Ask DB1: Sunglasses on the Cap
Nothing to do with Commie Viet Nam where I am currently on holiday… BUT
It has frequently occurred to me of late that the sunglasses up on top of (usually trucker) hat may have made the social transmigration from garden variety redneck to douchebag signifier.
I have noticed in the last 12 months in real life and photos on the site that amongst crowds of ‘bags, sunglasses on the cap sometimes figure in to the scene. Is it? Can it? Could it?
Chris in ‘Baghdad
I couldn’t find the perfect pic to go with this question, C in ‘B (or C in Danang), but the point is a good one.
Yes, the migration of redneck signifers to a form of hipsterdouche is a troubling one worth monitoring in the future.
As to Lawyer Pud, pictured here, Mindy may not be the raving beauty that her sister Loraine is (not pictured). But she’s sweet. And will cook you pie. And deserves better than this wily turdrank.
Mindy may not be a raving beauty but she was blessed with a flexible body and has learned over the years how to compensate, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Go Mindy’s of the world! And while you’re there, please poke this dope in the eye before you leave for my place.
Oh, the glasses. Yeah, I proposed that anyone wearing these “look at me and how stupid I am” white plastic glasses on their head indoors at night are as auto-douche as if they had them over their eyes.
Nice insight into Chris’ excellent question.
Mindy will not only bake you a pie but, If you happen to be out of town for a few days, she’ll faithfully feed your alpacas and llamas our nutritious mineral supplements with added omega 420 extracts and whey protein. These fine products meet or exceed all minimum daily requirements for digestive health and will restore that healthy glow, (not to mention sex-drive) you thought was gone forever!
Lorraine is just a bitch anyway.
meh…sometimes the shades end up on the brim, especially when walking indoors (perhaps for a cool beverage or 7 on an early afternoon)…the bartop not always a good place to store quality shades as they may walk away (sly lil’ fux that they are) once the sauce is a flowin’
practical placement of shades on the cap get a pass from me, however, as a style statement…uh, retarded
I think this douchebag is wearing eye makeup. And that is my cue to heave. Make like your sister Lorraine and not be pictured with this tool, Mindy.
Sunglasses on top of hat, if worn in mere transition from outdoors to indoors, notta. If worn as an accessory and never used, douchey douche.
Mindy,bake him a pie with something in it. I’m not saying poison here so don’t everybody get all weird on me,just enough to make him wipe that stupid look off of his face. Oh never mind second thought,Ex Lax looks a lot like chocolate,have some fun,Mindy.
Stephanie! I wanna party with you!
^But um, don’t bake me anything.
I have actually noticed this recently as well. In fact, just last night at my neighborhood bar, I spotted 3 separate off-the-shelf, standard issue fratbros wearing the hat/sunglasses combo at midnight. I don’t see how that could be excusable.
However, there is not enough information included in the reader’s general sunglasses/hat scenario to justify an auto ‘bag signifier rule. It depends on context. If you were outside on a sunny day and were wearing sunglasses and hat, I don’t think that it is any sort of mortal sin to temporarily move those sunglasses to the top of hat upon entering a building. This probably shouldn’t stay in place for a very long time, and certainly, if this formation is displayed after dark -in a bar, club, restaurant, etc- you are treading dangerous autobag territory.
I agree with creature, I wouldn’t dare wear my shades inside for fear of being cast as a douche. (DB1 was very harsh and inflexible on this matter as we all remember.) I am after all, neither blind, recovering from eye surgery nor a Rock Star.
Therefore, since I do wear ball caps and shades, I must place them somewhere while I go indoors.
I consider this a far more douchey offense.
I do however consider this a f@#kin’ outstanding practice, and encourage it wholeheartedly!.
Outstanding Oriental. The sunglasses back of head upside down in even worse like Guy Fieri wears them, fat douche
Bad storms in Mississippi but it didn’t stop the Dark Sock extended family from having some afternoon fun today http://www,
@Hermit, agreed, backwards sunglasses is trés lame. But what if I can’t find a topless Asian chick in my immediate vicinity, is it acceptable to rest my shades on a pantsless German fellow? Whom always seem to be around.
^ freaking commas always ruin the joke. Son.
Here is an excerpt from Skiing Magazine 2009 regarding a trend you might not see that much but similar to what you mention. This article pertains to the beanie, ski cap, touk?, etc but I’ve seen it manifested with a baseball cap too. Having spent several winters skiing in JH I can attest that this bag worthy. Read below then click on illustration.
“BRO -TILT n. First exposed in Skiing magazine’s September 2009 issue, this disturbing syndrome afflicts those donning both beanies and sunglasses. Upon doing so the wearer must decide whether to position the sunglass frame either behind their ears and underneath the beanie, or on the outside of their hat. When proceeding with latter option there is a tendency—nay, a blatant desire—by young male skiers to tilt the frames upward, at which point bam: you have “bro tilt.” Like damage inflicted to ski resorts by the western pine beetle, instances of this unfortunate trend appear to be confined to sun-soaked Rocky Mountain towns like Jackson Hole and Crested Butte. To be safe, report any sightings to us immediately.”
BROTILT illustration
While the whole ski bro-bra element is disturbing this is not, enjoy!!!
ski chicks
That didn’t work so try this
Of course there’s always this guy.
I wouldn’t worry about the sunglasses unless they were on the yarmulke.
Now THAT’S douche.
I bet she yodels a mean yogurt mallet.
And pronounces the word “sure” as “SHARRR!”, and the word “fresh” as “FRASHH”.
She laughs at the silly face he makes in their pictures, but it won;’t be funny in the engagement pic, the wedding album, the birth announcement, the Christmas Card, the baptisim photo or the family pic-
Yet, if she dumps him soon it will be funny on his mug shot