Reader Mail: The Tattoo=Autobag Conundrum
Douche Slapper writes in with another question of sleeve tatt as audodouchery:
Dear DB1,
I have been enjoying the mock for a long time (2008ish) and I have noticed that over time, multiple tattoos, or a sleeve in the parlance of our time, has begun to move into the realm of autodouche.
Is this true in all cases?
I ask only because I myself am very heavily tattoo, but I exhibit no other signs of doucheness.
I have been married, faithfully, for 5 years, have two boys, rarely if ever attend bars (for fear I will start punching random fruity drinks out of hands), and don’t pay attention to my hair style, tan line, etc. What are your thoughts, almighty DB1?
-Douche Slapper
The debate continues. However you do make a good point, D.S., as we now live in a world where those with many-tatts far outnumber those with the few, or the none. ‘Bag markers, as we’ve learned, are a cumulative effect. However, while sleeve tatts remain autobag in the visual realm, and we cannot exempt this, I will allow for other real-world factors, like not showing them in annoying ways to nearby cameras, to mitigate such rulings.
Tattoos are not auto-douche, IMHO. Douchebags who happen to be heavily-tattooed and are preening for the camera need to be douche-slapped.
Tattoos ARE auto-douche. You went too easy on him, DB1. Tattoos scream to others “Hey look at me!” Kinda like a peacock and his colorful feathers. Sorry, tatted-up baghunters, but you are self-hating scrotes who will be regretting your choices when the grandkids start clowning on you. Which will be soon.
Zombie Australopithecus Indian headdress pec flares FTW.
What the fuck is wrong with this guys gunt? He has it resting perfectly on her hip bone, which looks like a good spot to deposit a little manbatter.
Why do women die and constantly change their hair? For attention. Why do men act crazy, set things on fire and say stupid shit? For attention. People with a lot of tattoos want your attention. This is what their thought process is like “Waaaaaaa waaaa pay attention to me I’m different and I am using a crutch ( tattoos) to prove my point instead of getting your attention by being smart, witty or a productive member of society. I want the end result (the attention) but I’m going to get it by having someone else draw on me instead of putting any actual work into it. Waaaa!”
The chief in the headress looks an awful lot like that toy monkey with the red fez that bangs cymbals together.
@ Mandouchian Candidate My thoughts exactly! He looks like he has a full load in his intestine and that he’s about to drop a huge Stoolie Bomb in a poolside public restroom.
She’s cute but the fake hair extensions don’t hide her receding hair line and the resultant 5-head.
Gwen Stefani has really fallen on hard times having to make Vegas poolside appearances to mingle with Australopithecoids and Homo Bleethus.
Oh, and tatts = Auto. Sorry. Line of reasoning is like, “I have an fertilized embryo in my uterus but otherwise I am not pregnant.”
“I wear a diaper, wet myself, doo-doo myself and get changed thrice daily but I’m not really incontinent.”
“I wear a white hood and sheet over my entire body and burn crosses on the homes of minorities but exhibit no other signs of a Klansman.”
Nice “Wrath Of Khan” reference slipped in there.
I hate tats. They make me sick and neasous at the same time.
Most women don’t die and change there hair.
They make you Capo yet? Cunts.
If you get some tatts for personal reasons (to remember a dead loved one [animal or human]) and they actually mean something to you, then that’s OK. If Chief Laughingscrote here actually belongs to some tribe, then his semi-random collection with a possible Native American motif could be excusable. If he just walked in to the shop and said “That one’s cool. And so is that. Make this one my tramp stamp.” then he’s a complete fucktard that needs to be tied to an agave, have honey poured on him, and then some just needs to stir up the fire ants. Parading them around in the hopes of “gettin’ some ass” is auto-douchey but working outside in your own yard isn’t. It really depends on how you approach the situation. I have no tatts myself so I’m not so sure I’m the best to comment on it. Wait, when has that stopped me before…
^I corrected a spelling mistake with a spelling mistake. Ironic.
Remember: it is ok to get a tribal tat if you’re a member of the tribe. Otherwise: autodouche.
@Rev, when you dye your hair you’re actually killing it. So I stand by my original spelling.
@ Rev Chad
You asked , “Are you Neil Giraldo”
I am not
The very thought of playing and writing music for Pat Bentar disgusts me to no end. Chicks do not rock. She is a screaming/wailing no talent. As is the fat broad in Heart. Neil Giraldo is a great musician as the Honorable Kenny Loggins and Rick Derringer have used his talents but chicks DO NOT ROCK
Maybe , just maybe Liz Phair rocks. But mostly because I am madly in love with her.
No. Chicks are best at singing pretty songs. Like Sara Evans or the chubby hot chick in Lady Antebellum in Country Music. Pink in Top 40…
Or even the reigning queen of tough southern chicks, Shelby Lynne can get pretty when they doll her up in makeup, make her half naked and give her the budget of a Bridget Jones movie. She’s my fave
Chicks do not rock
<a href="”>Shelby Lynne
Liz Phair=Yummy.
@ anonymous
Hair is already dead so how to you kill it?
Aw fucck. I just noticed the nipple ring. Ewwwwwwwwwww.
@Wobbly Ollie, fine then, dying your hair is like beating a dead horse and then peeing on it to change its color.
@Vin, Him: I love country music. Me: Well then, this is a good time to tell you I’m a lesbian. Bye.
I wish I could unread most of this thread, but than again I wish these two could unlive most of their lives. What kind of colassal fucktard do you have to be to think that using grecian formula so soon after hernia surgery that close to a chlorine and hepatitis filled pool is a good idea. Speaking of hepatitis, she sure has that lived in look.
However, Jennifer Love Hewitt rocks the pink dress

“Chicks do not rock” could not be a truer statement, for the record. Unless she is Rob Halford.
Nicely played Vin.
@ Mandouchian Candidate, I beg to differ. Karen O. Peaches and the lead singer from Le Butcherettes rock pretty damn hard.
You misspelled Chinks.
BTW, I have been remiss in not thanking Fontana for the Hells Angels, founded there in 1948.
So you’ve got that going for you.
@ Wedgie
Yeah and we’ve got a BADASSED train yard here in Fontucky. You can get anything there. Drugs, electronics, blow jobs, hot cars, illegal aliens to do day projects, tamales, uppers, downers and if need be , you can hire a drifter to kill a disgraced family member
Joan Jett rocks…for the record
french maid bikini hott can come over & dust my johnson bar
generally tatts say ‘poor judgement’ to me
Sleeve tats alone are not auto-douch any more than wearing dark sunglasses are auto-douch.
*Tribal* tatts, as is wearing dark sunglasses indoors, are. It’s more a matter of “degree”.
If I killed all the disgraced Wedgie family members, I’d be mighty lonely. And bored.
Also, thanks for the J Love sneak peek. I have had wood for that girl since the 90’s, or whenever she became street legal. Fivehead and all.
She’s fuccen juicy.
J Love Spewnutt rocks my world. If I could replace my lifetime of memories with that clip, I’d — er, well there was a Raquel Welch moment worth hanging onto. And 10-30% of the girls in my high school. And Selma Hayek, Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johanson…
never mind
@ Anon- Nothing about the Yeah yeah yeah’s rock. That would be like you trying to convince me how good Nickleback is, or how nice a car a Kia is, or how delicious toast is.
That nipple piercing infection has spread to his abdomen.
Throwin’ it out for discussion: Did Wendy O. Williams rock or not?
People who slap drinks out of other people’s hands=meathead=autodouche.
@Mandouchian Candidate, How can you have a different opinion on something than me? It’s like you’re a different person with different likes and dislikes. And you should try a little jam on the toast, mmm mmm mmm delicious.
And for the record, Nickleback still Nickleback’s balls, and I still Jennifer Hate Hewitt.
Sleevetatts raise a rebuttable presumption of douche. The accused still has the opportunity to demonstrate, on an objective standard and based on a balance of probabilities, that he is a nottadouche.
It’s sec. 341 (a) c of the Douchebag Act (2004). Surprised you don’t know that
@ Doc
Re: Wendy O. Williams, punk rock, et al
Not my cup of tea. Yes, they played loud guitars and the kids had/have fun dancing around to it but is it serious, important rock music such as the seminal “Rubber Soul” by the Beatles that dragged the subject matter from holding hands and Yeah Yeah’s to real life matters?
Or how does it match up to the innovative works of Yes, Led Zep, Deep Purple, Sabbath, etc and later Metallica , STP or even Avenged Sevenfold in as far as different ways to bring the message? Does anyone in punk have the skill set of Spiknot’s Joey Jordison? Punk is simplistic dance music and attitude, but it’s not without it’s charm
There isn’t a single female on this list:
100 Greatest Metal Drummers .
Sorry , Doc, at the risk of being considered misogynist, chicks do not rock.
Rock is dead, anyway. Has been for years
Chew on this band:
^Rock is dead? Really Grandpa? Say it ain’t so. This new fangled music us youngins trip the light fantastic to is hogwash? Shake your cane while I get off of your lawn while youre at it.
@ Vin
I see where you’re coming from (punk is “not your cup of tea”) but I think even within the punk scene she was pretty innovative being the only female worth a shit to front such a band. I always have to ask, would The Plasmatics have been anything more than another band on the scene or did she make them that much better? Subjective question I know. To me, she brought the total package in every song and every time she was on stage. And it didn’t hurt that she loved animals more than people in my book.
I agree that most chicks CANNOT rock. Have always hated chick bands and always will. No misogyny there, just a matter of taste/what you like. Joan Jett came closest but she wussed out sometimes too. Not consistent enough. Now that Ginger Spice…
go away, for fux sake!
@creature, K. Bye.
Dead as fuck. Nothing new in ages. Maybe Foo Fighters they’re pretty good, but…. there hasn’t been an innovative idea in about two decades…. go to a club, see what they play. It ain’t rock, mate .
Enlighten me , anonononymous
W. O. W. rocked because she covered her tits in shaving cream & hid nips with electrical tape wearing snatch exposing plaid skirts while wailing out ‘Butcher Baby’
all this at the same time the likes of Donna Summer & Stevie Nicks were putting people to sleep!
W. O. W. was more than an act…a comitted cultural phenom! …not your cup o’ tea, maybe not…did it rock, yes indeed it did!
Isn’t outright intolerance for a simple superficial marking, in this case the tattoo, one of the same qualifiers for these same scrote waxers we mock? Let us not forget the wonderfully poetic responses some of these people write to DB1. They harp on our lack of body muscle, or hair highlights. Isn’t autodouching tattoos the same? If the poster isn’t lying, then he isn’t a douche by any other standards. I believe this deserves serious thought. But i do agree with DB1, so long as these tattoos aren’t tribal or displayed in a blatant “look at me” fashion, there is a gray area
@ Vin
Sorry but there’s just a bit more. The opening riff of that song rocked but then they waded off into what I like to call “The Wussie Meaningful Chick Lyrics Forest” before hitting that nice and heavy riff again. They’re a pretty good band but I hate when a band has something good and then they go off on a tangent and don’t keep working what they have going. Even though VERY simplistic, AC DC grab you by the balls from the opening and don’t let go until the end of the song. I’m not shitting on your selection at all, we just have different tastes and that’s OK.
Okay maybe Tal Wilkenfeld rocks …

Seen here with hippied-out Bill Clinton getting stoned back stage
Jennifer Love Hewitt as she looks now.
PS How do you actually get a photo to appear here in the comments?
>>Punk is simplistic dance music and attitude, but it’s not without it’s charm.
I think therein lies the charm, just the fact that IS simplistic dance music & attitude. It’s just too bad that the overly pedantic, usually straight-edge “punk rock saved my life, man, swear to gawd” crowd moved in on a genre that was essentially taking the piss out of the music industry and wasn’t ever intended to be taken so seriously.
The bigger the cushion the harder’s Jennifer Love Huge-Tits is pushin’… thanks @DoucheyWallnuts!
.And sleeve tatts, indeed all excessive tatts, are auto-douche.
.As indeed is all excessive male preening. End of debate.
.Zeus hath spoken
And here’s an counterpoint to the “girls can’t rock” argument.
a counterpoint^, obviously.
@DoucheyWallnuts 4:11pm. Ask Douchble Helix. K. Bye again.
Vin, while I might agree that when she was fat she couldn’t rock, Ms. Wilson was fuckin’ sexy and could sing like a motherfucker back in the day. That may not be rocking–I think I see what you’re saying, but they did some decent music. I would say there are many bands that don’t rock, but do some damn fine music.
As to whether tatts are auto or not, I was almost ready to rethink my position, but…
one thing my father taught me better than any other is to refrain from judgement unitl I know someone. His rationale was that, if you make assumptions about people before you know them, you are very likely to underestimate them, and put yourself at a disa.dvantage.
Therefore, I’m willing to consider, case by case, that someone with a tattoo may not be autodouche, but I haven’t met that motherfucker yet. Nor have I seen him here on HCwDB
Okay, Vin, leave the sound off, and look at her
The fat chick from Heart could not rock. But her sister could.
As could Kat The Great.
Sludge isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m partial to Kylesa’s Laura Pleasants. Although she’s always upstaged by the dual drummers, but hey.
Speaking of sludge, I had a hardon for Electric Wizard for a good month or two before I found out they weren’t an all-sausage outfit.
This video invalidates so many arguments, it’s not even funny. The argument against gay marriage, for one. Because I would marry this broad in a hot second. And Her drum throne would be my face. Double bass in spike heeled boots? Come to mama. I will make you squirt.
I still disagree with tattoos being autodouche. We have a saying, “Hang around the barbershop long enough, you’re gonna get a haircut.” It’s an occupational hazard for me. Like chefs are fat, like hairstylists have purple streaks, like dental assistants have lovely veneers. I’m not sure how having tattoos makes one an attention whore, as most people get theirs in hidden spots. I don’t see the point of trying to accent something already awesome (tits and ass and pussy) so I keep it on my arms and legs. And because I can on account of work. And because I don’t think me having tattoos on my arms tricks anyone into thinking I’m a badass. I’m still 5’4″ and 125lbs and have hair like Sidehow Bob. I’m more laughable than tough.
I don’t think bleached hair is autobleeth. I don’t think working out is autodouche, I think it’s the attitude that comes with these things, and the combination of such that makes the douche. I certainly don’t expect people to like my tattoos or think that it makes me a hot chick and that you must accept me and that everyone should have them. No, no, no and no. Feel free to tell me I look like a dope, because I know I do, and I’m okay with that. I think I looked like a bigger dope going around un-tattooed, but dressed like the aforementioned Wendy O. Williams in the dead of winter, half in the bag and hanging all over anyone who would look in my direction. It’s all about presentation.
I don’t care to win the argument or to change anyone’s mind, I’m rather glad everyone doesn’t like it. I like to tell this story about tattooing, though, because it warms the cockles of my coal-black heart: An old man came into the shop once. He was 72 and had taken a taxi from the old folks’ home. He asked for a cross on his arm. It was his first tattoo, and I asked him, why this and why now? He sighed and said, in the kind of grandfatherly voice you hear on TV, “I’m an old man, and I’m gonna die soon. I just want the Lord to know whose side I’m on when I do.” Fuccen high five, man.
^And I’d pay good cash money to watch you make her, Red.
I’m taking it personal,there are chicks who rock,and there’s chicks who plays drums that rock too. How could you paint it with one broad brush. Let me name just one-Mo Tucker from the Velvet Underground. Then there’s other girl bands that never got enough airplay so you might not know about them…like The Pandoras,The Brood,Girl Trouble. There’s a girl drummer in the Honeycombs,and a girl drummer in The Bangles, and many others. You’re just wrong. I feel sorry for people who don’t know enough about music. There’s also a girl drummer for Cee-Lo Green,and she’s pretty amazing.
Cindy Blackman drums for Lenny Kravitz,is also great.
Thank you, Medusa, for saving my lazy ass from having to craft a thoughtful rebuttal.
Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
Tattoos don’t make douches; douches make douches.
Y’all step away from the TeaPublican Rationlizer blanket stereotype shotgun module and resume thinking.
And I really DID pee in a horse. Slow-like….awww yeahhh bay-beh…
Tatts are autodouche because the owner wants someone to look at his/her tatts. SO simple.
Big Chief Moob tatts are bad enough that the Sioux Nation should sue for copyright infringement.
Blondie here has such a high, receded hairline, she must
a) have a hormone disturbance
b) have an obsession with the tweezers
c) have had a Brazilian wax that got the wrong end.
Whoop, the problem with life (maybe it’s just mine) is nothing is simple. Nothing.
I can see both sides of this one. Medusa, I have enough anecdotal evidence that it seems statistical, and points to tattoo = auto.
On the other hand, tattoos often have some meaning for the people who get them, as someone above pointed out. A loved one (who probably leaves you with nothing but a tattoo of her name on your ass), an experience that left something indelible inside, and they chose an indelible symbol of it on their skin. Many times the mean you’ve been to federal ‘pound you in the ass’ prison.
Whatever it is, if the tattoo is there because it has some immutable meaning to the person who has it, I would say notta.
On the other hand, ‘immutable meaning’ doesn’t include letters in a language you don’t speak–no exceptions. There are many other examples but…
I’m headed to McDonalds to get me a McRib.
Sock speaks of the “TeaPublican Rationlizer blanket stereotype shotgun module” without apparent awareness of the self-referential irony, so I’ll make it explicit — when you accuse others of stereotyping by employing one yourself, you rather undercut your argument. I realize the lefties on this board don’t go in much for actual political thought (or at least the written expression thereof), preferring the quipsmanship that passes for it nowadays, but one could at least make an effort to avoid displaying the very characteristic one is attempting to attack.
Meanwhile back at the subject, I agree completely with the “Sleevetatts create a rebuttable presumption of douche” post. You put that much ink on you, you’d better have other redeeming qualities, because you are on the fast train to Douche Town. Being willing to have someone jam an inked needle in your skin in order to make you look different and “special” exemplifies, and indeed is one of the extremes of, the preening that is the core of what ‘baggery is all about.
And bless Vin Douchal for the Tal Wilkenfeld post. Considering that my annual watching-music-related-television-time can be measured in single digits of hours, it’s remarkable that I actually happen to have caught that Jeff Beck gig on Palladia (I believe), and thought Wilkenfeld was spectacular. But I didn’t catch her name. So thanks for that — great to see it again.
Some chicks certainly rock and they have been named above – – however, when Madonna starts preening onstage with a Les Paul, I want to vomit. Some women will get attention and success just for having vaginas and instruments,,,,always has been that way.
Tatts are not autodouche,,,,the douche attitude makes the douche, like Dark Sock mentioned.
The G – Clef at the top of my spine means alot to me, looks great, but nobody really sees it.
I have the following tattooed on me: A ravioli in the shape of a skull with two crossed penne noodles under it (Got that one in Italy). A mock of the “13” tattoos every idiot gets: mine is a butter knife next to a half sandwich with two bites missing. A Tom Of Finland drawing–I can’t find the one it came from online, but this is the kind of stuff he does, if you’re not familiar. And my latest, a chimp wearing a fez and a suit jacket, riding a tricycle. Just to name a few. My tattoos say: I am a huge fucking dorkwad and I’m pretty okay with that.
I think it’s more the intent. And I think we can all agree, tribals on white guys = autodouche.
My gun dealer has no tattoos and thinks Mr. B. and I are a hoot. He always says, “If I were to get a tattoo, I’d get a monkey on my back, time on my side, something on the tip of my tongue, a banjo on my knee, and my wife on my ass.” HAAAAR!!!!
Having heard that, I decided I want a wee banjo tattoo on my knee. I’m not from Alabama, but it’s still pretty funny.
I like The Turtles.
She’s gotta five-head and boob spread. The plastic surgerized nose can’t take much more of the glasses…
@ Medusa
Could you provide a visual map of said tattoos? I’m sure we’d all be interested. For science’s sake and shit…
Chicks do not rock
Country music sucks
@ Dr. BHD–again, I keep it to my arms and legs, I have nothing on the torso. Although the leather daddy (I named him ‘Cliff’) is up at the top of my thigh. The rest of them are on my scaly chicken caves.
Okay Vin,how about The Detroit Cobras? Those chicks in that band RAWK. What do you know anyways?
to find two girls that rock, look no further than Nashville Pussy (guitarist) and The Walls of Jericho (vocalist)
Since I sent the letter in, i’d like to clear up my tattoos. For the record i have absolutely NO TRIBALS. My left arm is a collection of tattoos in memory if my younger brother, a US Marine KIA in Iraq a few years ago. My other arm is a collection about my family (my sisters, my 2 little boys, my brother). Nothing on my body is “flash art”, all of it was drawn by me or by some one else with much better skills, but using my direction. Reading the comments, i do find that the whole “don’t judge a book…” attitude (minus tribals) seems to be the most enlightened attitude
Teddy Roosevelt had tattoos. Good enough for me.