Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Assface McReynolds

There’s really only one question that Assface McReynolds ponders when he’s hitting on the Jerz Hottettes.

Is he more of a badass with glasses? Or without?

(Bonus points for finding Bemused Brotha in Pic #2)

# posted by douchebag1
10:43 am October, 19 Douchey Lewis and the News said...

Assface loves the smell of spray tan in the morning…smells like…poo

10:44 am October, 19 jonezy said...

I believe OH stands for Olfactory Halitosis, which is somehow emanating from my screen when I see McReynolds here

10:46 am October, 19 E-blo's Last Thought said...

Keeping it unreal in the two-one-six.
I am from Cleveland originally and have officially dis-avowed my affiliation.
You suck Assface.

10:49 am October, 19 Dicy said...

Mmmm this guy is sooo hot. And by so hot I mean I just vomited and sharted all at once. True story.

10:53 am October, 19 Douchey Lewis and the News said...

I kind of like the one on the left. I’ve always had a thing for bitches. Case in point my last 10 ex’s. I can see it now, as she looks at me with bored contempt in her eyes. But she’ll hang around until all that remains of my once youthful frame is a broke dessicated husk. Que l’amour non?

10:54 am October, 19 Blinded by the Shite said...

That’s hot!

10:55 am October, 19 Wheezer said...

Cleveland? Looks almost straight outta Jerz.

10:56 am October, 19 Douchey Lewis and the News said...

@ Dicy I like your pearl necklace…

10:57 am October, 19 Blinded by the Shite said...

Bronagh on the left looks like she could motorboat herself. I think I’d leave her to it.
No I wouldn’t.

10:57 am October, 19 Eliza Douchecoo said...

Kudos to assface for rockin out in the cardigan, not many assfaces can pull that one off.

10:57 am October, 19 Douchey Smurf said...

“Level land…. OH!” That’s what he says when he gets off the stairs (every fucking time… he’s retarded you see.)

11:20 am October, 19 Mr. White said...

Girl on the left is what happens when you let Kim Kardashian impregnate Snooki with semen from a syphilitic hobo. FACT.

11:21 am October, 19 The Goob the Bag and the Pudly said...

His cap says “Ride Hard,” which is funny, because that’s also what the tattoo over his asscrack says.
Jerzeygirl on the right looks like what a young Marie Osmond would have been if she had rebelled against the Mormon Church.

11:22 am October, 19 Dicy said...

@Mr. White

I think I missed you the most. 😛

11:36 am October, 19 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Dude to the left of me, joker to the right, here I am am stuck in the middle with yo. Adriiiiaaaaaaanne.

11:37 am October, 19 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Cleveland Schmocks.

11:43 am October, 19 darksock said...

The Cleveland Browns

11:52 am October, 19 Vin Douchal said...

This is why I have a pit bull. I almost want this fucker to jump my fence and try to break into my house…. CHOMP!

11:57 am October, 19 douche bagel said...

Oily Hand

11:59 am October, 19 douche bagel said...

Oral Herpes

12:02 pm October, 19 Blinded by the Shite said...

Rocky Bal’bag

12:03 pm October, 19 douche bagel said...

Opossum Humper

12:03 pm October, 19 fatness said...

Very low grade hotts today. Hopefully things will improve…my eyes can’t take too much more of this…

12:05 pm October, 19 End the Haberdouchery said...

Snooki want smush smush!

12:19 pm October, 19 Et Tu Douche? said...

Now i know why I don’t go to Cleve I’d like to smack that smug look off his face with the ferocity that James Harrison destroyed Cribbs & Massaquoi this past Sunday. Normally I’m all for girls from Ohio as they are some of the naughtiest in the land but these 2 make me ill. I’d like to drop a Cleveland Steamer on the whole lot of them.

12:38 pm October, 19 Douchble Helix said...

“Cleveland OH 216” t-shirts are all the rage, around the world.

These 3 live somewhere else.

Please, lord.

12:51 pm October, 19 Southern Scrotic said...

Drew Carey must be rolling over in his grave.
What? Too soon?

12:55 pm October, 19 Mr. White said...

Back at ya’, darlin. Let’s get together and do some math.

1:04 pm October, 19 Deltus said...

I was all set to mock Assface there, when someone mentioned Dicy’s pearl necklace, and I see Dicy’s picture and the pearl necklace, and boobs. And now I forgot what I was going to say about Assface. Well, poo. Wait, that was it, or it was related anyway. Something about poo.

1:13 pm October, 19 Medusa Oblongata said...

“Ride Hard”. That’s what happens when he and his buddies all cram into a BMW Z-3 to go to the club, they…..ah, never mind.
Those chicks are wasting good looks on being tarted-up trashdolls and hanging out with assface there.
Oh, Hell.

1:14 pm October, 19 Medusa Oblongata said...

Open Hunting!

1:14 pm October, 19 Medusa Oblongata said...

Oozing Hemorrhoids

1:17 pm October, 19 Blinded by the Shite said...

Ogles Homos.

1:20 pm October, 19 Blinded by the Shite said...

Owns Handbags

1:20 pm October, 19 Blinded by the Shite said...

Openfist Handjobs.

1:36 pm October, 19 darksock said...

@ Southern Scrotic:
Yes, too soon.

1:41 pm October, 19 The Goob the Bag and the Pudly said...

C’mon, DarkSock– that ain’t the real Drew Carey. The real Drew Carey weighed 380 pounds and drank real beer with every meal. He’s long gone!

1:44 pm October, 19 jonezy said...

Dorksuck, I’m not sure that website is trustworthy, this does not seem correct

1:44 pm October, 19 massengill said...

His hand looks like a prosthetic.

1:46 pm October, 19 jonezy said...

another good one

1:46 pm October, 19 massengill said...

I wonder what people in Cleveland have been doing for work since Lebron left…

1:48 pm October, 19 massengill said...

Well, this guy is a gloryhole operator at The Ass Factory.

1:53 pm October, 19 Redouche-Reooze-Repsycho said...

Groper Cleveland isn’t a badass in either pic.
OH = “Only Hookers”

1:54 pm October, 19 Redouche-Reooze-Repsycho said...

Orifices Hurt

1:54 pm October, 19 Redouche-Reooze-Repsycho said...

Overtly Homosexual

2:00 pm October, 19 DarkSock said...

Offers Hummers

2:01 pm October, 19 DarkSock said...

Oiled Hole

2:02 pm October, 19 DarkSock said...

Oink Humper

2:07 pm October, 19 douche bagel said...

Oil-ed Hardy

2:10 pm October, 19 douche bagel said...

Only Homos

2:10 pm October, 19 douche bagel said...

Opens Handgrenades

2:37 pm October, 19 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Why do I think that picture would smell like a porno set inside an Eye-talian restaurant? Great, there goes dinner.

2:38 pm October, 19 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Hard on

2:38 pm October, 19 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...


2:59 pm October, 19 CBS said...

Octopussy Hard-on

3:10 pm October, 19 CBS said...

Oafish Hermaphrodites

3:12 pm October, 19 CBS said...

Obligate Hurtbags

3:13 pm October, 19 CBS said...

Oblique Hawkers

3:17 pm October, 19 CBS said...

Orc Ham.

3:19 pm October, 19 CBS said...

Odious Heroes

3:21 pm October, 19 CBS said...

Odoriferous Hotspots

3:22 pm October, 19 CBS said...

“only human” -Agent Smith

3:48 pm October, 19 Dicy said...

@Mr white

Hooray math!

Maybe we had it wrong and its actually Orthogonal Hamiltonians? You never know….

4:01 pm October, 19 Wedgie said...

What were the words to that Drew Carey theme song again?

6:39 pm October, 19 Medusa Oblongata said...

@ Wedgie–It’s “Cleveland Rocks” by Presidents Of The United States Of America.
I’ll take it from here….

All this techno is calling me
back to the night club
I’ve got a bad attitude
I’m back where I belong
All the douchebags and their bleethed out hags go
Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks
Pumpin’ Pauly Ds and Snooki wanna bes goin’
Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks
Girls that dye and fry their hair
they got the suntans too
giant shades and some big phony tits
they want drinks from you
all the stupid twits with the kissy lips go
Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks
They’re sluttin’ it up with a plastic cup
they’re goin’ Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks

6:43 pm October, 19 fatness said...

M. O.: Nicely mocked.
Dicy, between you and Medusa, my faith in the generation(s) behind me is somewhat restored. At least the female half of them…

7:34 pm October, 19 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

Oompa Hedonite

7:37 pm October, 19 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

I see a Sly Stallone look-a-like here…

And two Rocky Rack-oons.

8:12 pm October, 19 Stephanie said...

His hand looks like a prosthetic
(It is, he worked that hand so much on himself, it just plain tore off)

8:48 pm October, 19 Steve L. said...

so this is why McDonald’s doesn’t make pork burgers.

9:05 pm October, 19 Troy Tempest said...

What is not visible is the question mark after Cleveland. It should read:

5:30 am October, 20 Douchelips said...

Bemused Brotha questions why he must be subjected to such poo. What kind of party is this!?

5:31 am October, 20 The Goob the Bag and the Pudly said...

Where’s Fenton to tell all of us nerds that the “OH” actually stands for Ohio?

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