Wednesday, May 25, 2011
April’s Fool: Ash Wednesday
Meet April’s Fool.
His name is Ash Wednesday, and he’s about to give April a Marlboro dot on her Fat Tuesday. Then it will be a Palm Sunday for him.
Good Ash; Bad Ash…She’s got the butt.
Yeah, that was an Army of Snarkness reference.
Bonus Round: Can you spot the Yule Log in this photograph?
Nice watch.
He’s HUGE in Japan… yet again so is Ash.
Lance Kirkmann: cigarette burn tattooist
I know this isn’t a Haiku post, but in my mind I’m on a role…
Soul Patch and tattoos
Over-sized watch, Mandanna
Recipe for Poo
…or roll….
As the cheap Christmas lights chafed his ancient penis, Cthulhu begins his rise from ancient slumber to the smell of axe, burning Marlboro tobacco and a silent queef.
The Yule log is firmly lodged in his colon. And?
I officially award this post as “Least Popular of 2011”.
Time to move on.
Damn you, Ash and April…
We all love Ash.
This chick is totally fwappable.