Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Gabanna Boy Finds Boobs
Sort of like when 17th Century migrant farmers discovered aquaduct technology.
Sort of like when 17th Century migrant farmers discovered aquaduct technology.
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She is a rare flower indeed.
she looks afraid that that big stupid hat will fall and kill her. fag. On the other hand………boobies.
This picture smells like pot, incest, and cow manure. A first, I think.
Her face… that’s unfortunate…
Pretty good stuff from the neck down, with the exception of whatever rash that is on her arm. Probably an allergic reaction to his Axe Pasty Temptation body spray.
She looks like a bigger douche than him. I only find fault with his flat brimmed tilted hat.
She manages to turn the back arch into an awkward unsexy look. That takes talent!
This is formal wear in Beaumont, California
Oh crap, I missed his chin fung. Uh oh, that means my defenses are down. I am not going to the Douchebag Convention today for fear I might take one home with me.
@ Mandouchian Candidate:
That’s not a rash it is track marks.
Her daddy issue is unrequited love.
His daddy issue is that his dad was his mom’s first cousin.
I mean at least he can shave and take off his hat. Its pretty hard to take off a face though. I mean Baron Von Goolo probably knows how, but…
Can u say butterface?
.but but for her he would be something to scrape off your shoe.
“Yeah, ah’ll be yer practice pole…Sis…”
Her daddy issue is that he crushed her damn pack of Marlboro Reds when he laid on her.
@Choad, wait did this site change its name to ButterfacesWithShoescrapes without telling us? I feel so used.
When I gaze at her face, I understand now why Jeebus loves us,
Because He invented the grocery store paper bag.
An unfortunate face, but YOWZA!! BOOBIES!! And she has a tight little body. Perfect for exploring with my meat bat.
Wait a minute! She has a face?!
I must examine the picture for a little longer to verify your assertion
For anyone fascinated with the Whitey Bulger caper, UK online paper The Daily Mail has a phenomenal photo spread HERE
Better known as HERE
Quick throw her back into the abyss!!
Appalachian Skrag & Bag
Great link to Whitey, If you read further down in the article, you’ll notice on one of his dinner tabs had Grey Goose on it. Knuckles Nilan was & is still is a total A-Hole!!!!
looks like brittany murphy’s coke habit is back
and i’m pretty sure she’s clipping a turd
Bet the farm that’s his sister…at best his first cousin…what’s with her two kinds of hair?
@douche bagel 10:26a, too soon.
@douche bagel
I think you mean Zombie Brittany Murphy.
How about this one instead?
She’s so ugly, Ryan Dunn drove his Porsche into a tree just to get away from her.
@Mr. White 10:40a, its funny because its probably true.
She’s the one you fuck with the lights out and tell her she better not tell anybody before you donkey punch her and she likes it. You leave her a turd smeared 20 for cab fare.
Gwen Stefani had a boob job?
@Douchble Helix, you’re really going all out to reach zero credibility. Niiiice.
ND – What’s not to like?
Best rack in the trailer park.
@Douchble Helix, first off she has no school spirit. Second off she looks a little less than virtuous what with the halfsie shirt giving everyone and their sister/mother a look at her goods. The fact that she has to wear all that to get attention makes me think she hasn’t put any energy learning how to impress people with her booksmarts or cutting wit. Plus it looks like she may have questionable taste in companions as evidenced by the waste of space standing next to her.
I believe Douchble Helix is lobbying for her inclusion into the Hall Of Ho’s…so cut him a break. Dude can’t even afford an “a” in his first name.
She is rather fetching in a slatternly pour-vodka-on-your-junk-afterward way.
I knew we should have brought more matches with us for that trip we made south.
Sarah Jessica Parker’s trailer trash little sister. I think Matthew Broderick would have tapped that when he had the Biloxi Blues.
ND – That’s all true. But as I learned yesterday, “It’s all about the melons”. At least with this crowd. And this appropriately un-named vessel sho’ has ’em!
Kudos for references to Kelley’s qualifications! It’s like a story arc on a TV show. Actual continuity!
Another candidate for the Doggy-Style Hall of Shame. Woof.
So Gabanna Boy won first place at the “Bring Your Best Dressed Kraken” to the Tallahassee cotillion?
@Douchble Helix, yeah, this is the second episode of the season. Let’s hope it doesn’t get cancelled a la ISRGOWH.
Baby Feeding Guns Son
This is why room lights have an ‘off’ switch.
Her Tits are so big I made one-liner jokes about them 3 days ago
Is that a wedding ring on Elly Mae’s finger?
Douchble Helix stole my Ellie Mae one liner
…that Ellie sure looks like hell without makeup
Part 1: Let’s suppose Elly Mae here was wearing sunglasses. Or had a not-horrible face. She’d look pretty good, right?
Part 2: Sometimes I download the pic so I can zoom in on it.
Part 3: I just got this 25 inch Samsung HD monitor.
Part 4: Parts 2 & 3 disprove Part 1.
I can think of ways the implant money would have been better spent. But face transplant surgery is not yet considered an elective procedure.
her face is so ugly I went outside & smashed a yorki with a shovel…I’m gonna miss that dog!
Is she jerking off an invisible horse?
fuck oversized D&G logos. that is all i have to say.
@mr white
the only way ryan dunn’s death could have been more ironic is if he was wearing a pelle lindberg flyers throwback.
and zombie brittney murphy must be eating a ton of brains, her tits look fantastic, for a zombie, or zilf.
which is ironic also, because brittney murphy never showed much interest in brains and would have been able to afford better coke if she had had the tits.
Me, her and a stick of butter. It don’t get any better than that!
She just pulled on that string out of her butt,and just inflated herself.
The exception of whatever rash that is on her arm. Probably an allergic reaction to his Axe Pasty Temptation body spray.
Wow, your post makes mine look feblee. More power to you!