Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Heterosexual Bob Wears Mesh To the Pool
Between the mesh doily outerwear and the “F*** Me I’m Famous” hat, State School Kathie knows that she’s in the presence of greatness.
At least until Monday morning.
Because those flapjacks won’t flip themselves onto the Rutti Tutti Fresh and Frutty breakfast plate without able bodied assistance.
Still, the lack of garish tattoos on this couple is laudatory, but also startling and frightening.
What alternate universe time vortex did I pee into?
Flambé Me I’m Famous?
I don’t know what that monstorosity is we snared in the tuna ne,t but toss it back
She’s gots a tramp stamp. Bingoyahtzeebullseye! We have a winner!
Why you gotta hate on IHOP DB1? Their triple decker BLT is the bizness.
My hat is better, it says “Fuck me, I’m right here.”
Bob, gifted comedic genius that he is, is the first lunkhead ever to be photographed wearing some of his girlfriend’s clothes. lololol. Ok, kill me now.
i like the tiny ass a whole lot! the sack of shit covered peanuts…..nah so much!
They need to switch tops.
She is very attractive and very obviously into this bozo. This would totally demoralize me if I was into hot women. Phew. Dodged another bullet.
Mr. Scrotato, sometimes the simplest of ideas are the most visionary. Bravo, sir and a tip of the hat for such a fine visual!!
And BTW, Fritz the Night Owl’s daughter is smoking hot.
“Does this top make my ass look fat?”
You know that he has this playing on a continuous loops in his head, right?
Mesh top = autogay….or did I miss something over the past 50 years?
Plaid and mesh are a definite fashion don’t. But she is definitely a do. Damn, this really must be grinding some serious gears right now.
I swear thats’s Chass Boner best friend.
Look at the nipples and the neck. No hair.
It can’t be male!!! But female
Has anyone noticed how hot she is??? Holy shit, its like a morgue without the stiffs in here. So I guess its like an empty morgue in here. This one for the weekly or this place has gone completely mo.
This says it all about that photo:
Bob MacCracken finally proved the old theory that chainmail without sack-cloth is less itchy at the Glengarry Heterosexual Highland Games and Olde Time Faire
It’s true, ask Bon Scott:
Finger me I’m famous?
In a related story, the underwear bomber pled guilty today.
you can see John Largegamo’s daughter turned around in disgust in the background.
wearing a pretty sexy one piece I might add.
Fondle me I’m famous?
Flog me I’m famous?
Fumigate me I’m famous?
Fist me I’m famous!
Feltch me I’m famous?
Beautiful ass, indeed!!
Holy shit! A shout out to Fritz? What’s next? The Bob Braun show at noon? Or that clown?
Flippo The Clown. Had to look it up, dammit.
i have observed no proof that Bob is actually heterosexual.
“Buttfuck me, I’m famous!”
I also think mesh top=autogay.
“Chicks dig jerks.” – Bill Hicks
I’m imagining she’s wearing no top, and we’re looking at her tan lines.
I’m imagining he’s wearing a red top and underneath a bus. This game is fun!
I think this douche went to my high school. If memory serves he was voted “Most Likely To Suck His Own Dick”.
Ah knows dat bitch. She done sucked mah cock.
He looks uncomfortable in that pose,why is that?
She’s so over the top that SHE”s the porch beef, and he’s the elastic cotton mesh wrap on the pot roast.
State School Kathie gives you the zest you need to punch yourself in the face in the morning.
it’s kinda ironic that i’m saying this at 1:41 in the middle of the night though. maybe i’ll make up for it by punching myself in the face tomorrow morning.
This guy has to be Euro. No American would wear a fishnet shirt, no matter how douchey he is.