Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Brazilian Emo Hulk is In Our Soulz, Typin’ On Our Computer!!
No hot chick!! No regular issue douchebag!!
Just uberpoo.
The creepy wrongness of Brazilian Emo Hulk is too much to endure…
Stare at…
Consciousness slowly returning…
EDIT: As per Wolfram74‘s suggestion in the comments thread, Brazilian Emo Hulk takes his rightful place in our digital leper colony quarantine we call the Closet of Poo.
I made it to 2237 meatspins and began to feel gay.
I like the circa 1990 12″ CRT in the background. The radiation from that bad boy may explain a lot.
I didn’t realize your implants could get implants.
This weirdo has got a lot of trophies. Which one is for “Best Implants on a Dude”?
Its the upper most top trophy. Also, hi everybody! Thumbs up for your crazy American website! XOXO BEH
He looks like Barabara Walters fucked Lisa Edlestein while both were taking conflicting hormone perscriptions. Never mind if this atrocity gets chicks, does he even have a friend besides his imaginary workout buddy, Chu Chu Fraggle
Wedding ring?
nah. its just a convenient place to keep his cock ring.
gather your pitchforks and torches everybody it’s a good ol fashioned monster hunt! if it worked for frankenstien,the wolf man and dracula it can work for emo hulk
Ahh yes, only the ass of Karlie Montana can save us from EmoHulk.
Brazilian Emo Hulk is the GREATEST goddamn thing to ever appear on this site. Do you realize the cost and effort that is required to reach such a level of freakishness.
Goodbye Sober Day.

DarkSock took the red pill!
Neener, neener, weiner!!
hey, is it just me? or is douchie arnaz a bigger douche than anyone in any of these pics? idk, maybe it’s just me.
Mmmmmmmm, Persian Rug Pear!!!!!, Emo Hulk scares me
No words. If you take all the wrong characteristics of Justin Bieber, Ellen Barkin, RuPaul, and the Situation and put them in a Jizz Blender and than poured the contents onto the unfertilized egg of a Binobo Chimp, you would still have to probably drink and smoke into your third trimester even to have a chance at replicating BEH. Congratulations God. The Duckbilled Platypus wasn’t enough?
DB1, him cruel master, punishes, rewards, punish more… Wrong, master, baaaaaad, master
When he speaks his voice is so deep that whales in the distant Atlantic Ocean stuff porpoises in their ears and wish he would shut the f*ck up already about how he’s up to bench pressing eight bunches of bananas.
When did Peter Pan start taking steroids? I guess he’s outgrown his costumes. But if you want to see Peter Pan in his slimmer days, click here.
Actually, don’t click there. Because you can’t undo the damage caused by Peter Pan’s fashion pages. It will SEER horrific images into your retinas.
You’ve been warned. No go on and click it. You know you want to.
@Hurl Scheibe, thank you for the link. Now I don’t feel like such a freak. I enjoyed his “Everyday Casual Wear” shots the best. XOXO BEH
Damn YOU @Hurl Scheibe! Damn You a thousand damns!
.I clicked, I looked, I am scarred forever.
. If I were gay, which, according to my court-appointed psychiatrist, I am not, I think I’d prefer the bronzed implanted imperfections of Brazilian Emo Hulk to Mr. Pan’s Peter. But it’s a close call.
.What’s not a close call is that they would prefer each other’s company to that of Persian Pear Penelope…who is a porn star if I’m not mistaken.
@american bagger 1:17p, sorry I’m so late in responding, I was too busy busting a cashew to Hurl Scheibe’s Peter Pan piics. Anyway as for Douchie Arnaz, I’ve seen douchier on here. He barely makes a blip on the douchdar compared to some of these hosers.
I have spoken.
Brazilian Emo Hulk tech support is what you have to call after clicking on the Peter Pan link Hurl Scheibe put up. Holy shit, someone married that fairy?
Toss that freakshow into the Closet of Poo™ yesterday !
BTW, this steaming heap of poo is too lazy to even use steroids and workout. He’s a user of Synthol, which is a filler, in that the substance is responsible for the size. So where the usual steroid fuc-wit juices and does curls, this neander-fuc just injects the Synthol at the site he wants to enlarge. Which is why his deltoids (shoulders) are so small. He may have implants in his chest, but from the rest of him, he doesn’t appear to be a steroid user or a weight lifter. As a matter of fact you can see the injection site marks on his left bicep in the above photo, and in the other shot you can see his right bicep is fucced up. This sufferer of Bigorexia should be taken out back and shot…but not until sufficient mocking has taken place.
Michael Jackson may be dead, but his “Thriller” body double has been hitting the gym.
Pumpy would eat Brazilian Emo Hulk for breakfast. And then poo him right back at ya!
Literally shit brown with a tank top.
its manpussy!
Hurl Scheibe should be banned from this site. And DB1, too.
It’d figure if this guy had his own 4chan fan club that temporarily shuts down the site again.
But ya know what? You deserve it this time. Fuck you for making me look at this guy.
And that’s not a Persian rug, but a Tibetan tapestry of Vajrasttva, the bodhisatva whose mantra purifies us all. Representative of the tantra “A reflection of the Moon”…
All this is like a dream, a hallucination, an echo, a spectral town, a mirage, like a world of imaginary forms, an optical illusion…like the reflection of the moon on the water. It lacks of a whit of truth. Indeed, it is erroneous and false.
Emphasis on the deluding nature of apparent reality and its substantial emptiness is established not only by the hermeneutics of Tantric Buddhism, it is a hallmark of all forms of the religion. So thus is “Persian Rug Pear”, the consort of the Buddha Heruka, helping us all recognize the manifestations of luminous visions and divine images as the connatural radiance of our own intrinsic awareness.
And I’d totally thodrol her chakra.
I warned you guys.
BTW, did anyone check out the Little Lord Fauntleroy Page and the last pic of Peter Pan with flat tummy suckle Gothica? Bottom of the page.
@Hurl, oh I checked it out alright. Pretty sure your flat tummy suckle Gothica is a dude. But you know, whatevs right?
What the fucking fuck? Aftermarket wretch exhaust.
At first glance this female faced weirdo looks like a woman on steroids. Come to think of it on second and further glances this fuckup still looks like a woman on steroids.
Gothica is the meatspin “gal”. So?
This came to mind when I saw this thing:
To reverse one of my favourite Playboy cartoon’s lines, “They’re not pecs, they’re tits.”
(In the original, some bodybuilder hulk was having his chest fondled by a bimbo and he told her, “They’re not tits, they’re pecs.”)