Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ask DB1: Glenn Danzig?


My question is this: Is Glenn Danzig a douche? He’s from Jersey. He’s an overly muscled meathead. A youtube video search will yield evidence of proto alpha male behavior. The signs are there.

However, do his contributions to our subcultures override his douchiness? Where would we be without the Misfits? Or have bands like the Misfits spawned their own brand of douchiness? Does Rock Star Leniency rule apply?

-Onan the Barbarian


Rockstar Leniency Rule applies only in allowing leeway for on-stage performative spectacle. It does not forgive off-stage scrote-assery. For instance, Gene Simmons in Kiss, Steven Tyler or Keith Richards do not get branded ‘bag for their spectacles, as it is part of the performative realm.

But John Mayer, far less douchier of clothing, qualifies for harboring the soul of a complete and total ‘bag.

Danzig is consistent to his world, has legit cred from his early days with the Misfits, and hasn’t created any douchey/slutty reality shows (see Michaels, Bret) or appeared on TMZ hitting on starlets. For that, he gets a Rockstar Leniency Rule excemption and a full nottadouche.

# posted by douchebag1
12:51 pm October, 14 DarkSock said...

I saw Danzig 4 years ago along with Henry Rollins. Glenn was rude, dismissive of fans, and gave a short mediocre show. Rollins had energy, a kick ass band, and was positive and appreciative of the crowd.
Glenn’s six-pack is now a kegger by the way.

12:54 pm October, 14 fatness said...


12:56 pm October, 14 smackdouche said...

I must admit, I’d have a Bud Lite Lime with Brett Michaels. We share a fondness for chicks who smell of tequila and nacho cheese doritos.

1:04 pm October, 14 DoucheyWallnuts said...

As a factor in assigning douche/notta douche, how much weight does being from Jersey carry? Is it kind of like the concept of original sin, where a New Jersey-born male is in a literal and figurative state of douche at the time of birth strictly because of the actions of those responsible for the fall of man in the creation of doucheness?
Does being from Jersey simply mean there is a tendency toward scrotebaggery but not total, collective scroteness? Is there a “douche nature” that all Jersey men possess or is it even worse and is there total auto-douche by all Jersey men?

1:08 pm October, 14 Nancy Dreuche said...

But he’s making a duckface!!! The “Is He Or Is He Not A Douchbag?” by laws clearly state: If person in question is making his or her lips to resemble that of a mallord or similarly beaked land foul, said person is, if male (a douche) or if female (a bleeth).

These laws were put in place for a reason people. Sorry Danzig, I’m sure you were subversive and really stuck it to the man in your hey day, but clearly in your later years you have morphed into a douche.

And like water off of a duckfaced douches back, I’m out!

1:12 pm October, 14 Army of Douche-ness said...

1. yeah, def not a douche but
2. sadly a lot of bands influenced by him are lame and douchey.

I blame today’s culture more than anything.


1:20 pm October, 14 Douche Springsteen said...

I’ve always considered The Misfits to be proto-Jerz guidos. Think about it for a second. Shirtless, pumped up physiques, outlandish hair with their devil locks, eye make-up (a pre-cursor to guyliner?). Yes, all of these things are part of the spectacle of performance, but I think at some point these for these rock stars, that fine line between stage and “real life” blurs and then finally disappears. I mean, look at Jerry Only. Still doing the same shit from 30 years ago. Granted, Glenn has moved on from that but like DarkSock said, he is rude and generally dismissive of his fans. Also, there is a band here in Detroit that does a Misfits cover show every year around Halloween, it’s lots of fun, they do a really good job with the show but this year it’s not happening due to the threat of a lawsuit from Mr. Danzig since he owns all sorts of registered trademarks and what not when it comes to the Misfits. As much as I truly enjoy the music he has created with various bands over the years I can’t endorse the permanent nottadouche of this guy.

1:26 pm October, 14 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I had to google this dude because I never heard of him/them. Still don’t care care but I might have something regarding this picture.

1:27 pm October, 14 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Mickey Rock.

1:29 pm October, 14 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Glenn Bic.

1:31 pm October, 14 Douche LaRouche said...

You Tube the video of Danzig mouthing off to some guy backstage and watch him get knocked on his ass…..yeah, he’s a complete douche-bag. And so were the Misfits.

1:35 pm October, 14 Douche LaRouche said...

ANY dude that wears some gay-looking metal mesh shirt is a douche. That Misfits hair-do? REAL COOL. I’m sorry – I’ve got to double down on what a total douche-bag this clown is…..

1:39 pm October, 14 Eliza Douchecoo said...

The guy that knocked him out is the lead singer of the North Side Kings. Not someone you fucck with. Especially if you’re 4 feet tall and weigh in at about 150 pounds. Danzig is nottadouche in my book.

1:42 pm October, 14 flaco said...

I’ve met him. He is an asshole. And his physique is not that impressive in person. It’s easy to look built if you are a freaking midget.

1:47 pm October, 14 massengill said...

I listen to Danzig’s eponymous debut album every time I go for a run, which has been 3 times. But seriously, if you’re looking for music to get you “fired up” for a run, workout or porch beef eating competition, you could do a lot worse than The Misfit’s “Attitude” or Samhain’s “Let the Day Begin.”

I say nottadouche, even if he is one.

1:56 pm October, 14 E-blo's Last Thought said...

THRALLDEMONSWEATLIVE got me through high school and my freshman year of college.
I’ve seen Danzig several times, and I would agree with Dark Sock. He is a midget who puts on an average show at best.
He also sounds like Elvis after eating 30 downers and an equal amount of Whoppers on all of his other albums.

2:33 pm October, 14 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Anybody that writes a song called “Mommy, Can I Go Out and Kill Tonight?” gets a notta from me even if he is in real life. I AIN’T NO GODDAMN SON OF A BITCH!

2:38 pm October, 14 eric said...

i have been by danzig’s house in north vegas it looks like a haunted house everything is black and trees and flowers are also dead but if he ever got back with the misfits the tour would be huge and i would be the first in line to buy tickets

2:45 pm October, 14 fatness said...

Everything in North Las Vegas looks like that…

2:52 pm October, 14 Mr. White said...

Rollins is a damn interesting dude. When I lived in NYC, I used to see him heading to the gym sometimes when I was heading home from work. I would have approached him, but I was always kind of afraid he’d kick me in the face.
And that I’d like it.

3:09 pm October, 14 massengill said...


4:16 pm October, 14 Dex said...

It is here that we must make the distinction between “douche” and “asshole”. It is unfortunate that the two are often partners in crime, and one commonly leads to the other. However, they need not be grouped by necessity, and do occur exclusively.
Glenn Danzig is, without any shadow of a doubt, a world-class asshole. However, he is also an extremely creative person and demonstrates all the textbook eccentricities of a crazy artist/celebrity that has made more money than his ego can handle.
I’ve met him in person, and have seen first-hand that his security guards are not there to protect him from the fans. They are there to protect the fans from him. He is a cock of biblical proportions and I would never want to be his friend.
And still, I lament every night that he turned down the part of Wolverine and that Aussie dancing douche Hugh Jackman nabbed it instead. And then they gave Sabretooth to his douche-in-crime Liev! Oh Tyler Mane, deliver us from this travesty.

4:21 pm October, 14 Baleen said...

Here’s Danzig wearing a Danzig t-shirt buying cat supplies. Brutal…

5:14 pm October, 14 Wedgie said...

Rollins is a man. Danzig is…..well, something else, but not the same. Black Flag will always have a special place in the Wedgie music archive.
I’m not big on tatts, but I always kind of liked that “Search & Destroy” sunburst on Henry’s back.
But when I say I liked it, I don’t mean it the same way Fenton likes Jason’s biceps.

5:39 pm October, 14 T.J. Douchemandzadeh said...

Danzig has pretty much always dressed like a douche. That dude had posters out where he was all oiled up with angel wings on his back. Some bullshit where he was running with wolves shirtless too. Let’s not forget the collabo with Shakira hahaha!
I take gossip with a grain of salt, but I heard some time ago that a Danzig “of love” type reality show was in the works. Not to mention, he seems to take himself way too seriously. I don’t know how you couldn’t consider him a douche. I really am suprised.

5:48 pm October, 14 mr.reeve said...

I listen to the music and try not to pay attention to any of these “rock stars” or musicians at all. Most are of them are assholes. Speaking of assholes, anyone catch Favre getting hit in the sack with a football today? Here it is.
New job is good but it leaves me little time for the internet. I am way behind on the mocking.

5:53 pm October, 14 mr.reeve said...

I like Danzig and of course the Misfits but this video always makes me think he is all talk.

5:58 pm October, 14 mr.reeve said...

Now Rollins on the other hand…..

7:23 pm October, 14 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

Danzig oughta get rid of that scowl.

8:39 pm October, 14 C.G. said...

are you sure that’s not Sigourney Weaver from Alien: Resurrection?!

8:44 pm October, 14 M said...

I’d just like to point out that Gene Simmons could invent a dual cure for cancer/AIDS, sustainable cold fusion, and bring peace to the Middle East and it would still not be enough to qualify him as anything but an unmitigated weeping taint pustule of pure scrotal douche.

8:47 pm October, 14 Medusa Oblongata said...

‘Walk Among Us’ is one of the greatest punk rock records EVER. But Danzig is a fart tard and the rest of the Misfits are ultradouche for joining the WWF. Or WWE. Or WTF. Wrastlin’!

9:30 pm October, 14 Sir David Douchenborough said...

As was alluded above, somebody discovered that Glenn came make a Shakira song appealing .

Danzig made good music, but the entertaining Mr. Rollins has provided some good moments of inspiration and insight

9:36 pm October, 14 Sir David Douchenborough said...

*Glenn can make

holy hell need sleep

9:42 pm October, 14 Steve L. said...

@ Medusa 8:47 PM,
WWE hadn’t been bought out by UFC yet?

9:56 pm October, 14 Crucial Head said...

Jeezus Christ.
We are now questioning Glen Danzig?
Let’s try to keep it real up in the field aw’ight?

10:06 pm October, 14 Crucial Head said...

In other words, what Massengill said. He was the fucking lead singer of The Misfits fer chrissakes.
Someone dial up Baron Von Goolo.

10:32 pm October, 14 Crucial Head said...

I can’t find it, but I know BvG spun a worthy rant on the WWE a year or two ago in a guest post that was worth revisting as far as the Notadouche goes.

10:47 pm October, 14 Donald Rape Her said...

Upon second thought, a douchebag is someone who paid for Glen Danzig tickets a decade after they were relevant.
Tee hee.

11:35 pm October, 14 The Dude said...

I dunno who this Squint Eastwood dude is, but he looks like a douche.

6:42 am October, 15 Douchey Smurf said...

Danzig is no Dbag. Fuck no to that.

8:22 am October, 15 Crazed Aborigine said...

What Dex said.

Glen is a ginormous, hate filled, self important asshole. He is also one of the most talented members of that whole 80’s punk scene. The music rocked and the spectacle was cool, at the time. It looks stupid now, but it was new and different 20+ years ago.

Also, going back to first principles, isn’t our working definition of a ‘douche’ someone who is indulging in performative spectacle and branding for the express purpose of attracting the hott? I don’t think that is what Danzig is up to here. Not by a long shot.

8:49 am October, 15 SonnyChibaChoad said...

nuff said

10:24 am October, 15 douche bagel said...

he’s a dick, angry, arrogant, wears tight netted shirts and a legal midget but he ain’t no…. wait what am i saying, he’s a total dbag. but he was the lead singer of the fucking misfits and they still melt my brain. he gets a pass

3:21 pm October, 15 Stephanie said...

Well, something you did in 1979 might still stand up,as for The Misfits, but that Glenn is dismissive of fans has got to stop. That’s borderline douche behavior when you shit on fans,after all, that made you,you little turd.

I gave Henry Rollins some shit once, and he took it. I’ve never seen him smile until that moment.

4:37 pm October, 15 Didjeridouche said...

Kinda torn on this: Danzig’s prior history with the Misfits definitely scores him some nottadouche points, and I did enjoy his Death Dealer comics, but his personal behavior and attitude (especially towards his fans) places him, if not in the classical definition of douche, at least squarely in the category of weapons-grade asshole.

4:56 pm October, 15 Jack said...

I’ve known Glen since the early 80’s and I can most certainly assure you that he is, indeed, quite a number one, grade A douche.

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