Thursday, February 10, 2011

Brillo Frankie Does “The Vegas”

I think it’s high time we standardized the greasy faux’d “tough guy” head-knock of hot chick with upraised arm in sideways boobie point as “The Vegas.”

Sheryl Crow’s hotter, younger sister, Cindy Crow, likes to party. And she’s grateful dad loaned her the money for the, uhm, “enhancements. But she still deserves better.

And by better, I mean me, slathering her lower calf muscles with duck sauce and sprinkled with the shattered dreams of suburban mediocrity and genericism.

# posted by douchebag1
9:29 am February, 10 Luis Douchuel said...

“Trust no bitch.” Super classy.

9:34 am February, 10 Wedgie said...

“Thrust No Bitch”. Super gay.

9:39 am February, 10 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

“Trust no bitch”? I’m sure the hotts just LOVE that. I’ll bet every single one of them gets a Niagara Falls goin’ from their cooters when they see that.
On his back its says: Because the last one stole my lunch money and I had to borrow $5 from that creepy guy who has candy and puppies in the back of his van.

9:41 am February, 10 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

For douche in back: Mr. T called and he wants to beat you to death with his chain. I pitee you fool!

9:41 am February, 10 jonezy said...

what enhancements? Those look pretty real to me.
I would use the soap on a gold chain rope in the background to lightly lather the inner thighs of Cindy, being that she will obviously need a cleaning in that area following the afternoon pictured.

9:43 am February, 10 Leisure Suit Larry said...

I believe this picture is causing me to have melonitits. Symptoms include pawing at my screen, sever eye strain, and drooling. Does anyone know a doctor that can treat this?

9:50 am February, 10 Vin Douchal said...

Not only is that Sheryl Crow’s sister, that’s Benjamin Bratt’s little brother Cornelius. “Cornholer” is showing his pre-anallingus finger technique to warm up his boyfriend’s rectum so it will easily accept the oversized gold chain.
She’s PTP. He’s out $20

9:52 am February, 10 Vin Douchal said...

Tremendous victory by my B’s over the Habs last night 8-6 plus a rousing line fight towards the end. My $200 at 12-1 to win the Cup looks pretty good, eh?

9:53 am February, 10 soy bomb said...

I see buh-buh-buh, buh-buh-buh, boo-boo-boo-, buh-buh-buh, boo-boo-

9:54 am February, 10 soy bomb said...

@ Vin, loved that game last night, thoroughly enjoyed Boychuck and Campbell destroying their French counterparts. It’s been a wildly entertaining season.

9:56 am February, 10 Vin Douchal said...

Thornton, Campbell and Boychuck are animals.
Say it like Burgess Merideth, it’s fun, Johnny Boychuck

10:04 am February, 10 Mr. Biggs said...

LOL – “sprinkled with the shattered dreams of suburban mediocrity and genericism.”

Sigh … suburbia. So much money, so much potential, so much hott … all to watch it get flushed down that toilet of douchal mediocrity.

10:12 am February, 10 ehcuodouche said...

That looks an awful lot like monsewer liptatt and holly, though at this angle I can’t make out the lip tatt – the dragon tatt on the chest looks similar tho, plus the lower lip fun and Holly’s curves.

10:13 am February, 10 ehcuodouche said...


10:17 am February, 10 ehcuodouche said...

And WTF kind of gold chain is around that background douche’s neck? It looks like he made it out of the velour railing from a movie theater.

10:36 am February, 10 Bigphatnotadouche said...

Nice cans – must have set back Daddy a pretty penny. I’m sure he recouped his investment by now.
She has a great gig at the Trump as floor greeter and fluffer.

11:22 am February, 10 Douche Springsteen said...

“rust no bitch”. Frankie obviously understands the dangers of oxidation.

11:31 am February, 10 Medusa Oblongata said...

@ ehcuodouche 10:12
No, sir that is definitely not Mr. Liptatt. Close inspection reveals the tattoo on his right chesticle-area to be a small, traditional tattoo of a bird…..a SWALLOW.
Now we know for sure he trusts no bitch. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Funny….I’ve had to tattoo that twice. I remember one guy saying “No offense” to me. I looked him in the eye and said, “You’re not calling ME a bitch, are you?” He looked scared. I added, “And if you were such a bitch-hater, you wouldn’t worry about whether or not I was offended.” I could hear part of his brain rupture as the logic threaded its way through his synapses. The second time I did it, the kid looked VERY uncomfortable when he realized I was gonna do it. I got all ready, then leaned in close and said, “You sure you don’t trust me?” The ‘Bzzzzzz’ of the machine as punctuation made him jump a good three inches. Ahhh, good times.

11:33 am February, 10 Charles Whitman's Ghost said...

Wellllllllllllllllllllllllll…. At least we can all take comfort in knowing that his warbling moobs will eventually hang low enough to cover “Trust No Bitch” (agreed, a klassy move to attract high-quality hotts).

I give him three years before that happens.

Five tops.

11:51 am February, 10 Et Tu Douche? said...

@ Vin & Soy Bomb.

B’s V Habs 1987 in the Garden was a Classic!!!!, Nevin Markwart pounding Claude Lemiuex was priceless. I miss the old garden.

11:54 am February, 10 Mr. Biggs said...

I just wanted to come on here to say –
Goddammit all to hell.

12:31 pm February, 10 Stephanie said...

I can see that guy lasting another 5 minutes in her life. She’ll just move onto another guy with better tattoos,like some stupid large tribal thing, no doubt.

12:33 pm February, 10 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

Sadly, he will “father” at least five children with three different moms, all out of wedlock. He will never be around, unless of course the babymammas should track him down at the club, at Carlos’s backyard gym, or under the freeway smoking crack. He will not want to know his children. There will be no birthday presents, no Christmas cards. But his sons will grow up to perpetuate his mysogyny, drug addiction, and chronic unemployment. At least one of them will spend a couple years in the same prison, though they will not have the same yard time and so will never meet. His daughters will suffer through failed relationship after failed relationship, each filled with beatings, quasi-rapings, and the welping of another generation of bitches and bitch haters, all the while learning from their mothers the ins-and-outs of welfare and dependence. Political elites, sociologists and cultural experts will publicly debate ad nauseum the causes of California’s uninterrupted decline into bankruptcy and anarchy but behind closed doors raise the Krystal and toast the voluntary enslaving of each generation.
Instead of a boob job she should have demanded a library card and some sensible shoes.
And a taser.

2:50 pm February, 10 Condouchious said...

I wish I knew more about Sheryl Crow’s music so i could make puns relating to the lovely Cindy Crow here. Wait, no I don’t…her music sucks.


4:56 pm February, 10 ehcuodouche said...


Upon further review that’s definitely not Liptatt. But it sure looks like Holly and her perfect cleavage. Maybe Lipp’s little brother was at the pool too. We have to call Nancy Dreuche in to determine whether she farts chocolate covered strawberries.

@bruins fan
Not a Boston fan, but always appreciated it when somebody pounded Coquesuquer Lemieux. Can’t seem to find video of that one.

But there’s this, which I’m sure was appreciated. Did you really have to pound on him when the Oilers came back there?

5:59 pm February, 10 Guid is Good said...

@ jonezy 9.41am – Don’t call us…

4:35 am February, 11 mr.reeve said...

If that isn’t Senor Liptatt’s Holly it must be her sister Molly. The hips look to small to be Holly. I need to do further research.

7:42 am February, 11 I R A Darth Aggie said...

Tremendous victory by my B’s over the Habs last night 8-6 plus a rousing line fight towards the end.
Nice fight. Would have been better if Cary Price skated out to center ice and challenge his counterpart. On the other hand, he’s not going to miss 4 to 6 weeks like DiPietro ’cause he has a glass face. So maybe Price is smart…

8:02 am February, 11 Tony Ventresca said...

She has a bit of that Jessica Jaymes look going on, which, for some reason, is working overtime for me this week.

8:20 am February, 11 Deltus said...

That’s no Holly. But this girl and Holly, were they to ever make out, would cause a disruption in the spacetime continuum from that much hottness trying to occupy the same point. We’d all be doomed. Albeit masturbating furiously, but doomed.

8:49 am February, 11 Anonymous said...

Bolt ons or no Bolt ons, she’s scrumptious!!

2:06 am February, 14 Motorcycle Parts said...

I bet that each one receives a Niagara Falls goin Cooters them when they see it.

11:26 am February, 14 RenoRains said...

LOL @ deltus’ comment

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