Thursday, August 25, 2011



    “Ayeh em fine!!!!”

    “Amedicane vimen ist chatttt, no??”

    “Pleaze to tuch mine chezest chair?? Eeet is smmoth, don you chaagree??”

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    The Holy Breasteses of Avalon

    As the Oracle of Soapy Bathroom Imagination once foretold: Uponst discovery of the Holy Breasteses of Avalon, the Gnomish Asspuckers will gather. And must be fought off with a stone and a slashing of credit rating, or the storm clouds will gather stronger evermore.

    Heed the Oracle of Soapy Bathroom Imagination.

    For without such warnings, fantasies give way to realities of stupid chin fung and loud, garish techno.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    Ask DB1: Pumping Orange?

    Hey db1,

    I have a question regarding the performative leniency rule.

    I’ve noticed an influx of pumped up, greased up bodybuilders making their way onto the site.

    While indeed ‘roided and oranged out to the point of oblivion, do they not get leniency for what their “profession” demands? That is, sure they look like fools, but no more so than your average pro wrestler. All that orange, grease, make-up, and ridiculous clothing has got to be some part performance, right?

    So while the obvious doucheosity is strong in these guys (and girls), how come performative leniency doesn’t apply here?


    Douche of Arabia


    Excellent question, D of A. The Performative Leniency Rule, as it’s currently interpreted by the Ancient Mystics of Uttar Pradesh, relates to an element of theatricality understood in the construction of the douchal persona as it relates to character work and fictive settings.

    For example: Wrestling. The W.W.E. is scripted melodrama, albeit within culturally acceptable crypto-gay undertones. The W.W.E requires characters to perform as “douchebags,” so to call them douchebags is simply wrong. They are paid to perform as actors. While the damage they do via steroids, etc, is mockable, their actions as “douchebags” are not. It is performance.

    Similarly in music, the personas of stage performance often require elaborate and theatrical dress. Thus calling Keith Richards douchey for wearing crap in his hair, when it’s part of his mythos, is similarly misguided.

    Bodybuilding, lacking any coherent form of narrative, is about pure spectacle. The nature of douche culture, the spectacle of the cartoonish in the age of media overstimulation, thereby allows bodybuilding douchery to emerge as legitimate mock, even under the rubric of organized sport.

    And besides. They’re too orange/burnt umber not to laugh at.

    That being said, the Mark Mark lookin’ dude pictured here is a classic example that not all bodybuilders are douchey. In fact, I’d probably give him a nottadouche, and then be terrified to flirt with Stephanie lest he kick my ass when he got back from the bathroom.

    So all pumped up inflatathons are not autobag. So let it be written. So let it be done.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    Happy Mitch Is In Over His Head

    Happy Mitch did what he was told.

    He bought the most garish Ed Hardy crapfests he could find.

    He put ’em on.

    He grew out what facial fung he could (none).

    He tilted the Hardy Hat to a properly douchebaguous 30DHT.

    Now Happy Mitch finds himself dancing to Dangermouse with Quality Suckle Spank Pooch Amelia and the poor dude is lost.

    Sorry Happy Mitch. You seem like a nice guy. But Suckle Spank Pooch Amelia’s butt requires quality pooch suckle. And you have chosen the Hardy Path. So you are not worthy.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    Beachclowns Discover The Pear

    Next up: Beachclowns discover The Boobs.

    It’s like a Summer ‘Bagling How-To Guide that mediates between discovering puberty and buying stupid hats.

    Thankfully, they’ve pre-coded their backs with I.D. tattoos, so assimilation can proceed more effectively when Soylent Green production ramps up in the Fall.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    Mashmouth Hits on Margarita

    Say what you will about Mashmouth’s idiotic tatts, his stupid chin fung, and his zonked everything, but give him props for the Mondrian inspired neo-plasticism styled swimming trunks.

    Margarita has the sexy but far more common Tijuana Eye of Alcoholic Coitus. Still, I appreciate and salute it with my momentary attention and fleeting affectations. I mean affections. Nah, I mean affectations.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    Ask DB1: Spiked = Autobag?

    Dear DB1,

    The question has to be asked: Does a spiked do = autodouche?

    Spiky-haired Henry here may be a bit overzealous in his styling choices, or be overcompensating for being picked on (or more likely, ignored) during his formative years, but he neither acts nor sounds like a douchebag when you meet him.

    What say you DB!?

    Follically yours,
    Choad the Douche Sprocket


    Spiked douche hair = autobag status. No exceptions.

    So let it be written. So let it be done.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    Billy Von Buren Fist Pumps His Lack of Future

    Just think, by his mid 40s, that tatt of Italy will slowly morph into the shape of Weimar republic Germany, thereby justifying Alfred Wegener’s theories of tectonic shift.

    As well as The “Fegelein theories” currently taking place in Hitler’s bunker.

    Speaking of tectonic shift, Future SUV Driving Long Island Mom Sandra lets out a rebel yell. She wants more, more, more. BMWs.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    Fey Allan and Brenda Call for World Peace

    Little known trivia: “Pink Stars on a Speedo” was also the working title for the Plastic Ono Band.

    Okay okay, Brenda could stand to lose a few. But Zafig should not always be an automatic disqualification. And besides, it’s early. When it’s early, and the DB1 can’t find his socks, Brenda’ll do.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, August 22, 2011

    When Kelly and Ashley Hit the Weehawken Shore

    Gigglefests ensued when the Tommy Bros invited them to “totally party until the wee” at the Snappy Snack Shack Clambake ™.

    And another Camus novel was born.

    # posted by douchebag1
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