Monday, May 2, 2011
Ellen Tags the Kissyface
Okay, this site was never big on too much real world reality stuff, so lets get back to what we do best.
Appreciating Ellen mocking Ken’s Kissyface.
Yeah, it’s not superdouchey. But it’s a Monday. Gotta save the Vegas toxic stuff for the afternoon.
He’s a gaybag and her finger is for practice only……..SON
Ellen says: “Amazingly lifelike, isn’t it? Too bad about the kissy face – but you get what you pay for.”
Thanks DB1, I get plenty of the real world in the real world. Oh wait, I’m supposed to be a shut in, grandma’s basement, into neck beards etc, etc. So yeah, this guy only gets a pass if he is pinching off a yule log sized loaf. She’s like the pointing at my abs douche. Thanks blondie, without your astute punch face reveal I would have had no idea where to place my frying pan. (Don’t get any crazy ideas. I don’t cook with it. I just use it to play tennis.)
Evil Bert for HOH.
Ellen’s diddling finger is sore from over-use after watching that dreamboat Anderson Cooper all night long. Kisses make the pain go away. Now what to do about her equally sore luv nub?
Douche seemed pissed that the wax figure of Paris Hilton on the couch won’t acknowledge him. Shit, I have more color than her and I’m trapped in front of a computer or in my lab all day. Yeesh!
She’s so pale she make polar bear self-conscious.
She’s so pale she makes Baron Von Goolo look like Jimmy Walker. Dy-no-mite!
The douchery is pedantic, which makes these two that much more offensive. The least bleethy Ellen could have done is give us an upskirt moment.
@McCrudeshoes, are you going to tell her Anderson Cooper is gay or should I? If you do it I’m sure there’s “shoulder to cry-on poon” in it for you.
He snowballs. She flicks boogers. That is all
Another case of the sum being greater than the whole of its parts. Low on douche signifiers, but a raging douche aura places Ken as a solid stage-2 Grieco virus carrier. Ellen reminds me of my 8th grade history teacher. I’d like to roll my panzers across her Maginot line if you know what I mean. And if you do know what I mean please let me know because I sure as hell don’t.
@ Darksock
Until you post some tunes and outshred my guitar solos in Ass Pear LaPlante and Donkey Opus then you are relegated to rhythm guitar and cowbell.
Gotta earn it, son
Oh yeah, almost forgot. Evil Bert for HOH. C’mon, his sexy angrybrows alone put him above the competition. If only one of my many noms for HOH ever were to make it, I think this one would be the most important to me. To immortalize Evil Bert so I may go back and forever jill off to him (I’d block out Bin Laden of course. Not even I would venture into that weird three way territory) would make me the happiest huntress alive. Just sayin.’ For your considerin’. Much oblige….n’.
Young Ellen Barkin Bleeth sure can pull the young George Bush douche.
I think he’s asking about that finger, “Will you touch my butthole?”
Ken enjoys giving invisible BJ’s to invisible leprechauns. He’s not even in it for pot of gold, if you know what I mean.
Ellen believes she can shoot lightning from her fingers, and that she is immune to the toxins soaked into that jizz and feces stained chair. I’m not sure which is less likely.
“My Father Touched My Butthole”
Ellen needs to mock harder. or something.
“mocking harder” should preferably involve pointing at Kissyface with a gun, not her finger.