Monday, November 21, 2011

Headwound Harry

Giant mandanas.

Still out there.

Still scrotey.

Still bothering hot chicks who think it’s sexy to chomp Tootsie Roll pops.

Mmmm.. Brunette Carolina… how your bony suckle shoulders invert gremlin harmonics.

In a related story, “Invert Gremlin Harmonics” will be the name of my future synth indie techno band, that will only play gigs in Echo Park, and never advertise.

# posted by douchebag1
10:15 am November, 21 LOVE MACHINE said...

mandanas = BALD

10:17 am November, 21 LOVE MACHINE said...

mandanas = BALDNESS

10:47 am November, 21 tall guy said...

Look, I’ll put this out there to my fellow ‘Bagsters: my research for 2011 Douchiest Hand Gesture has already unearthed a veritable plethora of hand gesture images. And I’ve not come even close to investigating the entire 12 month’s worth. Do you, fellow ‘Bagsters (and of course the word is used in its proper unisex way) recall any especially repellent specimens of gesture wielding toxicity that you’d like to direct tall guy to? C’mon! Help a brother out!

10:56 am November, 21 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I better start my write-up for Eurobag. First I’m gonna get drunk for five days and deep-fry a frozen turkey stoned like the asshole above.
Sweet Giblets

11:03 am November, 21 tall guy said...

Thanks Et Tu, I had Scrappy already but sheesh, Slumdoghundredaire lowers the bar considerably.

11:06 am November, 21 tall guy said...

Make it really long winded, Kroeger. Dreuche gets off on your work.

11:08 am November, 21 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

Can you believe it? A white mandana after labor day? Truly

11:13 am November, 21 Vin Douchal said...

I can honestly admit I’d like Headwound Harry nip off a chunk of ballsack with his zipper. Especially if one of his bra’s can upload a video of it happening to Youtube

11:25 am November, 21 Nancy Dreuche said...

Correction tall guy, I get off on slamming RevChads “work”. Big difference.

11:32 am November, 21 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Can someone else confirm that the Techno Viking thread went off the rails? I can’t see that last 20 or so posts ’cause the shit is all jumbled. At least on my 286 10 MhZ PC.

11:34 am November, 21 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

@ Nancy
Check the Friday Thoughts and Links thread. Did I capture the dynamic between you and Rev Chad correctly? If not, I’m willing to try again.

11:40 am November, 21 Capt. James T. Douche said...

The dark haired Bleeth looks like she is about to execute a Roman shower on this fool!

11:48 am November, 21 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

Skinny chick is just visiting Jerz. She’s originally from the Island of Dr. Moreau, and her mother was an Emu.

11:52 am November, 21 Choad The Douche Sprocket said...

I thought Invert Gremlin Harmonics was a Sliverlake coffee shop frequented DB1 and his possee.
.On second thought…maybe the name of the store I’m thinking of is Invert Gremlin Colonics…
…where the boss goes to get his bowels cleansed by gentle Gremlins.

11:54 am November, 21 Tokyo Sexwale said...

A wise man once told me: Underage poon will lead to small room with with dude called Ripsnort.

11:57 am November, 21 Wedgie said...

Dear Numbnuts:
Uncover your melon, and cover your chest.
The Rest of Humanity

11:59 am November, 21 Wedgie said...

PS: Ashton Kutcher is looking like the early favorite in the “Could Be A Lesbian In Drag” category.

12:36 pm November, 21 Nancy Dreuche said...

@Doc B, great. Now we have a dynamic. Anyway, your sing trio sums it up nicely. But you can keep trying to define our relationship if you want. You know, if you get off on that type of thing.

1:48 pm November, 21 tall guy said...

Dreuche, hook, line & sinker!

2:30 pm November, 21 Nancy Dreuche said...

@tall guy, in my face. You got me good. Didn’t see it coming. Wink.

5:23 pm November, 21 Nostradouchus said...

mandana AND chest shave reveal = please look at anything other than the fact that I am balding

6:06 pm November, 21 tall guy said...

Dreuche! You’re so competitive. Cheers to you and to all women who have saddled-up next to powerful men just so you can stand in our way. Remember, although you can stand in our way you will never keep us down.

7:09 pm November, 21 Nancy Dreuche said...

@tall guy, Tis true, I have a serious competitive streak, comes with being an alpha. And not the Zyzz type of alpha, the real kind. But Im never trying to keep anybody down (I’m not The Man, sheesh), but only to make things more interesting. Competition is healthy. Without it we remain stagnant and complacent. And that my height enhanced friend is a horrible place to live.

9:54 pm November, 21 Stephanie said...

He’s doing his math,because he flunked out of school.

2:20 am November, 22 CB Popped said...

Brunettes – with any kind of lollipops – are a great thing.

3:18 am November, 22 tall guy said...

Okay, N. Dreuche. In a totally unrelated topic. I’m currently watching TV (It’s Tuesday night 10:31pm) while waiting for rock cakes (cookies) I’m baking. This show on now is from the US and features debt collectors/repo dudes doing their job and getting enormous grief for it. Bloody hell! A midget just took down a very large dude by ramming his own head into the large dude’s stomach. Funny!

11:36 pm November, 22 douchemasterflash said...

One time at band camp, a stripper sat on a tootsie pop that I held in between my teeth….so they’re not all that bad.

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