Friday, May 27, 2011
The Smirking Rooster
What do The Smirking Rooster and Scarlet O’Hair have in common, besides an affinity for Lady Clairol “Paint The Town Red #044”?
Why, they both love exotic pet birds of course!
She’d like a cockatiel, and he’d like a cockatoo.
Cock-a-doodle don’t.
Here we come to snuff the rooster.
His smirk is more ironic than a hipster ramping his single-gear bike over a line of vintage 70’s Evel Knievel lunch-boxes.
His smirk is more ironic than an Iron Maiden shirt worn to the Pavement Reunion Concert.
His smirk is more ironic than this Weezer album cover:

i’d cock her spaniel. and her little dog too.
His smirk is more ironic than a convention centre full of Jehovah’s talking about Jesus.
Cause they don’t believe in Jesus although…. aw. fuck it. Son.
His smirk is more ironic than when I complain that my neoghbour has been seen puking in his front yard too much lately.
His smirk is more ironic than Doucheable Helix complaining about too much pear and my late night rambles.
His smirk is more ironic than DB1 having to intervene with Dark Sock’s frolic last night.
His smirk is more ironic than most of us not noticing the loose labes on floral pear until we looked the fifth time.
Haiku was hilarious.
his smirk is more ironic than choosing 2 addictions to replace a single addiction.
what, too soon?
(good to see you didn’t parish in the smoldering flames of last night’s bonfire while your old dog sadly watched without so much as a whimper, cuz that is sure as hell what I was imagining : )
His smirk is more ironic than when you look up Ironic in the dictionary and it says: See ironic.
This is a tattooed, methed out skinny match made in heaven. I hope she likes anal because from the looks of things, he enjoys taking it in the old poop chute.
He looks like the Metaphysical Hooligan-lite.
The Transcendental Turdmunch ?
The Preternatural Peterpuffer ?
The Ethereal Enema ?
The Spectral Sphincter ?
The Discarnate Disaster ?
The Suprahuman Suckster ?
That’s all I’ve got. And by all I’ve got I mean that’s all the online thesaurus has. So sue me, Son.
Hand me an axe, and I’ll show you how to handle a rooster.
No, axe as in a cutting instrument, not a weapon of mass stench!
Aren’t they both douchebags? There is no hot here.
Mr. Reeve FTW.
I agree with Mandouchian Candidate @11:33a. I am being very formal about this.
Nancy Dreuche
His smirk is more ironic than Alanis Morissette singing about irony.
The chick who played Ginny Weasley grew up pretty fast.