Thursday, October 21, 2010

Caption This Pic

Noted archeologist Mississippi Smith, after years of research on the subject of Scrotal Mysticism, decided to test his theory that the perfect combination of sunlight, saline, Bud Light Lime and skank would summon the ancient god “Groin Skull.”

# posted by douchebag1
12:23 pm October, 21 CBS said...


12:29 pm October, 21 Wheezer said...

Maybe ‘South Park’ got it wrong and New Jersey actually did make it to the Pacific Ocean.
Here we see some cast members of “Vegas Whores: Poover Dam edition”: Pooki, Douchey D, Jungle-SOWWW, and Bleethy B.

12:30 pm October, 21 Blinded by the Shite said...

oww mammy!

12:34 pm October, 21 Eliza Douchecoo said...

check out the ass on the girl in pink though, yowza.

12:35 pm October, 21 Eliza Douchecoo said...

When this guy gets a boner it looks like he’s skull fuccking himself.
At least I think that’s what it would look like, I can’t say from first hand experience or anything.

12:36 pm October, 21 Douchey Lewis and the News said...

Buzz’s girlfriend…woof

12:37 pm October, 21 Crucial Head said...

Sometimes you have to commemorate your Viking Yogurt Rodeo Championship in your own unique way.

12:38 pm October, 21 Crucial Head said...

“Girls, gather around me a little closer, less we fall off the HPV Petri dish.”

12:39 pm October, 21 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Excuse me Sir. You have horny in your pants?

12:40 pm October, 21 Douchey Lewis and the News said...

Just when I thought I wanted to see all the bobs in the world…DB1 shows me a picture like this and totally proves my point!

12:40 pm October, 21 Crucial Head said...

Sherman grimaced as the ringleader of his pubic lice made its way out of his knickers for a splash of fresh air.

12:41 pm October, 21 Douchey Lewis and the News said...

Boobs^ not bobs you illiterate bastard! Actually do I want to see all the Bobs too? This is food for thought.

12:42 pm October, 21 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

So a douchebag and three persons of questionable gender reassignment walk up to a bar and say Grrrrrrrr. Ugggh. Goose.

12:42 pm October, 21 Crucial Head said...

In an effort to stay in touch with his feminine side, Wilfred always managed to paint the nails on his left hand.

12:44 pm October, 21 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Always fashion forward, Thor reveals his new underwear by ugobos.

12:45 pm October, 21 Vin Douchal said...

With one final blast through the hose up his ass, Mitch finished blowing up the third and final Real Doll, “Tattoo Crackfest Latina”, for his latex orgy

12:46 pm October, 21 CBS said...

I took the blue pill!!

12:51 pm October, 21 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Ostracized in Manhattan society. Jocelyn Wildenstein heads to Boca with a new crowd.

12:53 pm October, 21 CBS said...

hey ladies, does this tampon string covered in fung and shite coming down across the side of my face make me look taller?

12:56 pm October, 21 Justin said...

“Three’s company…four’s a swollen greasy beet-bag.”
What’s he drinking, anti-freeze? One can only hope.

1:03 pm October, 21 The Goob the Bag and the Pudly said...

Is he drooling or is that some kind of facial fung?
I think that’s Windex he’s drinking, Justin. I second your hope, though.

1:05 pm October, 21 The Goob the Bag and the Pudly said...

Those chicks are downright frightening. It’s like he walked in to a drag queen revue.
He seems happy about it, though.

1:07 pm October, 21 CBS said...

He’s on first, thinking about sliding into second but he might even make it to third. Only problem is the bases are swinging bats if you know what i mean. A home run might equal two weeks in traction while they drain the fluids in the vicious anoose blow out.

1:08 pm October, 21 smackdouche said...

With the California Porn Industry temporarily shut down, the performers rally to behind the cry “Party”.

Pretty in Pink: Wow, Paula Abdul has really changed since leaving American Idol.

1:13 pm October, 21 C. Alice Hardon said...

Roger’s smile of triumph is evident after he wins his bet with the boys down at the tire shop. He was able to succesfully inflate Guadolope’s right breast to 125 psi, without it exploding.

1:17 pm October, 21 Choadthedouchesprocket said...

Summoned by the Great God GROINSHAVR — The rock hard glands of the Realm of Bleeth’s soiled princesses rose to the occasion.

1:23 pm October, 21 SBC Scabby Bulge Chaff said...

You fucken haters. these beautiful women would never fuck any of you. maybe you think they look like men because you are all pussies jacking off your tiny cocks in your mom’s closet. you wish they would fuck your gay asses. If they are ugly then go look in the mirror why dont you? think about that. this guy in the pic looks like he is having a lot of fun with three girls. maybe if you losers decided to have fun, two of you could get in on that. but your scared. lol. peace out losers

sorry…i just kept waiting to read it so i wrote it. self-fulfilling prophecy is a wretched whore

1:26 pm October, 21 Amerigo Vesdouchey said...

Dr. Frank Chopper inspects his latest work with barely contained delight.

1:27 pm October, 21 Doucheywallnuts said...

I went to the Groin Shave Reveal Convention and all I got was this lousy case of the herp!

1:28 pm October, 21 MC 900 Foot Douchebag said...

“Enjoyed Veags, Skanks For The Memories!”

1:33 pm October, 21 Bagwood Dumbstead said...

Dudley Do-Right & Fallout Girl Meet The Flying Buttress and Angelina’s Stand-In.
A shot of Prestone does sound good now.

1:40 pm October, 21 Eliza Douchecoo said...

I sure hope he’s got enough coke for all dems bitches.

1:42 pm October, 21 Vin Douchal said...

@ Scabby
Nah, it’s nothing like that. I just prefer no oozing sores on my cockk and STD’s flowing through my bloodstream.
Peace and Love, Peace and Love,
Vin “Ringo” Douchal

1:46 pm October, 21 Nancy Dreuche said...

Groin Skull Reveal just let’s the ladies know it’s scary down there. And by scary I mean infested.

Those bottles marked Poison have a skull and crossbones on them for a reason.

Paula Abduboob hott, don’t leave your fingers in there for too long.

1:59 pm October, 21 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...


2:05 pm October, 21 Medusa Oblongata said...

Sweet merciful crap. I don’t even know what to say about this. The mind fairly boggles.
A ‘baghunter who hasn’t been around much has an occasional email communique with yours truly. We’ve been discussing my possible writing of a how-not-to book for young women. Seeing as how it’s either the prudish advice of some schoolmarm, the tear-soaked, Oprah-esque horseshit that can only come from someone who’s found themselves via making ten billion dollars, or some frosty shrink who wants you to take your parents to court for loss of childhood innocence. The world of wimmins needs a new voice. Who better than some world-weary, cynical hag who pulled every colossal fuckup in the book and made a few new ones? Then I made good and waste no time imparting my wisdom on the other gals I run across. And, unlike mom, I don’t edit out the parts about giving blowjobs in bar bathrooms. Anwyay, i’m going to write this fucking book. And these chicks are going to be on the cover.

2:12 pm October, 21 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Sally the Valtrex rep sprints back to her hotel room when she spots an opportunity to make a huge sale.

2:15 pm October, 21 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

After weeks of searching for just the right “types”, GLAXOSMITHKLINE unveil the members for their new ad campaign “Take Valtrex or you will wind up looking like them.”

2:17 pm October, 21 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

@ Medusa
Are there gonna be any illustrations in this book? You know, like the part about the bar bathroom? And any others? You know, for ummmmm, research. Yeah, research. That’s it.

2:26 pm October, 21 Medusa Oblongata said...

@ Dr. BHD: Oh, there will be. But not in any historical sense, sorry. This was supposed to be a Caption This Pic? Ooops. I fail. And Croosh won it at 12:37 anyway. But never say die!
“The proud inventor of Bumpits enjoys the fruits of his labor. His wife Shelly always disdained his success.”

2:28 pm October, 21 Ted Brogan said...

White bikini Lena is vindicated for spending the extra bucks for breast implants that don’t make the baby Jesus cry as much.

3:09 pm October, 21 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

Rack, Barebecue Rack, Slack and Stack make my throat go “ACK!”

3:16 pm October, 21 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

I don’t know why they can’t just dispense with the bikinis, they aren’t hiding anything but some peeps; and he is obviously advertising his “creeps” with the GSR tatt.

3:17 pm October, 21 darksock said...

WhoreCon 2010 was off to another big year in Vegas.

3:18 pm October, 21 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

When the Coppertone girls grow up, they get smart on the sun exposure but still enjoy playing “SunTag” on any hapless male within reach.

3:18 pm October, 21 Anonymous said...

Paula Scabiiedoul and the cast of Bags Got No Talent, Education or Shame.

3:19 pm October, 21 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

Three pounded slapwhoars and a marinated wank make for some interesting porch beef.

3:21 pm October, 21 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

Mississippi Smith grins at the thought of his hidden black dress socks (

3:26 pm October, 21 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

Frightened with the sudden infestation of fleas, the leopard print bikini inches its way up for a quick escape.

3:27 pm October, 21 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

There’s nothin’ here a good Mississippi Mud Roll won’t cure, followed by a feast of cooter stew.

3:38 pm October, 21 pumpkinlover said...

I bet he shaves his pubes into different goatees for Mr. Skullhead’s chin. 🙂

4:05 pm October, 21 Voulez-vous Douchez said...

“Fig. a: Postcard from Sunny Hell, circa 2010”

Now bring me a bowl of chowda to share with a pasty endomorph.

4:07 pm October, 21 Deltus said...

Binky, his undead Viking crotch demon, finally had enough with his trying to mate with bleeth scum, and tried to make a break for it.

4:15 pm October, 21 massengill said...

The pic that ruined underboob

4:17 pm October, 21 Wedgie said...

After staying up all night drinking cheap vodka and scarfing ecstasy by the handful, Thor Turpsichord runs into some of the cast from “Chicks With Dicks” filming at the beautiful Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas.

5:05 pm October, 21 douche bagel said...

those body’s (sans tasty brunette on right) will not age well. jaja gabors already on the down hill at the ripe age of 28

5:30 pm October, 21 Guid is Good said...

I’m with massengill – never thought I would see an underboob I didn’t like but then… Properly cropped, the side boob on the white bikini still works. Can’t do anything about the bleeth in pink though.

6:02 pm October, 21 Douche Equis said...

The Grinster made his best play, rocking the George Soros monogram underwear and matching right-wing conspiracy theorist Soros-As-Skull-Viking tattoo, but even these accoutrements were no match for Beverly’s devastating underboob display and pubic mound-dancing butterfly.

6:27 pm October, 21 Mr Fitzwilliam Douchey said...

Thank God I saw this while at the lab with eye wash stations nearby. Now if I could only find my contacts. Poor, poor Angelina Jolie; when this is the company you keep it’s no surprise that you got Hepatitis.

6:46 pm October, 21 Stephanie said...

Charlie’s Angelskanks with Vik Fuckputter in Vegas 2010.

7:06 pm October, 21 wolfram74 said...

Damn ! I’ve followed through

7:36 pm October, 21 Sqweegel said...

Pinky Skunkadero on the left there has several archived+jarred labia scabs both larger & heavier than my kindergarten bicycle helmet.
True story. She’s a CSI whore like that.

7:45 pm October, 21 Paul Muad'douche, the Kwisatz Scroterach said...

I think I got herpes just looking at that picture.

8:03 pm October, 21 Chris in 'Baghdad said...

OK I was about to write something clever and trite…when my jaw DROPPED! Tiger bikini is wearing the top not under the boobies, but is defying gravity, convention and Photo Shop by wearing it on top of the boobies???? Do mine eyes deceive me?

9:27 pm October, 21 Anonymous said...

Groin Skull:
” I guess it’s still not safe to come out..”

1:06 am October, 22 jk said...

“Exhibiton at this years NTA (National Taxidermists Association) convention in Vegas had new “Disfiguration – Trends and Failures” section.

1:14 am October, 22 iDouche said...

If I’m not mistaken Groin Skull Dude is drinking SWIPE, which explains his shit eating grimace.

6:01 am October, 22 mr.reeve said...

When the bleeths are stronger and douchier then the ‘bag you get this picture.

6:32 am October, 22 Just Me said...

Hello ladies, how would you like to lay your hands on Thor’s Hammer?

10:26 am October, 22 Captain Scrote Sparrow said...

The award for best underboob goes to…..

10:29 am October, 22 Captain Scrote Sparrow said...

It’s the cast for the “drink this turquoise sticky punch and your tit’s will get bigger” infomercial.

12:52 pm October, 22 I R A Darth Aggie said...

I never thought I’d say it, but the female GSR by sunglassless Robin frightens and confuses me. And it looks like there is enough sillicone available to sink a battleship. Oy!

3:02 pm October, 22 Anonymous said...

Twenty-Seven – The number of combined STD’s in this photo

8:25 pm October, 22 Steve L. said...

Wal Mart’s styrofoam love bots aren’t what they used to be.

10:04 am October, 24 Wes T. said...

By the power of Groin Skull, I HAVE THE POWER! Come, Princess Skank-Ra!

3:39 am October, 25 Darth Doucheous said...

All flavours of boobs: cleavage, side boobage, underboobage and moobs

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