Thursday, July 15, 2010
Prince Crotchpeein
It may be impossible once I’ve posted this pic, but avoiding looking at the pee stained douche crotch is probably a wise decision to avoid future therapy bills.
Dammit, now I made you look.
I’m sorry. That was mean.
Will a serving of Refrigerpeartor make up for it?
What an idiot, you’re supposed to pee IN the pool, not outside of the pool. What does he have in his hand, looks like the straw to a juicebox…nothing says party like some Caprisuns.
The Hulkster’s flop sweat is nasty. The Hott’s not hot.
However refrigerator Pear has warmed my sausage.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen blue Depends with a drawstring before.
Don’t they make Depends for shorn gorillas?
What does he have tucked into the front-side of his shorts/bathing suit, anyway? A handle to a white comb? I don’t get it… why would you comb your hair with the crotch sweat/urine/Axe stained comb that was just tucked into your shorts?
Also, I found that Refrigpearator was able to cure my heebs at seeing His Royal Douchiness’ pee stain, but it took a good 2 minutes of staring at her ass. Smooth medicine to have to swallow.
“Will a serving of Refrigerpeartor make up for it?”
Ummmm, no!
I need a couple more servings of pear to power spray my eyeballs after that. Perhaps a day of pear?
A personal anecdote (and I swear I’m not making this up): During college, I worked as a counselor/saxophone teacher at a summer camp. The 13-year-olds in my charge liked me well enough, mostly because I didn’t care what they did and pretty much let them run their own extreme fighting ring in one of the empty cabins. (They even rose and showered silently in the morning so as not to disturb me when I didn’t bother to get up and go to breakfast. THAT’S how you know you’ve earned their respect.)
One day, when I passed one of them on my way into the bathroom, this particular 13-year-old looked at me with tired-yet-wise eyes and said, “You know, no matter how much you shake it, the last drop always goes into your pants.”
Wise words from a youth so young, clearly, since they’ve stuck with me low these 15 years since. Why do I bother to tell this story? Because clearly the Prince here was told and incorrect version of this maxim, perhaps mishearing it as, “No matter how much you shake it, the last quart goes into your pants.”
And shame on anyone who calls Plaidy McBoobs a notta. She’s plenty of girl-next-door, non-orange, non-plastic-surgery goodness. Anyone who argues is clearly a dudes fag.
Ahhh, good ol’ steroid side effects. Without them, we’d all be jacking up. And what a shallow world, we would live in then.
While the Refrigerpeartor is a nice start, you need to send me $100,000 in small, unmarked and non-sequential $20s. Or else I’ll send the Prince to crash at your pad.
You know that won’t end well.
Could that be pre-mature ejaculation? I mean one touch from a hot and he dribbles in his pants.
I never find Refrigerpeartor at home. I need to buy my produce elsewhere.
Big man. Pees pants. Likes Roids. Has no junk. Loves Refrigerpeartor. Likes straws. Likes pretty colors. Wears shades at night & Euro shorty shorts like Ronaldobag.
Ok that was just about too much roided out flesh for a first sight of the morning.
lean hobo girl standing next to a sweaty cockk
Stackhouse is now on twitter. Stackhouse is now on twitter. Get Some!
^Was that an echo, or am I stilll a bit drunk?
in 1984, while attending university, I drove a bunch of Olympic athletes around in shuttle vans…. this guy looks like the Italian water polo team, all of them, crammed into one sweaty pair of speedos
I guess a new bag trend is wearing little shorts or speedos and not caring about the lack of JR you show off. JR = Junk Reveal. Like Stack would say “Get Some”.
Why is he packing her tampon and string in his panties?
… oh, I seeeee.
Mr. White,
Oh please, do go on with your story. Perhaps a little more detail about the showering?
I don’t know if my eyes hurt from looking at his knot or his not hott. Regardless of the cause, my eyes hurt and it’s moving into my brain.
“You can wiggle, you can dance, but that last drop is going in your pants.”
From a Stephen King book, can’t remember which.
Stackhouse on twitter = Making a million a day in “internet money” based on self perceived fame.
Watch out DB1, the douchebags might just solidify under his tootelage, and eventually come up with a counter website “”
This is a more typical douche. No water pills. Same ‘tude. Bleeth chick we would all fucck if drunk. Full calorie drinks.
I name his genus as fwole. A contraction of fat and swole.
But his fat sweaty Baby Jesus sized cocck says prostate inflammation.
WTF??, the chick is naughty girl next door hot, the douches is a douche and refrigeratorpear makes me hungry.
I wish you hadn’t posted that about Stackhouse as I actually read some of his tweets, which I might add is classic stackhousian poo
Mr. White, I lost it at “counselor/saxophone teacher”. A bit of randomness that started my morning off right. Thank you.
She seems like the everyman’s version of Orange Jeter’s Cynthia.
PS. Hey, Prince Crotchpeein–your vagina’s leaking!
Maybe that white thing in his Speedos is a tampon.
You’re doin’ it wrong there, genius, but I suppose it could be worse.
Dude looks like a WWF jabroni.
Actually, the pee stain was the nicest part of that picture.
Much better than the upper part where a tattoo device has peed a huge blotch of ink into his subdermal layer.
Maybe he thought those shorts were a horse.
Tony decided to take a break from his job on the door at the Disco Swimbo nightclub to use the latrine and scope the pool for the end of night roundup. However not only could his massive brain (which is encased in a bandana to prevent spillage) not multitask, it couldn’t even prioritize bodily functions.
Block Island, Rhode Island at it’s BEST!Thanks HCwDB’s for posting the picture. I’ve got another one of him (I’ll email in a minute) that will only solidify his DB-Status..
Props to Bag Margera for jumping on the steroid side-effect. This is possibly piss, but also prosthetic fluid that uncontrollably seeps from the peen as a result of overdoing it on the sauce. This asshole should spend a little more time at the gym and back off on the sauce and he wouldn’t be soiling himself and he’d look better. As it is he looks like a big water balloon. A water balloon with a piss stain on his shorts.
Chill out DB1! these pics are getting way too shocking!!! I sense trauma related lawsuits coming
Will a serving of Refrigerpeartor make up for it?
Yes, it does. AAAHHHHH…..
Have you ever cooked a sausage on a stove without poking holes in it, and it swells up with greasy pig juice, without any means of escape? And then you poke it and it bursts all over the place, and starts profusely spewing out oily puss? Well that’s pretty much what just happened to this roidbag. He’s got the puss, the poker and the expression of relief to prove it.
This is a truly delightful pestilence of a photo, the sight of which would easily obtain way more answers than waterboarding. How I long for electro-shock therapy to rip this image from my sweaty brain.
HOT HOT HOT! The pear that is.
This guy’s a sissy.
it’s quite clear that the submitter of this pic survived contact with this pic and was able to submit it to HCwDB withOUT the aid of Refrigerpearator. i must learn from him / her.
My gawd, steroid abuse leads to inability to shake the lily of its one last dewdrop? Teepee is also good for such jobs, but who uses it for THAT?
What bothers me more is his total lack of body hair, except of course the beard-shadow. Hottie pal gal is a tad washed-out in wardrobe color choice, but that shouldn’t dilute her comfortable hott-zone qualities.
I’m ordering one of THOSE refirgerators for my kitchen remodel, and pray that each time I turn on the ice machine, this genie will pop right out and be my kitchen maid, pink hi-heels and all that bukkake.
Now, where’s my little apron and maid’s outfit?….hmmmmm….I predict all the household repair calls I request will be processed pronto after the first time the fellas get a load of HER.
great now piss is the new douche signifier.
He’s missing a neck,and forgot how to squeeze the pee out of his 3 incher.
“Will a serving of Refrigerpeartor make up for it?”
Sure, as long as my face is softly yet firmly implanted into that delicious pear. :))
I worked my way below the pee stain to notice his surprisingly smooth and girlish legs. Shouldn’t he do some squats once in a while?
Who the fuck is Stackhouse? At 2am his twitter spots him at
Google Maps puts that in the alley behind Seminole Discount Beverage (check out street view)…at 2am? Must be banging his boyfriend on the hood of his Bentley…what an aristocrat.