless Double Standard
When Woo Hotties choose to strip down on the dance floor and shout “Woo!” it is to be commended at a future date with a cash honorarium and a Popsicle.
When a Jerz Meatclown decides to go shirtless and reveal he’s tattooed “Beautiful,” along with a swirly pattern that resembles lake fungus near a toxic waste dump on his shoulder, it is to be urinated on from afar like a tribal elder treating a snake bite.
Friday, July 16, 2010Friday Haiku
Inscriptions on face,
Tell where the gold is buried,
Hint: “No fault divorce.”
Tattoos on his face
Signify his gangster ties
With MS-Turdy.
— Crucial Head
The plain white t-shirt
offsets Affliction body;
his ass is tapped out.
— Wheezer
Instinct takes over
As Duane humps Steff’s dress that looks
like mom’s couch cushion
— Mr. Scrotato Head
Jawa on on left cheek
Searches face for scrap metal…
Build droid to kill him.
— Boatbutter
Rorshach nuzzles up
Kimmy smiles uncomfortably
sees a bad pattern.
– Mr. Biggs
Sandy smells so good
Puddy Holly’s getting wood
Do better, she could
— saulgoode42
Prison G.E.D.
Teacher’s pet has a huge crush
Not a shot in hell
— Vin Douchal
Even this dude’s poop
Is bedazzled with
White Corn Hieroglyphs
— DarkSock
grandma’s wallpaper
disguises pointy funbags
anal bead necktie
— paperorplastic
Thursday, July 15, 2010Monique Leaves France, Discovers Tatt Pec Tony, Has Existential Crisis
It’s a strange story of boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gives up on D.J. dreams and gets a job at Citibank.
Thursday, July 15, 2010Albino Harold
Sunlight may do permanent damage to his upper cutaneous layers, but that won’t stop Albino Harold from hitting on Pammy at the coolest bar in Ames, Iowa (well, the only bar in Ames, Iowa) on a Tuesday night at 7:42pm.
Thursday, July 15, 2010The Jebus and Mary Stain
“And Jebus said unto them … “If ye have faith as a grain of hair gel seed, ye shall say unto this crotch, Remove pubes to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you, except for getting into the V.I.P. room after 10pm.”
~Fluke, 8:15~