Thursday, May 26, 2011
Caption This
“Tonya would be forever grateful to her cousins for the donations of their entire livers and kidneys. However, Vin and Joey were beginning to feel a little jaundiced about the whole affair.”
^Okay, Baghunters; I didn’t exactly set the bar too high. Bring it, guys…
Jane Goodall decided to branch out and begin studying the lifestyles of ornagutans.
Orangutans. Way to blow that one, poison snatch.
“No guys, they said bobbing for apples followed by crab boil!”
Nasa throws quite a party for the first Italian spacecraft to touch the Sun.
The Oompa Prompas haven’t done much since high school, have they?
Here are the lucky winners of the first ever, “People who will be killed for being douchebags,” contest.
Apparently the saying “Well, color me stupid…” wasn’t enough for these dopes.
With high unemployment and a dwindling job market, Smoky and Burnie are thrilled with their new found careers with the U.S. Military, testing napalm and second generation flame throwers.
If you paint yourself orange to add authenticity to your douchebag costume, does it make you a douchebag? I say yes. Autodouche. No exceptions.
Pic taken 1.7 seconds before Tonya slams their heads together Moe-style and takes their wallets.
This never-ending legacy of the war of Douche has created among many baghunters and their families deep feelings of mistrust of Aquanet and spray on tan for its lack of honesty in studying the effects of the rainbow herbicides, particularly Agent Orange.
It appears that scrotal swelling (aka testicular torsion) has occurred. The only certain cure is relief via Louisville Tardus to the skull…
“…and now we present to you the winner of tonight’s “Bobbing for Tater Tots” event…”
Kenny and Vin learned a hard lesson about pressing their eager faces against the microwave glass as the Hot Pockets cook.
The Pumpkin motorcycle helmets did have one drawback, however…
Billy and Todd struggled for a hour but managed to finally retrieve Mom’s wedding ring from the menstruating elephant’s birth canal.
Bibi introduces members at the 3rd annual meeting of “Lightning Survivors of Mississippi”
It took 5 hours and 436 carrots, but Billy and Todd took home the 2011 George State “Master Beta-Carotine” trophy for carrot consumption.
80,000 milligrams of beta-keratin a day, and Vin still needs glasses. Frickin’ bummer.
Denial keeps many sweet potato fries addicts from seeking the help they need.
Btw, NEITHER of these tools look like a guy named ,”Vin”. Fuckkers
There is no word that rhymes with these guys
Just as John Hancock was about to sign the document, he had a sudden lapse of deja vu, ripped the parchment to shreds and declared “fuck that, all men are NOT created equal”
Astronaut’s Jean and Claude were at first perturbed, then relieved, upon learning that NASA had aborted their mission to land the first humans on the Sun less than 1,000 miles from landing.
Still dizzy, and completely out of sorts, Melvin and Gilbert managed a brief smile after placing first and second in the World’s Longest Headstand competition.
Their sphincters sewn shut at birth, Barnabus and Thadeus were able to mask the stench of poo that oozed from their pores with their convenient battery powered Real Doll by Fabreze®.
The white LED light from the DC Sniper’s scope wandered about aimlessly above the room until it found purchase on the two yam-packed orbs that sat on the headless shoulders of the mannequins, instantly turning the room into Vegan feeding freenzy.
Orange People – a group of people we can all hate while still remaining PC.
Hey guys, orange you glad I didn’t say banana.
Nyuck, nyuck, snort, nyuck.
Tonya knows no one is going to mock her for being a ginger when she is next to these two schmucks.
The facial expression on your girl says that she has to poop. The specimins on her left and right would foretell that she has a rather gaping anus at present time.
Orange County’s Mother-Boy Festival was never the same after the cancellation of Arrested Development.
why orange? why not blue, red, purple, magenta, or even moev?
NBC: nail bitches, drink beers, and got to the club.
The CDC was alerted to a major outbreak of douchebageous orangitis jerzey.
Despite early expectations of a close match, in the event the Orange Chia Pet Growing Contest wasn’t even close.
Bugsy (l) and Quisp (r) are mildly surprised that a woman has come between them.
I’m guessing someone already pointed it out, but that’s the Jizz Singer on the left…
Closet Of Poo by acclimation?
Jizz Singer is already in. Damn, that was really fast!
marlon brando fell face first in a pumpkin patch…harold ramis was merely showered in his shit
It’s a little-known fact that Rita Hayworth got her red hair by consorting with oompa-loompas.
Holy fucking Mock will you take a look at The Jizz Singer yet again?
For my money,,,taking all of this into account, he’s way up on the scale. Had this pic come out a week ago – it would have easily contended with the US Synch Nod Team.
Jizz Wigger is more appropo.
Red is the new orange.
I wonder what his sheets look like. Maybe it’s varnish, so it flakes off instead of rubbing off.
^idfma,,,his sheets look like poo.
Especially his pillow…
Special Agent Tonya nabs bumbling kidnappers Vin & Joey moments after their encounter with the new orange dye-pack in the briefcase they obtained by arranging a drop inside their favorite hangout.
Oompa Loompa doopity doo, how many douchebags are standing next to you. I see one and the other makes two. You better run away before douchebaggery gets ahold of YOOOOUUUUUU!
The guy on the left, really looks like donkey douche !!