Friday, October 8, 2010

    The Kettlehead Goes “The Full Khan”

    HCwDB non-legend, 2009’s non-winning zombified singular eyebrowed Kettlehead is still demanding he receive the societal mock he feels he deserves.

    Even if it means going The Full Khan with his chest-shave and grease.

    Even if it means bringing an innocent and extremely tasty Persian hott to the equation.

    And a little person named Tony. Who just wanted a cocktail.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, October 8, 2010

    Friday Haiku

    A ‘stache, a bourbon,
    A young girl’s buttocks fondled,
    By Snidely Liprash.

    One has to think she
    Could do better than the lost
    Mario Brother.

    — The Goob the Bag and the Pudly

    Boris Bagenov
    goes home alone; smells like moose,
    hung like a squirrel.

    — Wheezer

    Ripe chestnuts tainted,
    Jesus bling and Ron Burgundy,
    Tom Selleck only weeps.

    — Scroto Baggins

    Mina grinds her teeth
    Fatty Rollie Fingers Gropes
    Humanity Weeps


    Salvador Dali’s
    Grandson, “Vic” chews through beaver
    Just like it was wood

    — saulgoode42

    Jimmy Hoffa’s Grave
    Not in Crimson Hott’s Cleavage
    Back off Geraldouche!

    — dknutty

    you do not pass go
    instead directly to jail
    Monopoly man

    — paperorplastic

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    King Douchuous the IV Reigns Onward

    Heavy is the douche that wears the crown.

    Boobies are the blonde whose belly uponst I gnaw.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    Ask DB1: Fwippy Hair

    Hey DB1,

    While this email could really pertain to any one single adouchetribute, I’m writing in concerned about fwippy hair.

    I have a problem with my hair, in that due to it’s thickness and generally lame straightness, I am forced to either look like a dark blond Q-Tip, or make my hair fwippy.

    While I realize that we’re on a slippery slope that must have careful attention paid to avoid total destruction, and that in the past a single scrotetrait isn’t necessarily enough to call ‘bag, I do realize that things like fwippy hair are always visible and thereby invite constant mock, whereas the thousand ‘bag stare or the ‘bag headlock might only present in the presence of the hottie boobie suckle thigh, and thereby hide dormant.

    What should guys like me do who want to not look like complete idiots and yet avoid accidental mocking? Is there an out clause?

    — Arch Douche Ferdinand


    Fwippy Hair in and of itself is usually not enough to mark ‘bag, but it is an early warning indicator. However, if your hair has a permanent fwip, there is some leeway in terms of mocking. You just must be extra careful about hand gestures, sneery lips and douche-face in the presence of any and all hotties you come into contact with.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    Spot the Differences!

    Okay kids, time to play another round of the game that’s sweeping the nation… Spot the Differences!

    In this hottie/douchey Vegas swirl of toxic poo, I’ve carefully hidden over eleventeen subtle differences that highlight the decay of culture and bankruptcy of human endeavor.

    Can you spot them all?

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    Lonnie Busts a Move

    And he calls it “Greasy Chests for Peace.”

    I see you, three munchable party girlkins, Sue, Suzy and Suzanne. One pensive. One giggly. And one shouting “Woo!” all the way to the bathroom. As I approve of the genetic gifts offered by the potential of your wombs, I awkwardly offer to buy you an appletini and then fondle your jacket and stare at the small of your back when you’re distracted.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    Caption This Pic

    After her fifth shooter, Steve’s tattoo led him to bust out his favorite pickup line on Sophie, “Wanna see my jigsaw nuzzle?”

    (Provide your preferred caption in the comments thread)

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, October 6, 2010

    Ask DB1: Relationship ‘Bags


    I would love to get some clarification from you on an issue that has caused me much consternation and heartache lo these many years.

    Is a person who bears all the physical and spiritual hallmarks of a garden variety douche (see attached – white sunglasses, Ed Hardy, hand gestures, inordinate # of gaudy tats, arm hooking a smoking hottie, etc) still a douche if said hottie is his actual steady girlfriend and not just an unlucky bystander who was wandering too closely when the camera came out?

    Does he get a nottadouche pass just because he doesn’t randomly grope any poor girl within reach or is he in a sense guilty by association for merely presenting the unseemly facade of a douchebag?

    In my mind, this begs the question of which is worse: the true douchebag or the poser who merely aspires to portray the douchebag lifestyle? Does douchiosity transcend the outward appearance or is that indeed from where it springs? These are the questions that haunt my dreams.

    Sincerely yours,


    Monogamous coupling in no way invalidates douchal behavior in public when the individual in question’s behavior is douchey, Confused. It merely diminishes the chances/opportunity for the ‘bag to act ‘baggy.

    In fact, douches who are in a relationship yet still find opportunities to douche it up with their lady for neighboring cameras are, on many levels, even more douchey, since they lack the base seduction motive as at least a pseudo-justification for their scrotal choices.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, October 6, 2010

    Fung Diddy

    Oh poor, sweet, confused Simona.

    How you pull on that wafting tuft of chin fung to see if the mo’ will move. But it doesn’t move. For there is far too much skull.

    My Simona. How I would gnaw on your perfect European supple legs like the Kaiser searching the Ottoman Empire for a new Ottoman. Because his living room needs updating.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, October 6, 2010

    The Dripster

    Because hair like that is an abstract conceptual prank that rewrites history on some achronological mythical level.

    Like realizing that Bob Dylan’s entire career was actually played by Sacha Baron Cohen on the Capricorn One sound stage.

    Poor, poor Molly. She hasn’t heard of Bob Dylan or seen Capricorn One. But she did see Borat.

    # posted by douchebag1
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