Thursday, March 24, 2011
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The Cast of The W.B.’s low rated sit-com, “Hey Man! Why You Be Hatin’?” tried to forget about their recent cancellation by partying it up at L.A. hotspot “Le Bedd.”
The Cast of The W.B.’s low rated sit-com, “Hey Man! Why You Be Hatin’?” tried to forget about their recent cancellation by partying it up at L.A. hotspot “Le Bedd.”
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The Estonian version of “How I Met Your Mother”.
“America’s Got No Talent” auditions begin today.
“OK everyone, let’s do a silly face take now…”
Scenes from The Sub-Standard Hotel
“no, no, no. More gay, as in happy”
As Bobby the Bell-Hop entered the room, he realized that he should never ignore a do-not-disturb sign.
Isn’t that Melanie again? She looked better in the last pic.
Madame Tussauds Holiday Inn exhibit
On the set of the new hipster douchebag pr0n movie Dazed and Blown.
Follow Melanie and her bi-curious roommates & friends in a mashup of the “Real World” & “The Jersey Shore” coming soon to the WTF? channel.
This is why every father should ask, “who do you want to invite?” before he agrees to his daughter’s request to have a slumber party.
Bi-Curious? This is when you leave the curiosity behind and go Bi-Serious.
In the latest heart-warming tale on the OWN, comes It’s Gettin’ Slippery In Here. What started as a Spring Break trip by five fraternity brothers from Delta Iota Kappa to the gay bath houses of Bakngkocck to their adoption of two child jelly dong testers living on the mean streets of the UCLA campus comes the zany trials they face as they live together in one studio apartment in Blue Bird West Virginia. You’ll lagh. You’ll cry. You’ll weep uncontrollably and try to drown yourself in your won vomit, yes It’s Gettin’ Slippery In Here.
Might as well bundle those sheets up and burn them. They are going to have more oil stains than BP left on Florida’s gulf shore beaches.
^ If anybody could let me know what that says….good God assfuck, way to ruin the joke.
Melanie and friends take a break from helping Fernando and Brett (Front douches in the pic) shop for cute tchotchkis for their new loft to take a kooky pic in one of the bedroom displays at the local IKEA.
This is the cast party for the new musical, “We Are All Hungry For The Cok”. Melanie got a standing ovation for her solo, Everyone Takes It In The Butt Sometimes.
@McCrude, I thought she got the standing O for “Why’d Ya Make My Brown Eye Black and Blue?”
@Mock 6
Awesome input. Wish I had thought of it!
“who turned the f***in’ lights on?”
Goonies Part 2 – “Sloth Gets His Cookies”
@McCrude, are you mocking me? Its really hard to tell on this site.
On the set of “Inner City Gayng Bang” the musical.
These gaybags ain’t fooling anyone.
Breaking news: G-Star Raw displaces A/X in the pantheon of Douche must-have brands. Now eyes are on Ed Hardy, and even Axe is not safe from the competition.
The cast of “The Seven Bleeths and Douches You Meet In Hell” strike a pose for Vogue magazine.
@doc bunsen
Don’t be a self-hatter. I laughed.
@McCrude, G-Star Raw looks like a hybrid of Calvin Kline and Diesel with a Juicy Cotoure penchant for putting its brand on people’s ass. I’ll take it over Ed Hardy though anyday. Even the douchebag marketplace benefits from a little competition. But you probably already knew that what with witnessing this site vs. The Chive. DB1 sure stepped up his game after that. I know my visits to The Chive went from zero to once. I kid DB1, the only time I went to The Chive was when Mr. White put it in a link, and I had too. If someone takes the time to guide me to a picture of a woman’s rear end I’m going to check it out. It would be considered rude not to. No worries, they don’t call it AssPear over there so I’m sure you’re legally covered in that regard. Speaking of AssPear, how about some already. I feel as if I’ve been jewed outta my share of Pear this week. (Don’t worry Dude McCrude I remember your contribution, but I had to go to another page to get there.) Sigh, I like it when the Pear is front and center, so how bout it DB1? Can you spare some Pear?
Monkey-‘bag see, monkey-‘bag doo
Two of these things are not like the others
CBS’s new sitcom “Four and a Half Men”
@Mock 6,
I agree on virulence of G-Star Raw. If it doesn’t burn out soon, it could be the new top poo in the toilet bowl of Douche.
Glad you enjoyed the pear. If the extra click burned too many calories, consider a 4th plate of nachos tonight to offset the imbalance to your delicate constitution.
On-set still of straight to video production “Titty Titty Gang Bang”.
“Todd Keenan? Adam Lambert will see you now.”
Really? Really? I’m going to have another stroke.
^Wait, you mean that kind of stroke? I apologize for laughing then.
“I see choad people.”
This was a lot less repulsive when it was Two Girls One Cup.
“Okay, everybody! Act butch!”
5 Men 2 Women, and a case of pillow fights and a lot of scratching.
Melanie and Shi-Lin regret ever playing Simon Says with their hairdressers.
The cast of “Glee” does a “Jersey Shore” episode featuring the music of Scooter.
Ru-Paul succeeds in a spin-off of his show “Drag Race.”
who would you like to invite?â before he agrees to his daughter’s request to have a slumber party.
Cadaveric spasm is a rare form of muscular stiffening that occurs at the moment of death. Cadaveric spasm may affect all muscles in the body, but typically only groups, such as the forearms, or hands.
Thanks wikipedia, for explaining this.
(From left back clockwise)
This little piggy has no hair on his nipple,
this little piggy so gay he will faint,
the next is hairless from his ribs to his taint,
this little piggy, in his pit, hair there ain’t
this little piggy no hair on his brow
and those little piglets without pubic adornment when they’re getting plowed
Sorta reminds me of the old days at that Indy bar known as “The Bedroom” where the featured drink was the “Skip and Go Naked.”
Many years ago.
A faggot who shaves his armpits
vogue for da bitches