Comment of the Week: Karen’s Mom
Karen’s Mom, the mother of pissed off hottie Karen from Jeffy Notabag Wins at the Game of Life, has a message for all the hatters who hang out around here:
You really are all a bunch of poor pathetic losers who the good one got away from, and your panties are still in a bunch! Get over yourself and your high *fake cough morals because you have none! If you did you wouldn’t even know of this site much less comment. There is a reason you all keep your names hidden! I’m guessing when people talk back to you your use to hearing some of the same language?! Gee I wonder why!? Grow a pair and never check this site again and maybe start earning some respect. Maybe!
Remember kids, even not checking this site again might not earn you no more respect, especially since the good one got away. Wait, I just triple negatived myself into inverted confusion.
karen’s mom is 33 yrs. & never got no good edumication
I would have to disagree hot Karen’s mom. I’m married to a hot wife and have to terrific children. A great paying job and I get tons of respect there. I’m here for the pictures and funny commentary. If anything you need to keep a closer eye on your OWN child and keep her off of these sites! Half naked pictures, professional or not, of your daughter online isn’t the right path either, unless she plans on stripping or doing porn. Cause really who’s ever been “found” courtesy of a website other than Youtube?
Thank the lord my sweet boy Plinky never embarrasses me with pictures of his bare ass for all the interwebs to see. I really wish you regs would stop picking on him though. He’s a sweet child with a sensitive nature. And yes its true my vajeen does hang down like wizard’s sleeve, but there is no need to harp on Plinky for my gaping vagina.
Yo! Karen’s Mom! How big are your cans?
Well the danger is,whenever you post photos of fill in the blank (Karen) online it’s going to be taken and stuck on porn websites,and who knows what,that’s the danger of the web when you post your images,and you’re making yourself open to attacks by people who don’t agree with your choices or lifestyle.And furthermore,Karen’s Mom, lack of understanding that just shows how stupid you are.
Like the combination of salt tenderized meat tongues, a clitoris the size of her head, and a collard green hiding vagina like Oprah, you Karen’s mom are a Cunt.
I really enjoy seeing these remarks …it reaffirms my decision to attend a state university for four years rather than impregnate my high school prom date and then speed-wed her during her first trimester because of her excellent catholic morals. thank you, hot Karen’s mom – you made my day.
oh, I also liked your daughter’s “tasteful, implied nude” photo where she simply covered her naughty-bits with her palms.
one more thing, I’m a “professional photographer” – got any more daughters that “professionally model?”
please contact me at
Karen’s mom has been found on video. Do not watch!!
Anal Fetishists
wonderdouche, you have “to” wonderful children? What are you doing to them, fer Chrissake? Stop it now!
Thank dog you took those pics down. They were an offense to the decency owing this young woman. It’s totally awesome, therefore, that you can still find her, balltastic ass-out nine ways to Sunday, on her modeling page:
Now, that’s tasteful! And by tasteful I mean I really want to taste it! Don’t tase me, mom!
@wonderdouche twin
We simply must NOT discourage Karen’s descent into stripping/porn if that is to be her path. What would amateur porn sites be without the Karens of the world? And of course, where would we get the future porno Karens of the world without the lackluster parenting of people like Karen’s Mom? I, for one, celebrate their dereliction in parental duty, for it provides me with ample fap material.
Oh I’m pretty easy to find if you wanna chat. But, ya know, y’all hotties don’t love me :'(. But here lemme make it easier: Ron at mrbiggs dot net.
Anyway, what’s she so pissed off about? We said she wasn’t dating a douche! What, she doesn’t like the copy function on the Internet? Bow many FB friends did she willigly share this with anyway?
Spoiler alert: I have a drug and/or alcohol problem, or I’m dead.
So your daughter wants to be masturbation material, but doesn’t like folks letting her know she’s masturbation material? I mean, that’s what those photos are for, right? Did I miss something? So as long as we don’t speak about masturbating to the ass pictures, we’re golden, right? Anyhow, while we’re on the subject, I find the artistic quality and production values of to be of a much higher caliber.
Did she imply that the Internet ought to subscribe to a common set of duty based ethics? I for one agree. I was looking for the site, but then found “two girls one cup” and now I can only commune with the void.
Maybe I’ll just accept a cyber-based malleable social contract and situationally adjust my ethos according to the current URL. Should I be mistaken, I will turn to the local commentariat for direction.
“Excuse me gentlemen, I am looking for the horse-peeing area. I just returned from the most delightful lemon party and I am exhausted.”
She had her snatch covered with a starfish, fer chrissakes. Now, I’m not one to lecture, but maybe in this instance you should look a little closer to home for the source of your problems. Which, I am sure, are many..
Crack Ho’s
OMFG ROFLMAO!!! Yo Yo Yo, Karen’s Mom! Guess what, babe – the good one that got away from me WASN’T YUO!!!! LOLZ!!!!
Keep hangin’ with choadscrotes, honey, and looking across the bar at me longingly, whilst I ignore you, unaware of your bleethy existence, with my arms around a brunette who is taller, much prettier, and smells a whole lot better than yuo!!!!
BTW, is the guy in the photo above playing “1 boob, 2 boob, red boob, new boob”? I used to love playing that game.
Oh, and one other thing. The good one didn’t get away, she’s buried in my basement and I’m making a dress out of her skin.
And I need some more material, too.
If she had called us “loosers” that would have made my week.
@El Bastardo Magnifico, re:fatchickswithhobos, do you think they need someone over there to answer people’s stupid questions?
the role of bcs is played by rev chad
Okay, who here claimed to have
…high *cough morals? I certainly didn’t
I’d pee in her butt.
hey, Karen’s Mom
My name is Brad Ellis, and I think this site is just about the most perfect thing, ever. The peals of laughter that occasionally grip me when I read these threads will most certainly extend my life, so I’m sorry to say the mocking will continue for a very long time.
Until you pry The Mock from my cold, dead cerebral cortex.
Long Time from now.
btw, my Upper Morals are high. My lower morals have a few cavities. I’m too highly evolved for canines.
Baby food, baby.
You know what they say about a man’s Mock….
*changes name to dark Mock*
I did bad things to Karen when she was little. I’m sorry. Really sorry.
You wippersnappers need to leave my little Karen alone. She couldn’t have been a more perfect and obedient grandchild when she was younger. Whenever I would ask her to “tug on the elephant’s trunk” she would. And with great gusto too I might add. Sometimes she even “talked to the elephant” and told it her secrets. Things like how she hated her mother and wanted to run away and join the circus. Well then, that became our new favorite game. Our at least a version of it. She was able to master “riding the baloney pony” using no hands after only a few sessions. She was a real natural if you know what I mean. I nearly lost my false teeth the one day when she spun around during her first bare-back attempt. That God for nitroglycerine! As she continued to grow up it became more difficult to convince her to play these silly games anymore so I introduced her to “Jesus juice”. Boy was that ever a good decision for me! The fun and games continued until I had to get that damn Hoverround that I’m stuck in now. Thtat nearly screwed the pooch. But hey, at least I can still take pictures of her, right?
Gee, Karen’s mum, I’ve never, ever considered myself really clever. My time in this world has been, and often still is, accurately described in that Chinese curse: ‘may you live in interesting times.’ (what I’m suggesting just in case you missed it is that in these words I am the ‘you’). You see It’s one thing to be a bit dim, and not necessarily a good thing, either, but to be a bit dim and also lack basic communication skills is a level of dimness I strenuously do my best to avoid. If you’re going to be a humourless bitch that’s your business, but don’t for one minute think that every tall, single, productive, hormonal dude with all his own teeth and a several lazy simoleans in the bank will give you a lascivious wink, a big smile, an enthusiastic “G’DAY, I’m not doing anything right now, how about I do you?”-sorta fing. Because I won’t.
Grammar, not lololololololssss, okay?
Good Lord, Karen’s mom STILL hasn’t told us if she’s hot or not. WTF is she waiting for? I have a camera…
Dear Karen’s Mom: You write like an irate fifteen year old whose best friend stole her date to the dance. I’m gonna do a little dissection of your senseless diatribe here, if you don’t mind. *sips coffee*
“You really are all a bunch of poor [ 2011 Federal poverty level guidelines for 2 people in the contiguous 48 states is $14,710.00. I’m above that, and I’m sure there’s at least one more of us who is as well. So you’re wrong there.] pathetic losers who the good one got away from [My ex-husband is still begging me to come back, despite the fact that I’ve remarried, so, I think you’re also wrong there, I’m more like the one who got away], and your panties are still in a bunch [I wear thongs. They never bunch.]! ”
“Get over yourself and your high *fake cough morals [you forgot the second asterix there, to add the extra sarcasm. I had to re-read your sentence because ‘high fake cough morals’ didn’t compute] because you have none! If you did you wouldn’t even know of this site much less comment [Lack of morals means we’d most likely be out raping, pillaging and tossing kittens in a wood chipper. Morals keep us from such things, which is why we’re on the internet again. So you’re also wrong there Ironically, this is humorous that we’re getting chastised for our lack of morals when it’s your daughter baring her ass and 90% of her tits on the internet].”
“There is a reason you all keep your names hidden!” [There are a few people on here who know my name. It starts with a Kate and you can get the rest at]
“I’m guessing when people talk back to you your use to hearing some of the same language?! Gee I wonder why [This is where I get confused. These sentences really make no sense at all. And before you call me dumb, I’ll point out that I’m Phi Theta Kappa. I’m sure you have no idea what that is, so here. I’m so smart and well-read, I cannot understand your drivel. The phrase you should have used is “you’re used to hearing”. But I still have no idea what that whole little bit there was supposed to mean]!?”
“Grow a pair and never check this site again and maybe start earning some respect. Maybe [I’m assuming ceasing to look at this site will earn us some respect? As you can see, we all respect each others’ dickishness very much in here. We need look no further. You know what is a great way to earn respect? Not spreading nude photos of yourself all over the internet. Respect begins at home, mama. You ought to teach your little zygote there a thing or three about self-respect. Jus’ sayin’]!
So, I think that’s all I have for now. Thanks for the laughs and the reminder of how not to do things once again. We trolls love rotten meat.
RE this photo: He just showed her the huge, greasy booger he pulled out of his nose.
Also, Karen’s mum, you probably taste like ashtray.
Without going back and reading the entire thread (way too much energy required for that) my recollection is that most of the initial comments were favorable to “Karen” with the majority of the screed being targeted at the current and past cum gunners. It was only after “Karen” got all bitchy and self conscious that we decided to turn our attention to her. Over the years there have been a number of douchebags and hotts who, when seeing their pics posted to HCwDB, took it in the spirit that it was meant and went along with the jokes. Again, not going to find those people, way too much effort involved. But those people have tended to garner our respect, or at the very least our good will.
Karen’s Mom, hopefully you’ve realized by now that we’re a pissy angry bunch, and when someone pokes us in our festering poop holes we tend to get riled up. Hopefully you’ve also realized that we’ve got incredibly short memories. Your daughter has what, blonde hair? Couldn’t honestly tell you she’s faded from memory that fast. If you’d just kept your cock gobbler occupied elsewhere we’d have long forgotten about your daughter, Model Mayhummer link or not. As it is we’re still going to forget about you and your offspring (never any real shot at the HoH or any Douchie awards anyhow) but you and she are going to remember all the horrible things we said about you for a long, long, time. And you’re both going to have to deal with the fallout of her career choices for the rest of your lives.
No respect for you; no respect for Karen. But you knew that long before her picture showed up here, didn’t you?
karen’s mom
As for the pic above, John largeman is not happy that his Senator Al Franken is poking boobies instead of shutting down Guantanimo and saving the polar bears. He is not happy one bit.
Fudge hammers.
Fudge Hammer is a good band name.
DarkSock did you write this?
Um…yeah, I went there, too. Was there a male family member that didn’t take a run at Karen?
I can’t speak for all the males, but I hit it once, too. And I had my way with my sister (Karen’s mom), too. It seems like she’s still kind of bitter about it, too. Damn, it was 15 years ago. Move on.
@El Bastardo Magnifico, I so wanted that website to be real.
@Douchie Arnaz
Come on, your correcting my use of “to” instead of “two” or even “2” but you’re thanking dog! Just sayin’.
I’m so here for the hot chicks! Girls like Karen make the world go round! The champagne rooms would be empty without them.
Karen’s mom (or the troll pretending to be her) is a COMPLETE LOSER! She says that we should never check this site again, yet she’s been here at least twice. She thinks she’s being all high and mighty by trying to shame us into never coming back here, but if her DAUGHTER had HIGH MORALS, SHE WOULDN’T HAVE POSED SEMI-NUDE TO BEGIN WITH!
If she comes back here and reads all these comments, she’ll probably get all uppity and mad, and call the cyber police. Hell, by the time she gets to the end of this comment, she’ll be so butthurt that she will kick her own cat and/or destroy some plates in the kitchen!
Hell hath no fury like a woman who gets PWNED.
FUCK YOU, bitch!
karen…. i gots one hundy fer ya if i can bumskank you in the ass! thanx and please in advance…….YOU CUNT!
the asshagglers, now thats a band!!!!
sometimes i get kinda busy and accidentally start earninng some respect. karen’s mom ought to get busy on the internet and start earning a degree, or a ged whichever comes firstt.
until you and your daughter stop living as skanks, not very bright skanks at that she ought to shut up and stop pretending her daughter is a model.
first clue; just because the photographers don’t pay you to pose doesn’t make them or you legit, you would earn some respect getting paid for what you do.
John Largeman looks over his shoulder to see if life is passing him buy, only to find life is on a different road altogether.
We may have to confirm this with the site historian, but Karen and Karen’s Mom is the first Mother/Daughter Cunt combination to appear here.
And for all of my fake morals, fake cough morals isn’t one of them.
All it takes is the right hobo, the right fat chick, and the right timing…
Geez. What crawled up her twat and died?
Oh right. Gallons of jism.
Deer Karen’s mom: first, you will blow me. But I don’t want you to go away mad. I just want you to go away.
I’d like to show Mrs. Karen’s Mom what Tina Marie does to my [P]en[i]s.
@wonderdouche twin: thanking dog [sic] isn’t a typo, that’s just the way I roll. That English degree had to be good for something, right? That, and Karen’s hot ass, would get me a photo shoot (of the ass).
Oh, and it’s “you’re” not your, in this case. Sorry, get used to it.
Karen you’re not that cool.
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I was the original Fudge Hammer when I played linebacker for the 49ers in the 1970’s. Don’t be cribbin’ my tag, loosers.
Karen’s mom – you and I are probably similar age (somewhere around 50) and I can tell you now, that if by some chance I found myself single and unattached I wouldn’t bone you for love or money or popsicle sticks. But I would bone your dopey bitch daughter because while she has never appeared “nude” she’s appeared nude enough for me to know she is hott. Since I am not single and unattached, I guess some douchenozzle will pick up on her idiocy and they will live happily in their time, this age of grand illusion. At least until the oxycontin wears off.
The “good one that got away” is 26 yrs old and here with me in gorgeous Cebu this week. Mrs. Karen is probably just a fat old harridan who was never lucky with men. And she seems to have the same brain power as her not-so-bright offspring. Avoiding the shallow end of the (gene) pool, like Mrs. Karen failed to do.
DB1, you just triple DDD’d yourself starin’ at her bra, er, er boobs, don’t go assumin’ it’s triple-neggin’.
Karen herself obviously grew a pair…of salines.
Shut up, your daughter is showing her ass for money.
DB1 – might I suggest you tag the above pic with the category “Largeman” – we’ll need to be able to sort those pics out at the end of the year for the first John Largeman Douchie, and clicking category tags would be sooo much easier.
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This is like the pot calling the kettle a whore. Or something. I don’t know what I’m saying. Karen’s Mom’s gibberish has me a little confused.
Also, what program are these people using to write their angry e-mails. Outlook, hotmail, etc. all have spell/grammar check. Hell, even the comment section at HCwDB has it. (For example, it flagged HCwDB as misspelled.
Damn, I just lost 18 respect points for this post. Sorry, Karen’s Mom!
I’d also pee in her butt….then spray her with salty fuccen, alcohol content 10% ropes.
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