Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Billy Dee Villhelm Wants to Hug Champagne Katie

Billy Dee Villhelm would love to give Champagne Katie a hug.

Unfortunately his sweater shrunk in the dryer. And his arms are now as immobile as little Randy Parker.

And yes, Champagne Katie is as hott as she appears.

You may be wondering if it’s a one-off. A single pic that makes her look hotter than she really is.

So for corroborative evidence: Champagne Katie #2.

Holy sweet jebus I just swallowed my tongue, drank some cherry flavored Fresca, and punched a manatee. In his manateeth. Stupid manatee.

# posted by douchebag1
11:44 am February, 15 UFO Destroyers said...

Her left eye must be made of glass since it’s covered the same way in two pictures. However, she must be blind in the right eye then to allow this walking scab to rub up against her. No peripherials.
I have a feeling at the end of the night, she’ll smell like a pedicab driver’s underwear in Dubai in July after the two-legged turd gets done grinding with her at the bar.
I’d still eat the goldfish from her fish pedicure water….Just saying.

11:50 am February, 15 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I told my daughter that Selena Gomez was going to turn into a slut when she turned 18. Selena with your tiny head and small womanly body and shiny tight lips..I would like to! Straighten up Kroeger, no more daytime porn surfing for Selena Gomez.

12:00 pm February, 15 Et Tu Douche? said...

in pic 2 Champagne Katies’s friend is all sort of scrumptious, naughty youngness and Billy D with his goofy mullet like haircut has moved on to mack another hott.

12:03 pm February, 15 Wheezer said...

I’d rather look at only the pic of Champagne Katie and Champagne Sally.

12:06 pm February, 15 Wheezer said...

I guess Hines Ward got over the Steelers’ Super Bowl loss.

12:15 pm February, 15 jonezy said...

not that I really ever took my eyes off Katie Hott plus friend in pic #2, but doesn’t it look like BD Villhelm just rode in on a colt and can’t straighten out?
A colt 45 I’d imagine

12:21 pm February, 15 Captain Garanichode said...

Katie gives lap dances to upscale rug-doctor franchise owners just like Billy Dee V (glistening like a mirror ball he is).

12:24 pm February, 15 Captain Garanichode said...

ahh… Pic 2, Champagne Laura is indeed scrumptious! William D’s mexi-mullet is ready for mock and ridicule.

12:32 pm February, 15 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...


Congrats on the new house. I went in the opposite direction and got out of my McMansion into a side-split.

12:39 pm February, 15 Vin Douchal said...

Thanks for that additional photo so we could see the second piece of bread in a Vin Douchal’s sauseeeg sandwich

12:42 pm February, 15 Deltus said...

Good call, Reverence. Champagne Katie is a hotter, sluttier Selena Gomez. Now, though, I have to take down the posters of Selena Gomez from my daughters’ rooms, because now I’ll be thinking of Katie.

1:23 pm February, 15 UFO Destroyers said...

Is Katie’s watch pulling her over in the second pic or does she have amazing balance on her 5 inch heels?

1:33 pm February, 15 Anthony LaBaglia said...

Looks like the gay guy from Tears for Fears. Well, one of the gay guys.

1:37 pm February, 15 Anthony LaBaglia said...

All that other chick needs in pic #2 is a pointy hat. I don’t know what you guys are smokin’ but pass it over here.

2:10 pm February, 15 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

What is the wallet chain preventing? Its obvious he blew all his money on that sweater from the misses section at Sax.

3:13 pm February, 15 Daphattman said...

Anyone else notice the baby bump on CK? Look at how her silver beads bulge. Pregnancy definitely takes you out of the hottie and puts you into the pottie…

4:20 pm February, 15 DarkSock said...

That sweater is gayer than the cast of Glee doing cannonballs into an asshole-shaped swimming pool filled with YooHoo™.

4:30 pm February, 15 Mr. White said...

Anybody else wondering if Katie is actually a Real Doll? In the second pic, she looks almost identical to this pic, except she’s tipping over.
It’s not a criticism, per se. Just throwing it out there.

4:42 pm February, 15 John said...

Don’t punch a Manatee..they are endangered.Punch a Yankee’s fan.

5:03 pm February, 15 Foxy Mocksy said...

Billy Dee Villhelm drinks Dolt 45.
The champcomplain girls drink white whine spritzers. Also their feet hurt and they have to go to the bathroom. Again.

6:36 pm February, 15 Medusa Oblongata said...

^ I was totally thinking the same thing. Same head-tilt, same expression, same pose, even, just listing to Starboard a bit. Not to say that I still wouldn’t wear her across my face like a scarf, I’m just sayin’.

7:04 pm February, 15 Medusa Oblongata said...

“Manateeth”. SNORK!!!
I just realized what’s bothering me about her. The hair and the face and all…she looks like a contestant in one of those horrid child beauty pageants.

7:40 pm February, 15 Steve L. said...

the sheer hotness of Katie’s friend in pic #2 just about bowled her over like a tsunami. hence Katie’s almost falling posture in pic #2.

7:41 pm February, 15 Steve L. said...

fun fact: Katie never had a driver’s license because she refuses to be photographed according to government regulations.

8:43 pm February, 15 massengill said...

And then there was Margaret, who went by madge
With a vag for an eye and an eye for a vag…

9:38 pm February, 15 Mr. Biggs said...

Hottness is undeniable, but I can’t help wonder if she puts up that same look in every picture. In my view it makes her a candidate for electroshock therapy.

10:56 pm February, 15 Ted Brogan said...

I would hug her, in an intimate manner.

6:34 am February, 16 I R A Darth Aggie said...

Deer Katie,
Are you old enough to be drinking actual champagne? I’m thinking not.
That said, I’ll be in my bunk.

7:12 am February, 16 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

Mrs. Scrotato Head told me to stop touching myself. She then asked why Billy Dee was dancing with the pinch faced chick in the second pic instead of with the Champagne Sisters.
Oh like you f*cking noticed he was back there!

7:15 am February, 16 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

Most expensive date EVER. He’s a douche, but at least he’s smart enough to keep his waller on a chain. By the end of the night it’ll be empty and mom’s credit card will have scorch marks on it, but at least they’ll still be in his possession.
Coincidently, my cockk now has scorch marks on it as well.

8:18 pm February, 16 Guid is Good said...

Champagne Katie looks too expensive to me.

Back to the $5 hand jobs from pre-op trannies. Beggars can’t be choosers.

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