Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bag/Nottabag? Advanced Alliteration Edition

Is Dapper Dan a Dirty Douche, Diddling Debutante Debbie, or Decidedly Devoid of Douchery?

And what of Tanned Tony with Tiny Tina?

Voice your Votes Vociferously, Valued Verbal Vigilantes!

# posted by Bagnonymous
12:02 pm May, 28 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Dapper Dan Dongs Dolphins. Didjideroo’s, Divorcee’s, Donuts and Dave. Douche. Son.

12:03 pm May, 28 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Tanned Tony Touches Tots Testicles. Notaadouche. Child molester.

12:14 pm May, 28 tall guy said...

Tiny Tina & Tanned Tony are both far too vivid a shade of orange. Perhaps they’re borderline, but there’s a state of semi-‘Bagness to both of them that is inescapable. Snidely Whipdouche Dan & Dastardly Debs inhabit the notta zone. I might add that I’d totally nail Deb in a heartbeat, too. Which is probably how long it’d take me considering the absolute lack of female company I’ve experienced lately. Sorry, I’m oversharing…

12:18 pm May, 28 Medusa Oblongata said...

L-R: Pretentious Prick, Conceited Cunt, Misled Minor, Arrogant Asswipe.

12:34 pm May, 28 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

^Snidely Cockrash.

12:34 pm May, 28 creature said...

a touch to trendy to take seriously…tread on his taint with track shoes

12:34 pm May, 28 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Choadly Bowlerdick.

12:35 pm May, 28 creature said...

fucked up family foto

12:36 pm May, 28 creature said...

Rita’s a ribald red rough rider

12:37 pm May, 28 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

My name is Wiley Wanka. Anyone want to try my new Chocolate Starfish? It tastes fantasstic. Poopdeliyichous.

12:38 pm May, 28 creature said...

Dan digs dynamic donkey dong driven into his dumper

12:39 pm May, 28 creature said...

tanned tony tickles turgid tools with tongue

12:42 pm May, 28 idfma said...

Dapper Dan is definitely, a digusting douche, doing, dispicable deeds in Tanned Tony’s dunghole.

12:42 pm May, 28 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

This song has a lot of alliteration.

12:44 pm May, 28 creature said...

ribald red Rita rides rods recklessly

12:45 pm May, 28 idfma said...

Handlebar mustache must make TT most mirthful when Dan uses his mouth messily on his meat.

1:25 pm May, 28 memphis doucheworkers local 421 said...

I prefer Fop, but I’d still pappy Tiny Tina’s o’daniel.

mudhorn pegtorn, mother jugs and speed dealer.

1:35 pm May, 28 Jeet Kune Douche said...

Clearly both Dapper Dan and Tanned Tony like the color red, as evinced by their choice of females to lurk & stalk; perhaps I could give DD and TT all the orange and red they need, if they would simply find an empty spot in the parking lot and wait ’til I drop uponst themb a 40 gallon load of napalm……..

1:45 pm May, 28 Collaz B. Popped said...


2:38 pm May, 28 Hermit said...

I”d totally tongue tiny tina’s tingling teenage twat ’til tuesday.

3:04 pm May, 28 Stephanie said...

A lost steam punk and 3 other people that just seem lost.

4:40 pm May, 28 Vin Douchal said...

I’d delicately diddle Deb’s delectable door to her backside dungeon, dry, son

4:59 pm May, 28 Hermit said...

If it wasn’t so gay………
I’d dick Dapper Dan’s dirty, disgusting duodenum.

7:04 pm May, 28 army (ret) douche said...

wow why would anyone hire or want to be an albert fish impersonator/lookalike?

8:04 pm May, 28 Albert Fish said...

^Jebus army (ret) douche. I was one sick fucker. Don’t want to know how you know about my evil legend. Shivers.

11:17 pm May, 28 schlicht bindenburger said...

bag central now boarding for choadsville, have your tickets ready!

12:21 am May, 29 Guid is Good said...

Dapper Dan looks like he should be running Bagling Brothers Circus. If Tina Tina is legal she should be doing porn. It would be less degrading than hanging around with this lot.

11:58 pm May, 29 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

Definitely a bag.
Definitely .

7:05 pm May, 30 Mr. Biggs said...

Dapper dan does dirty draconian douche.

7:08 pm May, 30 Mr. Biggs said...

Dapper Dan is the reason I don’t go out. He’s the reason I say not just punk, but modern music itself, is dead. Dapper Dan is all that is plastic and douchey and infected and flushable about our world. I can smell it all the way here. And I have to listen to his bitchy girlfriend say how he’s really a nice guy, and I just have to get to know him better, why am I being such an a-hole… Till I have to slap her with a three foot dildo.

7:09 pm May, 30 Mr. Biggs said...

Dapper Dan is going for the Baron vo Goolio look.
Check. Mate.

5:52 am May, 31 Seth said...

I’m going Nottas on all four. First off, while Dapper Dan’s ‘Stache is a stage-1 ‘bag signifier, his absence pretentious facial expressions and willingness to carry the look all the way through to the end prove his commitment. Debutante Debbie clearly values a well-dressed Victorian man, so again I’m going notta. And how can you hate on Tiny Tina? For fuck’s sake, she’s not even looking at the right camera! With that smile, it’s like she’s suffered a closed head injury. And Tanned Tony? He’s just the genial buddy playing Wingman, escorting the girl with the lisp and the tendency to canter five degrees rightward so his amigo Dan can seal the deal. Truly, a Bodhisattva of the modern club scene.

While there are some critical signifiers, and yea though they walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Douche, it is clear that they fear no Weevil. I recommend five Bloody Marys in penance for their sins, followed by a “nottadouche” and a “goinpeace.”

4:02 am June, 3 plastic hipster said...

hats and moustachio’s move mesh-clad merissa, and maybe minor milli to mess with milk-silk with melon drink. Douche in red, notadouche in black.

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