Ryan Tags an Orange Inflat-a-Bag and Suburban Attitude Hott
Reader Ryan goes the extra yard for an HCwDB tag:
I had asked them to pose, and the Douche got upset. I suspect he knows about your site. I then took this while they were walking out, and got caught. Sir Douche demanded that I delete the photo, but his girl cautioned him not to get in a fight. He might destroy his new mirrored aviators. I asked him if he knew he had a trail of ants on his face, and he again nearly let his pythons and man nips explode from the sweatshirt. Luckily I am 6’3”, 300lbs, or I would have, “Suffered!”
— Ryan
Risking personal injury in service of a ‘bag tag is never encouraged but always appreciated, good work, Ryan. And bonus points for asking a ‘bag about the ants fung. However, I think they may be bark beetles.
His dick looks like a Cheeto post-masturbation.
Maybe he’ll fuccen learn to shave.
Nice six-pound watch he’s sporting. I wonder if his belt is white?
I think she has a water bottle in her left hand. It’s half empty and she’s been carrying it around all day.
nottahot. all signs point to bag though. his game must be slippin. man nipples
Kudos on the first-person mocking, Ryan! If only I were 6″ taller and 150 lbs. heavier…
For good measure, if I had balls as large as yours, I’d have also inquired if red was her natural hair-color, if you know what I mean.
Gynecomastia a.k.a. “bitch tits” from too many roids. I can hear her whining and complaing how she hates going to baseball games just from looking at the picture.
Not hot and Roidbag. I am not really seeing the Orange though. He looks to be Puerto Rican or Hispanic? Either way he looks like a giant toolbag.
^^wow, just wow
She’s eh. When did roided up dudes start watching tennis? Didn’t think it was their style. Whatever.
Say, isn’t that the first baseman’s wife? maybe he should be more concerned about getting into a fight with him than trying to pick a fight with someone 6’3″ and 300 lbs…
No, IRA What’s on second. I Dunno’s the first baseman’s wife.
Ryan for ‘bag hunter with biggest cajones in ’10.
Nice ‘tag, Ryan!
I’m off to work, you hatters. Enjoy today’s Pear!
Sorry, that should read “you dead ghey fuccen hatters.” Heh heh…..
I am always heartened when I see my fellow ‘baghunters doing what I can only do from the safety of my Tandy 1000 in the bunker beneath my grandma’s house.
Cheers Ryan!
Ryan, I salute your huge, brass balls. The hott might look better if posing, people, but we can be sure he’s choadwank.
Also, if ever confronted by a huge roidbag like that. threaten to literally gouge or poke one of his eyes out, and mean it. Threatening permanent mutilation on someone so egocentric about their looks will work like a charm in maybe 95% of cases, and eye gouging is something ANYONE can do.
Good job Ryan. Even though after a second look I think this picture was taken at a soccer game.
Nice Work, Ryan, you have the thanks of a grateful nation of ‘baghunters. That dude reeks of poo, no question.
Tremendous and life-threatening work Ryan. Put a “Baghunter Helper” sticker on your guitar.
DB1 – you’re close with the bark beetles, but upon close inspection, you’ll see those are undoubtedly “Venezian taint fleas.”
Good job, Ryan. Right into the Lion’s Den. Or rather the Gorilla’s Closet with a cable hoock-up and poop bucket.
She looks really…hmm…what’s the word I’m looking for? Oh yeah. Bitchy.
“I think they may be bark beetles”.
Egyptian scarabs dood , get with the program already
Ryan, bring me with you on your bag hunting expeditions next time. i’ll bring a big yellow mountain climbing bag with all my tools in it. spud wrenches, sledgehammer, chipping hammer, and stuff. hell, i’m probably gonna buy a sleever bar soon.
okay you probably don’t need me to deal with a douchebag, but if he has buddies with him, i’ll beat ’em up for you.
oh and you’ve photographed a delicious hott with what seems to be a really good camera. what camera / cell phone did you use?
I believe my biology professor termed that as territorial supremacy. I salute your standing the ground against Hindenmoobs McGee.
Man u guys all need to get a frikkin life.
^Man, you really need to not visit this site if you don’t like it. Good job Ryan.
Ryan deserves a huge round of applause for giving us this Adam Sandler on ‘roids lookalike. And she’s a fine suburban hottie without a trace of Bleethery…yet. Testosterone rage…it makes the world go ’round! GET SOME!
^ Hindenmoobs.BWAAAHAHAHAHA!!!! “Oh, the huge mammaries!”
^Man – Wow. Just wow.
Good work, but doesn’t qualify. Definitely a douchebag, but the girl is not a hot chick.
How do you even know these two are together, maybe dude is with the firecrotch behind him. Looks like they are at a crowded soccer game walking up some stairs. I label this one as FAIL.
Oh and also, I would be freaked if some random dude asked to take a picture of me too. People don’t do that.
Ryan – I think if you are going to play this game you need to be a little more suave about it. And make sure for a fact the hottie is actually with the douchebag. And yeah she is a hottie, bet she has a smokin ass, and fucks like a goddess. 😉
does anyone wonder how much of this stuff is actually true?