Thursday, August 12, 2010
Reader “E” Tags a Huntington Beachbag
My friends were out in Huntington Beach this weekend for the US Open and ran across this scrodal fungi.
Complete douchary going on so they had to take a pic with him, being the juice head he is without hesitation he posed for the shot. Arrogance and ignorance run hand and hand.
– E.
Excellent hottie/douchey tag in the wild, fellow West Coast ‘Bag Tagger. And I’m pleased to see your proper use of “scrodal fungi” in your letter. Just as Heather Duke used “myriad.”
Mmm… Brunette is pleasingly zaftig, firm and a harsh and angry disciplinarian. So I get the ruler again.
Hotts with beaver teeth? I don’t mind short and chubby, though.
Hhhhmmm. Not sure about these two “hots”. The Huntington Beachbag always wears white sun glasses. I am sure he had a faux 4 x 4 pick up in the parking lot with a big Pennywise or NOFX sticker on it. Nice pastel shorts dickhead.
love the douche goggles
The US Open was in Huntington Beach this year? I thought it was at Pebble Beach. Guess that explains why these people are dressed odd for a golf tournament…
Brunette delight may be a little wide to be considered classically hot, but I likes them that way. I will worship willingly
Speaking of worship, way to disgrace the holy rosary, scrotestain. For your punishment, Jebus will cast his gaybaggery upon you, and molest you repeatedly in public.
In the background Joey Porsche can be seen mouthing “Look at me. Look at me. I have all my fingers.”
These chicks have seen way more cocckends than weekends.
This was a tag from the wild? Good shot!
We shouldn’t make fun of the “little people”, ahhh fucc em, this guys a troll.
I believe this is the Uterus Stuffers Open, which would also explain the dress code.
Excellent “Heathers” reference, an underappreciated film that illuminates the grey dawn of proto-douchery with more than a glimmer of mock: “Hey, isn’t there a ‘no fags allowed’ rule here??” “I don’t know pal, but there appears to be an open door policy for assholes.”
Short and red is no way to go through life, son.
You know, I’m a way-lapsed Catholic. But either by reflex, or by still having some shreds of respect for what is important to others, I get into a blind rage when I see people wearing rosaries like this. It’s not a fucking necklace. Would you wear a menorah around your neck? A statue of Ganesh? A copy of the Koran? WTF. And ever since that miserable sow Nicole Rtichie got that awful rosary tattoo on her foot–HER FOOT!-I’ve been replicating the same thing ever since. My convictions are not strong enough to refuse to do my job, but they are enough to throw eye-daggers at the disrespectful pricks who would ask for something like that.
The worst was a young lady who said, “I’m not even into God or any stuff like that, I just like it.” Second worse was the girl asking me to shorten the portion above the cross and remove some of the beads. When I explained to her why they were there, she said, “Oh, well, I don’t know that stuff.” Tied for third and fourth was the woman who already had one on her wrist, going onto the back of her hand, each bead an oversized circle in a different color, so it looked like she had a string of anal beads with a cross for a pull-start. Then the guy who asked for the old praying hands tattoo. I asked if he wanted them with the rosary and he said, “No, but I like that one with the beads.”
For anyone who gives a shit, a simple breakdown of he rosary and its use and meaning. It’s a very sacred and special thing. I get ill at the thought that the prayers that my ailing mama repeats dutifully, night after night, are treated like a cheap accessory for frolicking assbags and showoffs. I wish them a crucufixion, St. Andrew style. Only instead of hanging up there for two days and preaching, they’ll be hanging up there getting pelted with water balloons full of rat piss.
It takes a lot of rat piss to fill a water balloon. Unless they are very small balloons. You should consider baboon piss, or at least Nutria piss.
Would it not be fungus, boss? The singular?
This Huntington Beach Bag would be a finalist on American Douche-Idol.
whoa “E” you have hot friends. and if you’re female i’m gonna have very impure thoughts about you.
which is why you are likely female. right? RIGHT?!
… sorry.
OK soooo… this is actually MY picture of MY friends (well the girls are my friends… jersey is just some douche we were laughing at). “E” had no permission to steal this one or pretend these are “his” girls. So speaking of “scrodial fungi”, E… I think you fit in there with this fag in the pic.
Not cool. Next time use your REAL friends this way or a complete stranger, kinda sad to get caught lying claiming you have hot friends when thats not at all the case.
*** Just to clear up the story… this was Wet Republic in Vegas, not Huntington but I see you wouldn’t know that since you aren’t friends with any of us.
Why the alpahabet be fighting like this? Can’t E & J get along? Wait, E & J? Now I wanna get drunk. Pass the egg nog bitches!
Boy,you guys sure are unique to the world,wonderfully chosen outfits, and red cancer skin….and another pair of childrens sunglasses.
Why is this girl wearing a net shirt ?????????????? Get out of the 80s and in to the gym
You are right Brian ! The girl wearing the 80s net shirt is huge !! E why did you put this pic up ?I would not even fuck her after i drink a 18pk of PBRs
Its drank but yea she is a biggen. Not sure how she made it to this site.
wow i do look big i’m sorry guys i’ll start going to gym after E licks my stinky pussy hahaha
Were are the hot girls in this pic?
I think you need to stay away from ALL PUBLIC POOLS and beaches till you hit the gym and lose 60 pounds. Think about it Who likes looking at FAT girls at the pool or at the Beach
wow tuff on these girls. Well fatty hope you learned your leason. GO to the Gym and quick