Friday, February 18, 2011

Aqua Poodha

Stripey aqua shades and “Fleur de Lis” shoulder pads may please Pierce Patchet at the Night Owl Diner, but it remains a stage-3 violation of clubwankchoadery

Rocker horns Darla should not have taken her younger sister to be humped by such an atrocity. The road to Bleeth has begun.

# posted by douchebag1
11:32 am February, 18 Douche Springsteen said...

Interesting, there is no sign of a sneer or a “livin’ the dream” look on this bag’s face. I wonder if he maybe caught a glimpse or himself in the club mirror when he went to piss out his overpriced Goose-n-Red-Bull and had what alcoholics refer to as a “moment of clarity” and is now having a moment of existential crisis.

11:40 am February, 18 Mr. White said...

Darla didn’t “take” her sister to be humped–she sold her sister to him for $50 and some coke. That’s why she’s celebrating.

11:50 am February, 18 Stephanie said...

He’s hoping two sisters and him for later,but they leave without him,when they see those shades.

12:07 pm February, 18 Foxy Mocksy said...

Man, Kanye West’s been hittin the Michael Jackson skin cream, hard. I have no strong feelings about this picture which I take to mean that these three deserve eachother. And by deserve eachother, I mean three way.

12:31 pm February, 18 I R A Darth Aggie said...

My skin crawls, like someone bleethed on my grave. *shiver*

12:43 pm February, 18 Deltus said...

Perhaps that’s why he has a blank expression on his face. His brain managed to comprehend the actual possibility of sex with horns hott and her younger sister, and the resulting mental glimpse of awesomeness was too much for his current choadwank paradigm.

12:48 pm February, 18 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Darla’s fat, man hands are grossing me out and bother me as much as the thought of Aqua getting a threesome with the sisters. Also, it’s really more douchey than normal when the tattoo pattern clashes with the design on the shirt. These dick-bag, douchebags need to be more aware of the relationship between their shirt decorations and their tatts.

12:51 pm February, 18 Vin Douchal said...

He could be Fish Slap’s little brother, Minnow Cuff

1:28 pm February, 18 Captain Garanichode said...

his tat is leaking thru his T… or it’s Ed hardy himself?

1:36 pm February, 18 DarkSock said...

Aqua Vulva

2:22 pm February, 18 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

This picture reminds me a bit of my Monday morning. A bit of backstory is necessary first. The fine institution where I work had a world-renowned speaker come to give a talk and I actually got to meet and have dinner with him. He just so happens to be a former colleague of Mrs. Doc Bunsen. Everything is going great until I notice that he starts sneezing all over the inside of our car like someone just blew pepper up his nose. Turns out he “had a cold but isn’t contagious anymore.” Well, for some unknown reason, I have the immune system of a newborn kitten. Yes, this 6’1″, 230lbs colossal dickhead of an asshole catches a cold like an HIV patient. Go figure. Fast forward to Monday. Ebola is striking with its full force, I’m fuccen hallucinating, and can barely move. The one time I managed to stumble into the bathroom correctly I hawked up the biggest, nastiest piece of shit I had ever managed in my adult (Hey wait, I’m an adult? Who knew?) life. It was dark brown, chunky, and honest to God, had a chewy texture to it. I literally gagged on it as it plopped into the sink. It was then that I contemplated going to the hospital. Then I said fucck it and went back to sleep. So why all this backstory? I had forgotten about that expectorant until I saw Doucheboy here and the memory came flooding back to me.

6:02 pm February, 18 Tim said...

Great LA Confidential pull.

10:38 am February, 19 Wheezer said...

Darla is signalling that they’re both about to gag on the overpowering Axe stench from Pepé le Poo.
Oddly enough, that stuff is harder to wash off than skunk. Those poor, poor ladies.

12:38 pm February, 19 roger said...

Elton wants his shades back.

1:31 am February, 20 Steve L. said...

i’m too jaded to make Quebec jokes now.

3:41 am February, 21 Motorcycle Parts said...

I take to mean that these two deserve eachother. And by deserve eachother, I mean two way.

1:01 am February, 25 Minky dot fabric said...

Gratss for this article

2:05 am February, 25 Minky Fabric said...

Nice blog

10:08 am February, 27 Graig Carmant said...

Gratss for this article

1:41 am February, 28 Giovanni Myrum said...

Good work man

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