Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Ask DB1: Generation ‘Bag?
HCwDB Hall of Mock member Doc Bunsen Honeydouche has a query for the millennial set:
What will this generation be known as? My generation was Gen X. The next one was Gen Y (totally lame and unimaginative). Will this one be known as the Facebook Generation or the Douchebag Generation?
I was thinking more like “Generation Cocktockulus.” Think it’ll catch on?
Once, I screamed “You kids get off my lawn.” But it was at a bunch of billy goats. So it was justified.
Looking at the current generation, you have to wonder why we don’t invent some war or something to send most of these fucks to die in.
KUDOS to the blue boobies in the middle!
Generation GED. LOL.
The expression on big boobied brunette’s dad (in the gray shorts) pretty much says it all. Generation Flush !
Good question Doc. How about Generation XXX, as the goal seems to be to act as much like a douchebag pornstar as possible?
Or Generation Extra Y, as this generation seems share the deviant traits of those with an extra Y chromosome.
My personal favorite: D-Generation, as this generation defies the laws of natural selection and is an evolutionary step and half back.
Generation Unemployed / Unemployable
I once screamed, “Hey , You goats get off my lawn” but it was a bunch of neighborhood kids
Brazilipina hott looks like she put on the wrong pair of boobies this morning. For once, I agree with John Largeman. His look of disapproval says it all.
It’s been a rough day. I need to take a nice long nap on a pair of funbags.
Is that a tattoo of a tombstone in Russian-mobster-wannabe’s armpit?? I know the idiom is over over used, but seriously, WTF??
The belly tatts say “Honky Retard” and “Disaster.” Keepin it real, douchebags !
John Largeman is now beginning to rethink his choices in life, such as whether or not to wander around shirtless despite the heat, and the reasons for having ever befriended Chase and Cody.
More like Generation Overweight — put your shirt on grey shorts!
Generation Gutter
Generation Refuse (works with an ‘s’ or ‘z’ sound)
Generation Whatever
Generation Putz
Generation Roadkill
Generation E(ntitlement)
Generation Dullard
These guys should stick to their Brighton Beach баня.
They seem like they would be much more comfortable sweating with a bunch of naked Russkis
Douche on the left is basketball player Chris Anderson. And he is a giant bag at that.
Girls give me boners.
Gen EXcrement
But I do see right bikini hott looking at me approvingly.
Generation W’s ‘at? (Generation What’s that?)
They belong in an Art Deco cocktail cabinet.
Generation KY, seeing as these asswads probably go through a tub of it a week.
Is “The Generation That Will Put the Final Nails in America’s Coffin” too long to be catchy?
With what’s been going on lately, I like Generation Cunt.
Generation Flava
Generation Plug Pullers
Roger that @Boner. Thats the B-ball player Birdman or whatever they call him. Im pretty sure those are wings tattooed uder his arms.
Yes Carlos. Disapproval indeed
If Gen X started in 1966 and Boomers ended in 1964, then those born is 1965 like me are Gereration Chad, future ancestors of the Indigo children. Not to be mistaken for the Indigo Girls cause we don’t swing that way, baby.
Generation Bronze Bros’n’Ho-hos
I second the Generation Cunt with a nod also going to Generation eXcrement.
And is A&F the anti-Ed Hardy?,0,3357772.story
Bikini hott on the right can get off on my lawn any old time.
Bovine Grazers
@ Douchey Wallnuts, interesting theory you propose. I’ve often considered A&F second tier douche after Ed Hardy. While I applaud A&F’s strategy, I’m not so naive to believe it isn’t merely a strategy cloaked in douchery of the (almost) highest order – well, second tier, actually.
Generation WTF
@ Whezzer, as evidence of Gen. WTF I offer Closet of Poo inductee The Sterilizer.
Generation Google
Generation Garlic
That link is awesome. “You are too douchey to wear our douchewear.” There’s a kernel of truth there, though of course mocking the Shore cast is a marketing ploy in itself.
Generation Meaty Okra
Generation OMG!!!
I added Nevin Markwart to your list on last post. He was quite the pisssaa to watch.
Little Jenny on the bottom is positioned just about where she should be. Saggy ‘bag (AKA Carlos) agrees and wishes Brazilipine would get out of the way.
Generation Text
So vis a vis the A&F issue: Are we facing a philosophical quandary in that by calling attention to oneself by the stated position as anti-douche, is in fact making oneself a douche?
Generation On Dad’s/Mom’s Dime.
Generation Look At Me.
I also like Generation Unemployable.
Generation sext.
Generation Poo.
I don’t care what they call themselves, as long as they continue to do my bidding I’m good.
Hitler Youth
generation DOOOSHED, er, i mean DOOOMED! YOU CUNTS!
i find “generation SCUM” works well, especially when you yell out “SCUM” at the top of your lungs. it’s a simple and gratifyingly percussive word.
Generation Fucked. Cuz they are.
I do believe douchebag on the left is Chris “Birdman” Anthony of the Denver Nuggets.
Oh Stacy Lee, when are you going to hang out with some decent people……
Maybe they were just trying to “Douche it Forward.”
Generation Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. In part because they make me so tired, but also because they all need to be put to sleep.
Shoot, once I screamed at a bunch of goatses to get off my lawn, and all that was left was the young bags and hags in this photo, just kiddin’ around as usual.
Denver Nuggets Birdman,Tapout Skrape and UFC fighter Pat Barry
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