Monday, March 7, 2011
What Happens in Palisades Park Stays in Palisades Park
Even Angie’s had enough of overdeveloped abs + groin shave reveal.
That’s gotta count for something.
Well, that and a token’ll get you to the West Village on the Path Train. Which, lets face it, is where Tommy’d rather be anyway.
Angie, seen pointing here, has finally discovered the source of that strange “rotting crotch smell” that’s been wafting all over the room.
She’s just answering the cameraman’s question: “Who is gayer, that guy or the choad in the Hellraiser jacket?”
What gets me is, everybody in the pic seems disgusted by this toad, except the toad himself. Even the guy in the back is giving a WTF?
Guy in back is barely holding back a boy-band back stage “dry humping” move. Feline print APO gal just dry ruminated in her mouth, while the purple people eater is considering laying eggs in his easily hollowed CSR cavity.
Subdued Seth in the background is thinking, “Hell, I’d hit that…”
The looks of horror, disdain, and mock are unanimous. Epic win for the innocent bystanders.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out where all the flying buttons had come from.
…. and the liquid dookie award goes to…
Ooh I’d scrub my laundry on that bod.
Last night I took a walk in the dar
To a place called Douchebag Park
To have some fun, to mock what I did see
That’s where the choads are
Most excellent Freddy Boom Boom Cannon reference, DB1.
And that’s all he’s got,an open shirt..a few minutes later,everyone leaves,because nothing going on here.He’s not getting on a reality show anytime soon…and who cares?
Sweet mother of Jebus that dude has found his calling, but I don’t know what it is. Just a note of caution to you my friends: If you are going to have mulitple prescriptions with multiple doctors make sure they do not know each other.
And. Fuck Charlie, he is toast for the show. I’m winning.
Seconds later Angie ripped her dress open revealing a neatly trimmed muff above glistening lips, and perfectly scupted, soft, natural breasts, nipples hardening under the glare of so many lust filled gazes from both men and women, at which point jeans buttons began flying throughout the nightclub.
Tommy tucked his tattered shirt in his un-popped jeans and skulked off to the men’s room muttering “Every time, it happens every f*cking time!”.
Nervous beads of sweat formed under Vinny’s leather jacket as he struggled with his unavowed bro-mosexual lust.
dead on banana hammock. purple nurple is fixin to fug something.
Angie’s facial expression for the win!!!!
I believe Angie is pointing out that she didn’t order the 4-pack of Bartels and Jaymes but a 6-pack of something MUCH strionger and she wants to return this pud. Ivan in the back is trying to come up with a reasonable off to give Angie for her trouble.
^ off = offer. Long fuccen day.
Looking back 10 yrs from now on the phenomena that was Douchebaggery I think we can agree that GSR was as synonomous to the movement then any other signifier, adoucherement, etc;
Janeane Garofolo’s younger, prettier sister shares her gift for mock.
Abs on a shaven chest are so lined up, they give the New Jersey palisades a run for their money
Homo arigato, Mr. Roboto. Yeah that’s all I got right now. Angie you’re doin’ a great job.
I’d like to hear more from Purple Dress Hott.
i’d much rather the place be called Quarantine Park instead.
@ Mr. Scrotato Head:
I love you, man. And I mean that in a gay* way. Where you been?
*I, of course, don’t mean literally gay. I mean in a way that imagining my weenus doing an F. Mercurio on you gets me all Crucially Headed in my RevKroegBurka.
All NASCAR-style….you know….?
I love you, man… me…..?
a few minutes later,everyone leaves,because nothing going on here.Here as not getting on a reality show anytime soon and who cares.
Angie: I paid for a Fireman stripper. WTF is this lame-ass supposed to be?
Ted In The Background: I’d buy that for a dollar!