Monday, April 11, 2011

The Chippenbros Approve

Not only do the Chippenbros approve of The Tardopoulous Bros winning the HCwDB of the Week, they also approve of sentences that involve only one and two syllable words.

Barely Legal Kate doesn’t know it yet, but her ballet career was never really a viable career option.

# posted by douchebag1
9:48 am April, 11 Vin Douchal said...

Bro’s before Ho’s … especially when a circle jerk is scheduled for after work….
“You bring the lotion, Bro?”

9:54 am April, 11 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

Glad to see that full lobotomy worked out for bro on the right.

10:06 am April, 11 To Mock a Killingbird said...

Right stooge is a dancer? Women pay to see that caveman faced lug shake his moneymaker? Please tell me he’s like 4th string. A pinch dancer if you will.

10:35 am April, 11 tall guy said...

Whoa! It’s about time Gronk on right got a nomination for something!

10:47 am April, 11 I R A Darth Aggie said...

Gronk on the right may be hung like a wooly mammoth.
But probably more like that damn tree rat from Ice Age.

11:02 am April, 11 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Gronk says “Groooooooooo”, followed by “Grrrrrrrruuuuu”. Sweet Lyle Lovitt’s pock marks that guy is an ape.

11:24 am April, 11 Bigphatnotadouche said...

David Byrne finally tries to get back into show business by forming his own cover band Talking Douches and headlines at gay strip clubs.

11:41 am April, 11 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

The ushers at Horatio and Hector’s wedding escort another one of those pesky protesters out of the nuptials before she could say “I object!” to their holy union.

11:45 am April, 11 Vin Douchal said...

The Chippenbros work as doormen at Avon parties

12:32 pm April, 11 Wheezer said...

It’s Katie’s first Greek mixer, but as a sorority pledge, she committed a cardinal sin by not dressing quite right for the “stripper” exchange. She will be blackballed before the evening is over.
That’s OK, because Smegma Landmine Gru stalwarts Gene (L), the pledge class vice-president, and “Caveman” are still willing to date rape her.
Too much?

1:19 pm April, 11 DarkSock said...

Luckily there was enough umbilical cord left for each of the two possible fathers to make the traditional Homoslavian afterbirth neck tie.

1:19 pm April, 11 DarkSock said...

Too much?

1:57 pm April, 11 Rockabilly Johnny and the Electric Foreskin Benders said...

re: Barely Legal Kate
Enlarge the photo, she could be either sixteen or forty.
Enlarge the photo, the dude on the right could be either Downs Syndrome, or the a stillborn rhino calf.

1:59 pm April, 11 Wedgie said...

Barely Legal Kate is about to find out what an “airtight seal” is.

2:31 pm April, 11 Fatness said...

“Barely Legal” Kate is 30 if she’s a day. Lots of miles on that too; it shows in the eyes.

3:48 pm April, 11 DarkSock said...

Why is Jon Voight in drag? Is this some unauthorized remake of “Deliverance”?

8:16 pm April, 11 Guid is Good said...

That’s a bad case of douche thumb.

8:36 am April, 12 French word for shower said...

We frequently mock the ‘roided out, pumped-up gym monkeys here, but who would dress like a Chippendale dancer if they had absolutely NO muscle definition whatsoever? Slack-jaw farmer tan there looks like his arms would goosh in if you pushed on them.

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