Thursday, October 14, 2010

    Hipsterbag Topher

    I had thought mocking hipsterbags with hot chicks would be a more innovative subgenre of the Hottie/douchey dialectics in 2010. To date it hasn’t been. But Hipsterbag Topher may change that around here.

    Note the subtle douchebag-hipsterbag transliterations:

    Facial fung from “anal retentive sculpt” to “faux disinterest sculpt.” Designer cap tilt to vintage cap tilt. Bling to bling.

    Librarian Roxanna is real world small town loin fire. And for that, I buy her a martini, and don’t even flinch when she asks for Grey Goose rather than Ketel One.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    Alyssa’s Boobies Power Priuses

    I don’t know how annoying a douche Teddy douchechamp really is. A stage-2 bar choader at best, in the Fred Durst oeuvre.

    But Alyssa’s pale, delectable cleavite is a rare and inviting delicacy of wanton lust and powerpuff slappy tap.

    A small tribe in Guinea once built a shrine to honor the bounciness of Alyssa’s curves, but the Tribal Elder, K!chu, demanded it be torched and never spoken of again.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    Breaking: The Melbourne Council Responds to Ed Hardy

    In the war on douchebaggery, Australia leads the way.

    All ‘bag hunters should learn, pay respects and honor the glorious Australian response.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    Caption This Pic

    Somewhere in the deep suburbs of Lansing, Michigan, Barry comes up with, and plans to patent, a brilliant new way to insure that sorority girls Kelly and Kylie drunk.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    The Kleenex and Nicola Are Unimpressed

    Unimpressed by a second Oldbag entry to compete with in Monday’s HCwDB of the Month, Mr. Kleenex Wipe, Nicola, and some random flunkie had this to say:

    Unnnnnnnnghhhhhhhhhhhhh. Make it rain! Blarrrrghhhllle. Yo. Mercedes.

    I leave it you to decipher this cryptic challenge to the Krusties.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    HCwDB of the Week: The Crustie Brothers and Karen and Sue

    It was a tough and equally balanced weekly, with Skulltatt Sammy and Party Girl Ashley, and Itchigan and Bouncy Di all coming close to pulling out the victory/loss. But the Oldbaggery of Crustie Bros and temptress Asian/Indian eastern hottness, were too much to overcome.

    The voters speak:

    Taint Nuthin But A G-Thang: The Crustie “Bros” are so disturbingly foul that I fear my mouth will permanently taste like bile from puking so violently after seeing this disturbing pic. Karen and Sue on the other hand give me dreams that are embarrassingly far too wet to talk about in public. Crusties FTW all the way.

    Nancy Dreuche: My vote goes to the Crustie Bros and my two dental hygenists Mindy and Cindy. I have two. One to clean the top chompers and one for the lower chompers.

    ehcuodouche: I vote Crustie this week. Two fantastic (in a bad way) oldbags over a middling fratdouche and a roadie for 311. Quartasian hott over two sets of fake boobs.

    Turdacious: The Crustie Brothers FTW! both totally blowing off the hotts, 1 playing paper , rock, scissors by himself. The other telling everyone in site how big he is.

    Vin Douchal: it looks like Ryan Seacrest and Donnie Osmond posing at a Sci Fi convention with some out of costume Ferengi extras.

    Paul Muad’douche, the Kwisatz Scroterach: I have to vote for the Crustie Bros, Roger and Gary, and their delicious divorcee hotties, Karen and the best advertisement for a continued American military presence in South Korea and Japan, the lovely, lovely Sue.

    End the Haberdouchery: Guy on the left may have the shortest torso ever. These poor women will have to spend the entire night listening to their pitches on the exciting opportunities in the wonderful world of soft-core pornography.

    Southern Scrotic: I’m going with Sue FTW. I’m guessing there are douchebags and bleeths in all the pics, but Sue’s the one girl for me.

    Dex: They took a trip to Thailand last year where they met Karen and Sue (real names Oanh and Kang) at a night club. They were singing “One Night in Bangkok” at the karaoke machine with smug grins on their orange faces, not realizing, or caring, that they were actually in Pattaya. Twenty drinks and two STDs later, they were married, and Karen and Sue were on a plane back to the States. They know full well the douchey-stupidity of their husbands. After three years they become naturalized and they can dump their old asses and take half their stuff.

    Medusa Oblongata: Oh, Crustie Brothers. Not since Mario and Luigi came along has there been such a bad, stereotypical fraternal duo embodying silliness of some sort.

    Blinded by the Shite: Oldbag on the left sports sunburn forehead with wild Jeff Goldblum grimace while K-Fed Ol’bag on the right gives it a slightly more toned-down “I’m extreme, but I like to let the girls think that I’m into animal rights”. Holy shiny cleavite and real-world hotts makes sure that this picture packs a punch: I nominate it as my Mock of the Week.

    I R A Darth Aggie: Being an old bastard myself, I gotta vote for the oldbags, the Brothers Crustie. Besides, the Grace Park look-a-like commands me to vote for them with her Cylon eyes.

    Et tu Douche?: They ladies are delectable, spicy suckle hott and have been ensnared in the the Crusties mid life crisis. I’m sure they enjoy the attention and the cash being spent on them but they need to be rescued and taught to stand on their own 2 feet and not result to having oldbag’s footing the bill.

    Well parsed, team. The rarety of a double-douche + double-hott Weekly winner makes The Crusties an accomplishment of sorts. But Party Girl Ashley’s lacey hottness and Skulltatt Sammy almost pulled it out:

    One for the Choad: Skulltat Sammy and Ashley FTW. He is inky poo, and she is holding her beer bottle (bonus points for actually drinking beer) between her breasts. Well played, Ashley. Well, except for being on that crustacean’s lap in the first place. You might want to see a doctor about that.

    Whoop-di-Douche: He is just awful, pukeable, covered with stupid tatts and publicly wooing HOH quality ASHLEY, who hasn’t the decency to wear even a bikini, but dishes her bod in skimpy underwear instead…and orange and black at that.

    Lyndon Ladouche: Ashley is reclining like a houris from the Islamic paradise. I would trade 72 virgins for her knowing smile of experience.

    The Reverend Chad Kroeger: For being old, wrinkled, tanned, divorced, and mack daddying on anything it has to be the Crusty Brothers for the grin.

    Eliza Douchecoo: Lacey McSuperHott for the win, I want to do things to her involving rubber, magnets, a bungee cord and a turkey leg.

    Wedgie: any girl hott enough to attract spittle and drool like the very rare, in fact never before heard of, Romanian Tractor Beam, must be exceptionally hott in her poolside lingerie.

    numbskull72: I gotta vote Sammy and Ashley, ’cause this one just makes me cry. Ashley brings the hott more than the others, and for the pure fact that this choadwank with green-crayon-on-a-wet-paper-bag tattage is probably nailing this poor misguided lost doe.

    Tom Choad: I vote for Skulltat and his fetching orange-and black-lace bedecked yummy suckle-thigh party girl! Seeing his arm around her luscious skin provokes both nausea and focused violence from me.

    Mr. White: The orange on Ashley’s ensemble is putting me in the mood for candy corn, and I love candy corn. Sammy’s crap tatts remind me of that kid in the back of 5th grade geography who used to draw all over his arms with a ballpoint. He’s in jail now.

    Ashley deserves our collective love for her combination of sex appeal, trashiness and raunch. She is wrong. Yet we love her. Perhaps a HoH consideration in her future. Coming in third, with solid support, Itchigan and Bouncy Diana:

    massengill: Sure, some of you are saying, “But Diana is too thick for me: her arms too ‘matronly,’ her thighs to thunderous.” To you I say, “STFU.” Hers are boobs that launch a thousand ships. Or, at least, a shitty old Bayliner.

    DarkSock: I would like to posit the following: b( . )( . )bies. Itchigan and Bouncy Diana FTW (Fondle The Wobblies).

    CBS: She is the Homolka to his Bernardo and helps cover his tracks with mesmerizing juicified inflatables and tacky Ed Hardy cap. Kudos to these two utter tools, they truly are locked in a vacancy.

    The Bounce is strong and the Itch is rashy, but this was oldbaggery and milfy party mom week to shine. Lets let Tumbleweed McElfresh take us home:

    I was having a difficult time with this decision, but after reading an article in Ladie’s Home Journal which covered skin and skin care products, I discovered that sun spots are not caused by the sun at all, but are instead, the result of friction, stress and humankind’s age old struggle with good and evil. Therefore, the only conclusion I could come to, with anything close to a clear concience was, The Brothers Crusty.

    Mark their slot in the next HCwDB of the Month. Good work to all. And your humble narrator for Cinnamon Corn Flakes.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, October 12, 2010

    Where’s Waldouche? Alpha Beta Carotine Frat Edition

    Somewhere in this circular pi of absolutely taut and award winning giggle pie, especially you, Brunette Potential Librarian Suckle Thigh with the Cheap Champagne who routinely has pillow fights with your besties and then rubs yourself with Tea Tree Oil, I’ve carefully hidden a lineup of annoying Fratpud.

    Look closely.

    Can you “bro” them?

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, October 12, 2010

    Ask DB1: Natural Selection

    My fellow warrior DB1,

    I was recently considering the process of Natural Selection, when I had the gruesome thought that perhaps Douchebaggery might become a positive genetic trait.

    After all, with all of the scrotum-faces with luscious asspear we see, there is a high probability, as much as we may not want to consider the fact, of mating. And the disease is spreading around our glorious nation and now the world.

    Should I worry that the future of the human race will look like the evil-spawn we try to expose with the light of truth and reason? Ought I compile a collection of pictures of normal people so if the Douche-pocalypse occurs, there will be some record of us normal folks to withstand the flood of douche-photos bombarding everything?

    Never lose hope,
    – Sir Hate-A-Douche


    The anxiety you’re experiences, Sir H.A.D., is, with apologies to Kubrick, what we term “The Startatt Child.”

    Fear of the unborn unholy cohabitation of hottie/douchey ascendancy representing a new devolution for the human race. A step backwards if you will.

    The only mitigating factor is that, unlike Mike Judge’s now academically peer reviewed and accepted “Idiocracy Theorem,” the Douchebag tends to not like to produce offspring. It cramps his party style.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, October 12, 2010

    The Philosophy of Max Smell

    Lets face it. When it comes to the Philosophy of Max Smell, there are some things in life that just can’t be taught.

    Like how you know that parking spot is coming if you just turn left on Doheney.

    Or that no matter whether the Tuscans defeat the Spartans in the battle of the Fjords, or the Spartans defeat the Tuscans, Max Smell will still giggle at boobies.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, October 12, 2010

    Pistachio Pavel Ignores Stephanie

    Stephanie is all that is tiny nosed about nordic hinterland hottness. She has read a book by Steig Larson. And her hobbies include knitting tiny muffs for cold cats, half-drinking expensive lattes then throwing them away because Oprah is on, and a massive daddy complex.

    Pistachio Pete is orange, greasy and burnt.

    I need a drink. And it’s only 11am.

    But a priest once told me on a golf course after missing the eighteenth hole in a lightning storm that there is no God. So heck with it. Lets drink.

    # posted by douchebag1
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