Monday, April 11, 2011

HCwDB of the Week: The Tardopoulous Brothers and Stephanie McGee

Another tough week to pick a winning (losing) couple. We had Sportsbaggery and Hipsterbaggery. An Afflicted Gnome and an Otterhead. A Happy Rocker and Toxic Groin Shave Reveal.

And, for the hott side of the boobie hottie suckle thigh, the Crazy Eyes craziness of The Carla Cousins.

But no cohabit more perfectly encapsulates mock worthy tardation and curvy bouncy suckle thigh than the Tardopoulous Brothers and local Ace Hardware Beauty Contest winner, Stephanie McGee.

Our last entrant before next week’s HCwDB of the Month, The Tardopoulous Brothers are a fine example of Wonder Twin cloning douchery replication technology in action.

Stephanie McGee has an annoying voice but her bouncy waist sways are hypnotic hipnotics.

Together, they make a fine entrant in the Monthly and a reason for our Crusade to continue, unabated.

And so we mock onward. And your early morning humble narrator shifts his groinal area to prevent sweat and chafing, and heads for the kitchen for a bowl of Pops.

# posted by douchebag1
7:10 am April, 11 Chris in 'Baghdad said...

That chick has hips like a telephone pole.

7:27 am April, 11 Wedgie said...

In ten years, she’ll weigh 250 lbs. Nice tiara, though.

7:27 am April, 11 El Bastardo Magnifico said...

Looking on this pic again I get the feeling the three principals here have all suffered a serious head injury in the recent past. Especially Samwise in the red hat. What else could possibly explain that expression?

7:52 am April, 11 Collaz B. Popped said...

Absolute downfall of western civilization – at its apex.

7:52 am April, 11 DarkSock said...

Dairy Shelves

8:03 am April, 11 To Mock a Killingbird said...

Good pick Deebsy 1. These two douches doubleteam it and manage to tarnish baseball better than Manny Ramirez and Barry Bonds combined. No small feat. And no small boobs either. I almost couldn’t see them on account of the camoflauge though.
Great news though, things are looking up. My beloved espresso machine is NOT broken. Turns out its pump just needed a little priming. I can totally relate. Double fuckin’ wink.

8:13 am April, 11 Cheats said...

Unglaublich! Sowas hatte ich absolut nicht gedacht 🙂

8:21 am April, 11 Mr. White said...

Is left douche giving her boobs the finger? That seems uncalled for.
To be fair, I may be wrong. Since DB1 commanded that I throw away my transitions lenses, all I can see are indistinct shapes and searing pain.

8:29 am April, 11 To Mock a Killingbird said...

@Mr.White, bright side though, at least you’re not a douchebag.
@Cheats, no, unfortunately its actually pretty believable. You should get out more. And bring lederhosen back while you’re at it. Das would be good.

9:37 am April, 11 Vin Douchal said...

She won that tiara for being voted “Most Likely To Titty Fuck On The First Date And All Subsequent Dates So It Appears”
Last night on Family Guy they made a reference to dressing guys like douchebags to meet chicks. Db1 should send them a bill for royalties and forward that to Mr White for pain and suffering damages

10:44 am April, 11 I R A Darth Aggie said...

Unhand that hott, you stereo tards! I need to inspect her undercarriage for damage you may have inflicted upon her!

11:39 am April, 11 memphis doucheworkers local 421 said...

Could you imagine if your son turned into a wigga? I can’t imagine a more terrifying and shameful scenario. I might not kill it, but I would disown it for sure.

12:06 pm April, 11 Wheezer said...

If she says, “My eyes are up here!” while standing in a forest, did she make a sound?

12:45 pm April, 11 Deloitte and Douche said...

Those eyes. Those vacant eyes.

1:13 pm April, 11 Blinded by the Shite said...

Together, they make a fine entrant in the Monthly and a reason for our Crusade to continue, unabated.
I disagree! Fap, fap, fap….

3:50 pm April, 11 DarkSock said...

Is it psychotic to spend thousands making your tits ridiculously can’t-miss huge, then draping them in camouflage?
I’ll answer my own question. Yes. Yes, it is.

4:43 pm April, 11 Mr. Biggs said...

Boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing

4:44 pm April, 11 Mr. Biggs said...

DarkSock – someone’s gotta feed the babies while the VC are out there …

8:58 pm April, 11 Mr. Biggs said...

Vin, I saw that Family Guy episode. Must be nice for DB1 to know he’s providing the creative genius for others to build thei empires on, while he sits at home scratching himself.
Seriously, DB1, did Seth McFarlane at least pay you a thank-you call?

9:09 pm April, 11 To Mock a Killingbird said...

@memphis 421, I might be at risk for giving birth to wigga son. I listen to a lot of gangsta rap and hip hop but that is where it ends. What if my musical tastes get passed on (my Dad listened to Herbie Hancock, and that’s where it all started I think.)? I’m just gonna make him watch “Vanilla Ice: Behind the Music” until he is scared wiggaless, its my hope, yo.

9:39 pm April, 11 Mr. Biggs said...

She has the psychotic gaze of a woman who thinks sex is a tango with Rainman and his baseball bat.

9:49 pm April, 11 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

Seven wiskey sours into the evening on a fine night in Duluth Minnesota. If I had a millon dolars I would transform Mrs. Scrotato Head into this fine, tight breasted young hottie. I imagine her vagina is as clean and shiny as her boobs. Maybe its not. But I like imagining that it is. She may not be very smart but she is all types of creamy smooth Baskin Robbins goodness. My penis approves. I need anothe drink.

10:10 pm April, 11 Finbar J. Geherty said...

Oh down yonder breasts I go, their ocular magnetism unchecked. Our eyes then meet and the story is told – You like? You want more? Follow my fingers. I am able to do so for brief periods, only to be inevitable drawn upwards again. And the cycle repeats.

10:46 pm April, 11 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

For whan that Aprill with his shoures soote the droghte of March hath perced to the roote, and bathed every veyne in swich licour of which vertu engendred is the flour, so doth Stephanie and her small fowles Tardopoulous maken melodye, ai yi yi, and eeek! in what array that they were inne, yonge Squiers and lustye bachelors and the Lustye Wif of Bathe, boold of her face, and fair, and reed of hewe and plumpe of tit.

7:03 am April, 12 memphis doucheworkers local 421 said...

@To Mock a Killingbird:

I listen to much of the same music you do. However, there is a big difference between enjoying and appreciating music produced by inner-city black people and pretending that you are something you’re not just so you can latch on to some of the superficial cultural capital of the group you are imitating without possessing any actual cultural and ancestral connections to that culture. The wigga does the latter, and that is complete douchery boiled down to its purest essence.

So, yes, if your son becomes a wigga, you still have to disown it

7:24 am April, 12 To Mock a Killingbird said...

^Word. 🙂

10:22 pm April, 12 Roulette Spielen said...

Herrlich, endlich habe ich das Problem ganz begriffen 😉

1:56 am April, 16 Strategien said...

Hat jemand eine Meinung wie stark das verallgemeinerbar ist?

5:42 am April, 16 Roulette Spielen said...

An sich eine super Story, ich bin mir nur unsicher, ob dies langfristig realistisch machbar bleibt.

8:05 am April, 16 Roulettespielen said...

Absolut Hammer Beitrag, das wollte ich selbst auch schon immer mal schreiben, wusste aber nicht wie ich das zu Papier bringen konnte 🙂 .

3:22 pm April, 19 webseite said...

Ich merke gerade in diesem Moment, dass ich diese Seite deutlich haufiger besuchen musste – da kommt man wirklich auf krasse Ideen

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