Friday, February 4, 2011
The Scrub Boat
Calling your girlfriend a “He” is one thing, Barney. Accusing him/her of being gay, now that’s just juvenile.
What’s next? Spending your early 30s blowing all your money on hair gel, bad tatts, and hanging with your mandana-wearing bros on party boats so you don’t have to face down your lack of spiritual growth since you read “The Tao of Pooh” in Junior High?
Yes it is.
Her Shami stomach soaks up jizz spatterings with remarkable efficiency.
He definitely is gay. Because all the really, REALLY good drag queens are usually straight. No lie. This one looks like one of those gay dudes who tricks drunk straight guys into letting him blow them. They think they got sucked off by a chick, and the dude gets the laugh of knowing they ‘corrupted’ a straight dude. Pffft. Amateur.
Well, if the girlfriend is a tranny, then it could be true.
The back of Barney’s t-shirt reads:
“And I’ll prove it.”
^ The back also has an arrow pointing down.
The arrow should be pointing down. I wonder where I can find this shirt? If I ever go see Sabio and Friends in Canada I will need one.
I know this shirt is meant to cockblock his competition, seriously though it just makes him look like a mental midget. And that is why I need one too.
Shit! Wheezer beats me with the back-of-the-shirt joke. Damn you Wheezer!
I was gonna say: On the back of his shirt it says “I ought to know.”
@ Douchey Lewis
Under the arrow does it say “All deliveries go in rear”?
On the back of his shirt says “Entrance to the Poop Deck”.
“Ass Pirates of The Caribbean?
Johnny Damon has seen better days
Rear Admiral Barney?
“This cruise brought to you by the makers of Valtrex. Valtrex, it’s what’s in the water.”
The back of his shirt says “You can tell because it’s his cum running out my ass.”
The back of his shirt says “And he’s mine, so don’t touch him, BITCH!”
The back of his shirt says “But I’m straight. I just do gay porn for the money.”
The back of his shirt says “It’s HIS cum on my upper lip, so I should know!”
The back of his shirt says “And I like him that way.”
The back of his shirt says “10,000 strokes and counting!”
Bunsen 9:43 FTW
Which one is the power bottom?
Her tummy has more ripples than Fred Sanford.
The back of his shirt says “And I’m one lucky bitch!”
She appears to have either a very bad case of elephantitis starting or she turning into an Arrakian Sandworm.
The back of his shirt says, “If you want proof, smell my farts…..or my breath.”
@’Sock, 11:23 a.m. –
One hand gesture I’d like to see the ‘bags throw is ol’ Ready Freddie’s “arth-a-ritis.” That could lower them by a full stage.
@troll me 10:23a and 11:07a., now you see the sweet sweet genius behind having you on here and why I really don’t give a shit. I dig your use of 50’s terminology, people just don’t say “Drat” enough anymore. Well, toodles for now.
I think the He Is Gay arrow IS intended for the tranny in the middle. I think we’ve seen enough evidence to say in 2011 douchebags and trannys travel – and photograph – in the same circles.
Is that the dude from Sugar Ray? That girl does have a lot of rolls. From my experience that is because she is very thin with tight skin sans 6 pack. and looks like a stoner. Me Likey. Son.
@DarkSock (11:23) Pure win, right there.
Ironically, it doesn’t really matter who you are with when you are wearing a “he is gay” T-shirt. Number 1, how does he know? Number 2, why does he care enough to share a public opinion? Only a butt pirate would board a mate at the stern in such fashion.
I suspect the HE IS GAY sign is pointing to the gay caballero portrait tatted into his left arm.
Im almost positive the guy in the red shirt is MMA fighter “Razor” Rob Machula (sp?). Who Ive had the (dis)pleasure of meeting and speaking with in the past…….Hes a total douche, even for MMA fighter standards
sadly 2 + 1 still = 2 at the end of this day….
How to fix Brodannas attitude
Brodannas pout face.
Dont be so angry brodanna
remove brodanna
The Haiku starts on the second line