Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mister Tie Fighter

What’s the one way to get the hottest retro bombshell at the Kappa Kappa Woo sorority to pose for pic before the summer formal?

You guessed it.

Skinny Tie.

Okay, so maybe Mister Tie Fighter, aka Bantha Fodder, is only a stage-1, maybe a stage-2 hipsterpud.

But it’s early. And I gotta thing for Fawcett hair.

# posted by douchebag1
7:23 am April, 27 Deltus said...

I’m inclined to give this guy a notta. Lower lip fung and tie on the outside of vest notwithstanding, he shows no douchal signifiers, and seems genuinely pleased to have his arm around such a SMOKING hott, as he should be. Goinpeace, dude, and I hope you get to touch her pink parts.

7:27 am April, 27 MC 900 Foot Douchebag said...

Every religious asshole in the world should look at this photo, for it proves there is no God.

7:30 am April, 27 Nancy Dreuche said...

Agreed Deltus. If he just tucked the tie in the sweater vest I might even do him. And I usually prefer blondes. And statues. And finally a hott chick to represent this site appropriately.

7:37 am April, 27 Chris in 'Baghdad said...

Dayumm that girl has long legs. The Hipster ‘baglet knows that the shirt hanging out below the sweater vest pulls the chicks every time.

7:56 am April, 27 Nancy Dreuche said...

^Its true Chris, there’s nothing like an untucked shirt to fan the fires of my loin flames. I’m not a fan though when it obscures the outline of the peen.

8:03 am April, 27 Mr. White said...

Sorry, I’m going to have to go with bag on this one. Shave that crap off and put on your tie right, doofus. While you’re making those adjustments, I will be exploring Farrah’s powerful-yet-supple thighs.

8:10 am April, 27 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I can see her doing a Follies Bergere type Parissienne can-can on my face. He is a bag. If anyone wants to make/ruin your day, see Sir David Douchenborough’s hipster links about ‘fort building in the in between times” in the previous post.

8:12 am April, 27 Anonymous said...

I’m giving him a notta. He is rightfully pleased to be in the company of so smoking a hott. Plus, is that a wedding ring I spy or her left finger?

8:12 am April, 27 Southern Scrotic said...

Definitely a hott chick. What are you guys talking about?

8:21 am April, 27 Darksock said...

She’s crazy hot even though her chin is so pointy she rips her tee shirt as she slowly removes it.
Just gave myself wood. BRB…

8:33 am April, 27 Banana Hammock said...

That is one amazon Babe… Time to shake down them coconuts!

8:35 am April, 27 Banana Hammock said...

ohh yeah.. he is clearly a turd smuggler, but not an auto-douche. Maybe his sweet blond cousin will give him a handjob if he brings her a glass of the “purple punch”.

8:45 am April, 27 Mr. White said...

Her chin is so pointy that Reese Whitherspoon makes fun of her.

8:48 am April, 27 Bigphatnotadouche said...

I give the the dude a Notta. He is living the dream and had to change his underwear after the photo. The HOTT is one of finest in weeks. Farrah Woo Sorority Hott is destined for a poster on my wall.

8:51 am April, 27 Anon said...

notta hipster… notta bag… but one delightful hott

9:06 am April, 27 tall guy said...

She is a glorious mass of well placed atoms. The dude could scrape in for a notta, but history shows similarly clad types degenerate rapidly.

9:15 am April, 27 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

She looks like she should be turning letters while three semi-literate buffoons take turns spinning a giant wheel.

9:17 am April, 27 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

He has impeccable posture. Which usually means he’s painfully aware of his differently statured status.

9:20 am April, 27 Bag Margera said...

The only douchy thing is the chin-fung. His clothing signifies that he doesn’t dress-up very often, and is using his old catholic school outfit to get through his newlywed’s dinner party. If this is as douchey as he gets in life, he has unfortunately not surpassed me during college.

9:22 am April, 27 Tony Ventresca said...

She certainly appears to be wearing a wedding ring – and so does he. They look like they got married the first year out of high school. She will pull the plug on the marriage in a few years when she realizes she’s hott enough to pull doctors, financiers, and investment fund founders. Her choice will be simple: continue being married to a man destined to spend his life working at summer landscaping, or re-marry upmarket and spend the rest of her days lunching with her friends and shopping and living in the house which he’s landscaping.

10:04 am April, 27 Disc said...

I give this guy a nottadouche despite the facehair. He looks happy and isn’t making the stupid. The tie outside the slipover passes because you americans can’t dress and all that…

10:07 am April, 27 I R A Darth Aggie said...

If you’re gonna wear a tie around your neck, tuck your freakin’ shirt in!
Otherwise, get rid of the sweater vest, and place the tie around your head.
Get off my LAN, you damn kids.

10:09 am April, 27 Deltus said...

I’m upgrading (downgrading?) that notta to a notta with a stern warning that you’re under observation. The chin fung is not a good harbinger of behavior to come.

10:22 am April, 27 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

If these two are a couple, dork boy is waaaay out of his league. He can show this pic to the other loners at the bar where he’ll be spending his nights crying in his beer after she finds that investment banker and dumps his ass.

10:30 am April, 27 Fatness said...

Sadly, they are in a hotel room and the bed is unmade, implying all sorts of wrong. I may have to shoot myself.

11:07 am April, 27 Hermit said...

That Deborah Norville can sure pull some dorky- looking, nerdy, poorly dressed tail.

11:22 am April, 27 creature said...

if I were her hairstylist, I would tease her muff!

1:52 pm April, 27 Choad The Douche Sprocket said...

Her chin is so pointy Georges Seurat could use it as a paintbrush.

11:16 pm April, 27 Steve L. said...

hotel room photograph is STAGE THREE.
i felt like being vengeful today.
oh and Fawcett hair is cheesy but classy.

1:03 am April, 28 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

She is indeed HOTT.
He is indeed SILLY.
I deem him too harmless to be a douchebag, even a hipsterpudwank.
There’s nothing there a little finishing school can’t correct in one or two lessons.

4:55 am April, 28 doucheblaster said...

Notadouchepass! go in peace. Yea chin fung is a douche signifier. But thats all the douche i see from this bastard. His clothes must be overlooked. Guy isnt coordinated in douche fashion. Sure he appears to be trying to douche it up but if you were hanging out with a hot like that I bet you would too. His inability to cooridinate a douche wardrobe shows he is not a douche yet! Dude has early symptoms of the Grieco virus but he may have enough antibodies to fight it off! The main signifier of douche to me is attitude and the guy has none! Hes smiling and why wouldnt he be….The hot is really hottt!

7:55 am April, 28 DarkSock said...

It’s almost enough to make me start posting at….almost but not enough.

7:35 pm April, 28 douche ex machina said...

I love her, I can not think or look at anything else. . .

8:19 am April, 29 Pfft said...

Notta. Too happy just to be there, and yes, they may even be a couple. Not for long of course.

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